Doctors Without Borders Help Countries in Crisis 人道救援 —— 無國界醫

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2016/08/02 第259期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Doctors Without Borders Help Countries in Crisis   人道救援 —— 無國界醫生

  When there is a war, doctors and nurses are needed to help the wounded. When disease breaks out in a poor country, medical workers are needed to give aid to the sick. In addition, natural disasters, such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis, can be big problems for healthcare services, even in rich countries. However, there never seems to be enough local medical staff to provide help. This is why an organization called Doctors Without Borders was created.
  Doctors Without Borders was started by a few doctors and journalists in France back in 1971. They were shocked by how many difficulties people had in many developing countries. The organization believed that everyone should be able to receive proper medical care no matter where they were from. Now it has 30,000 volunteers who work in 60 countries. These include all types of medical professionals, engineers, and administration staff. In addition to health care, first aid training is also provided to local citizens.


  無國界醫生是由法國的一些醫生和新聞工作者於 1971 年所創辦的。他們對許多開發中國家的人民所遇到的困境感到震驚。該組織認為每個人都該受到適當的醫療照護,不論他們來自何處。該組織現在有三萬名志工在六十個國家工作。這些人包含了各種醫療專業人士、工程師及行政人員。除了醫療照護之外,也會提供當地居民急救訓練。

  1. crisis n. 危機
    The president gathered a group of experts to find a solution to the crisis.
  2. wounded a. 受傷的(尤指受武器所傷)
    the wounded n. 傷患(集合名詞,不可數)
    All the wounded were sent to the hospital.
  3. break out  (戰爭、災難、疾病等)爆發
    It has been many years since SARS broke out.
    自 SARS 爆發以來已經過了很多年。
  4. medical a. 醫療的;醫學的
    The injured man needs medical care right away.
  5. aid n. 援助,幫助
    come to sb's aid  幫助某人
    No one came to my aid when my car broke down.
  6. staff n. 職員,員工(集合名詞)
    Most of the park's staff members are men.
  7. proper a. 適當的;正確的
    This is not the proper time to tell George the bad news.
  8. no matter + 疑問詞  不論/不管……
    No matter how hard life gets, John never gives up hope.
  1. border n. 國界;邊境地區
  2. drought n. 旱災,乾旱
  3. tsunami n. 海嘯
  4. journalist n. 新聞工作者;新聞記者
  5. professional n. 專業人士
  6. engineer n. 工程師;技師
  7. administration n. 行政,管理

本文 "However, there never seems to be enough local medical staff to provide help." 中的 seem 為連綴動詞,表『好像/似乎』,故 seems to V 表『好像/似乎……』,也可以 It seems (that)... 來表示。例:

Jack always seems to know what I'm thinking.

It seems that few people buy CDs these days.
(這個時代似乎很少人買 CD 了。)

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