The Great Human Race 原始人大挑戰

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2016/08/02 第274期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Great Human Race 原始人大挑戰
by Ivy Liu

Relive prehistoric history with survival experts Bill Schindler and Cat Bigney.

  Before modern humans came to dominate the planet, our ancestors, bonobos, and chimpanzees all had one common ancestor millions of years ago: the Hominini. However, due to evolutionary changes, the genus Homo diverged from the genus Pan six million years ago. This is no surprise since the DNA of humans and chimpanzees is 98.6% the same. Later species of Homo became the first to venture out of Africa, the cradle of humanity, and spread all across Asia and Europe between one and two million years ago.
  Humans can be found in nearly every region of the planet, and they have lived in some of the most difficult terrain for thousands of years. Humans have survived through extreme weather, natural disasters, and even ice ages. During the Stone Age, our ancestors discovered fire and forged paths around the world using only limited ways of surviving for 3.4 million years. However, a new show by National Geographic Channel (NGC) dares to pose the question: could we do it again?
  In the latest survival show The Great Human Race, we trace archaeologist Bil lSchindler and primitive survival instructor Cat Bigney in an attempt to follow in our ancestors' footsteps in their migration across the globe. In the first episode of the series, they begin the journey from the savannas of east Africa by imitating Homo habilis. This is possibly the earliest species that learned to use stone tools but had not discovered fire yet. Each episode focuses on different times and places of our evolutionary past. Catch Bill and Cat using their survival abilities to experience firsthand how our ancestors lived throughout history, from crossing the Bering Land Bridge to living as hunters in Siberia, on NGC.

  1. relive vt. 重溫,再體驗
    Ali and Lily are reliving the moment when they just got married.
  2. dominate vt. 主宰,支配,統治
    Some people hate commercialism because it dominates modern culture.
    *commercialism n. 商業主義
  3. ancestor n. 祖先
    衍: offspring n. 後代,子孫(單複數同形)
    = descendant n.
    Greg's ancestors came from Germany.
    For the well-being of our offspring, we have to protect our environment.
  4. diverge vi. 分歧;偏離;離題
    衍: diverge from...  和……分歧/相異
    Amy's ideas have diverged from her parents' since she moved to the big city.
  5. venture vi. 冒險(去某地或做某事)
    Don't venture into that park after dark.
    *venture into + 地方  冒險進入某地
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    不入虎穴焉得虎子。 ── 諺語
  6. survive vi.(在困難環境)存活 & vt. 在……之後生存下來
    Over millions of years, plants and animals have evolved and survived.
    It's surprising that the pilot survived the plane crash and walked away without a scratch.
    *without a scratch  安然無恙的
  7. limited a. 有限的
    衍: be limited to...  侷限於……
    I'd like to help you now, but my time is limited.
    Customers are limited to one free sample.
  8. dare vi. & aux. 膽敢,敢於
    衍: How dare + 人 + 原形動詞  某人竟敢(做)……(用於問句和驚嘆句中)
    dare not + 原形動詞  不敢??
    (dare 與 not 並用或在問句中出現時均是助動詞,主詞不論第幾人稱均用 dare,其過去式則為 dared)
    Do you dare to sing in front of a big crowd?
    How dare you accuse me of stealing your credit card?
    *accuse sb of...  指控某人……
    Sarah dare not go swimming alone.
  9. migration n. 遷徙
    衍: migrate vi. 遷徙
    The study reveals the secrets of the sharks' migration habits and where they give birth.
    When the weather turns cold, birds migrate south.
  10. imitate vt. 模仿
    同: mimic vt.
    Children often imitate their parents' behavior.
  11. firsthand adv. 親身地;直接地,第一手地 & a. 第一手的
    I heard the news firsthand from Laura that she is quitting.
    I have some firsthand news I want to tell you about.

prehistoric a. 史前的
bonobo n. 倭黑猩猩
chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩
evolutionary change  演變
 evolutionary a.  進化的,進化論的;漸進的
genus n.(動植物的)屬
homo n. 人(屬),人類
pan n. 黑猩猩(屬)
terrain n. 地形
forge vt. 創造;鍛造
archaeologist n. 考古學家
衍: archaeology n. 考古學
savanna n.(尤指非洲等熱帶國家的)大草原
habilis n. 巧人

  1. be the cradle of...  ……是……的發源地
    cradle n. 搖籃;發源地
    衍: from the cradle to the grave  從生到死,一輩子
    Mesopotamia is one of the cradles of civilization.
    Thanks to the welfare program, people in that country are taken care of by the government from the cradle to the grave.
  2. pose the question  提出問題
    The author posed the question of how medical technology might have influenced birth and death rates.
  3. in an attempt to V  以便/為了要……
    同: in order to V
    = in an effort to V
    Passengers screamed in terror when the terrorists took out their guns in an attempt to hijack the plane.
    *hijack vt. 劫持(飛機)
  4. follow in sb's footsteps  追隨某人的腳步
    footstep n. 腳步(聲);步伐
    衍: follow sb's advice  採用/聽從某人的建議
    follow one's dream(s)  追尋某人自己的夢想
    Young children usually wish to follow in their parents' footsteps.
    Please follow your doctor's advice and reduce your intake of sugar.
    *intake n.(食物、飲料等的)攝取量
    Ted followed his dream and became an architect.

  在現代人類開始主宰地球之前,我們的祖先,倭黑猩猩和黑猩猩在數百萬年前即有共同的祖先:人族。然而,由於演變之故,人屬在六百萬年前便從黑猩猩屬分道揚鑣。這點並不足為奇,因為人類與黑猩猩的 DNA 有 98.6% 相似。人屬之後的物種成為第一批從人類發源地非洲向外冒險的物種,並且在介於一到兩百萬年前之間遍佈全亞洲與歐洲。

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