Killer Hornets 虎頭蜂

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2017/04/11 第293期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Killer Hornets  虎頭蜂
Take a look into a growing empire that raises dangerous stinging insects.


  There is a buzzing killer on the loose, a deadly flying monster with strong venom that can melt human skin. It is the killer Japanese giant hornet, and it is truly a nightmare. Unlike bees, which die after stinging you, hornets can sting you over and over again. Imagine that this hornet is the size of your thumb, is always angry, and often travels in groups that attack anything threatening them. If they sting a person enough times, their venom can stop the human heart. In fact, 30 to 40 people in Japan die every year from these killer hornet stings. National Geographic Channel (NGC) presents a new show, Killer Hornets, showing the lifecycle of these fatal killers.
  In the forests of Japan, the Japanese giant hornets begin building their new hive and searching for food at the start of summer. However, a battle is about to begin because they are not the only hornets in the forest. They must compete with their smaller cousins, the Japanese yellow hornet. Although the yellow hornets are half the size of the giant hornets, they have greater numbers on their side. This month on NGC, find out which group of hornets will survive on Killer Hornets.


  在日本的森林裡,日本大黃蜂於初夏開始築新巢和覓食。然而,有一場戰役正要開始,因為牠們不是森林裡唯一的黃蜂群。牠們必須與體型比牠們小的同類 ── 日本黃蜂來競爭。雖然日本黃蜂的體型只有大黃蜂的一半,但是牠們的數量卻勝過大黃蜂。這個月在國家地理頻道,來看看哪一個黃蜂族群會在《虎頭蜂》中生存下來吧。

  1. buzz vi. 嗡嗡地飛;嗡嗡作響
    Jerry tried to brush away the fly, but it kept buzzing around his head.
    傑瑞想用手趕走這隻蒼蠅,但牠一直在他頭上嗡嗡地飛個不停 。
  2. be on the loose  (罪犯或危險動物)在逃
    The campers didn't know that there was a wild bear on the loose.
  3. sting vt. 螫,刺,叮 & n. 螫刺/針;螫傷(三態為:sting, stung, stung)
    Debbie's arm began to burn after the ant stung her.
  4. lifecycle n. 生命週期
    This kind of fish has a very short lifecycle.
  5. fatal a. 致命的;毀滅性的
    a fatal blow  致命的一擊
    We dealt the enemy a fatal blow and won the battle.
  6. compete with...  與……競爭
    compete vi. 競爭;爭奪
    Morgan had to compete with 100 other people for his dream job.

hornet n. 大黃蜂
venom n.(蟲、蛇等的)毒液;惡毒
nightmare n. 噩/惡夢,夢魘

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