Tasting with Your Eyes 用雙眼品嚐美味

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2017/04/11 第309期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Tasting with Your Eyes 用雙眼品嚐美味
by Marcus Maurice

Fake food is a multi-billion dollar industry in Japan.

  It might be said that one of the weirdest sights in Asia is the fake food in display cases that people look at to decide what to eat. While this usually elicits a chuckle, fake food is big business, especially in Japan. There, fake food is a century-old _(1)_, and restaurants pay billions of dollars for it per year. If fake food _(2)_ the customers, why not get the best of the best?
  While there are _(3)_ markets in South Korea and China, replica food goes back a long time in Japan. Japanese people are _(4)_, so they like to be able to see what they are going to eat. This is called tasting with the eyes. Fake food is not mass-produced. _(5)_, most of it is done by hand, and skillful artists customize each item for every restaurant. For this reason, fake food is not cheap, and most replicas of items _(6)_ from 10 to 20 times the amount of the actual dish.
  Fake food was started in the small town of Gujo Hachiman in 1917 by Takizo Iwasaki. According to a tall tale, Iwasaki's wife was on her deathbed, and he was watching over her by candlelight. After watching the melting wax of the candle, Iwasaki was inspired to create fake food, and he _(7)_ brought her a fake omelet. While this story may or may not be true, the fact is that fake food became very popular right after that, and the rest is history.

1. (A) tradition  (B) suppression  (C) tribute  (D) principle
2. (A) preys on  (B) stays out of  (C) zooms in on  (D) pulls in
3. (A) invalid  (B) emerging  (C) cordial  (D) skeptical
4. (A) envious  (B) delicious  (C) cautious  (D) rebellious
5. (A) Instead  (B) Likewise   (C) By the way  (D) By the same token
6. (A) spend  (B) cost  (C) take  (D) bring
7. (A) occasionally  (B) sensitively  (C) eventually  (D) harmoniously

  1. There, fake food is a century-old tradition, and restaurants pay billions of dollars for it per year.
    a. (A) tradition n. 傳統
    The man broke with tradition and left his business to his daughter instead of his son.
    (B) suppression n. 壓制
    The suppression of the riots took more than a month.
    (C) tribute n. 敬意
    衍: pay tribute to...  向……致敬
    Thousands of people gathered at the funeral to pay tribute to the late Princess Diana.
    *late a. 已故的
    (D) principle n. 原則
    衍: a man of principle  有原則的人
    I agree with you in principle; it is your method that I disagree with.
    You can trust Leo. He's a man of principle.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. If fake food pulls in the customers, why not get the best of the best?
    a. (A) prey on...  捕食……
    Eagles prey on small animals such as fish, birds, snakes, and rabbits.
    (B) stay out of...  遠離/不捲入……
    It is best that you stay out of Rachel and Allen's argument since it doesn't involve you.
    (C) zoom in on...  (照相機等的鏡頭)向……推近
    zoom vi.(用變焦鏡頭把物體)拉近 /推遠 & n. 變焦鏡頭
    衍: zoom out  將鏡頭拉遠
    The cameras all zoomed in on the pretty models instead of the latest computers.
    If you want to take a picture of the whole garden, you'll have to zoom out.
    (D) pull in...  吸引……
    The famous opera pulled in many people.
    *opera n. 歌劇
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. While there are emerging markets in South Korea and China, replica food goes back a long time in Japan.
    a. (A) invalid a. 無效的
    Luke's passport has expired and is therefore invalid.
    *expire vi. 過期,到期
    (B) emerging a. 新興的
    The emerging nation was plagued with a very high rate of inflation.
    *be plagued with...  因……困擾
    inflation n. 通貨膨脹
    (C) cordial a. 熱忱的
    With cordial hospitality, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson offered me tea and cookies.
    *hospitality n. 好客
    (D) skeptical a. 懷疑的
    Professor Brown is skeptical of the existence of life on other planets.
    *existence n. 存在
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. Japanese people are cautious, so they like to be able to see what they are going to eat.
    a. (A) envious a. 羨慕的
    衍: be envious of...  羨慕……
    All of us are envious of Nick because his parents buy him anything he wants.
    (B) delicious a. 好吃的,美味的
    The cheeseburger is delicious. I'm glad that I made the right decision.
    (C) cautious a. 謹慎的,小心的
    Nancy is a cautious person, and she thinks twice before she does anything.
    *think twice  再三考慮,三思
    (D) rebellious a. 叛逆的,反叛的
    Dennis' rebellious nature worried his parents.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. Instead, most of it is done by hand, and skillful artists customize each item for every restaurant.
    a. (A) instead adv. 反而,卻
    As a student, David doesn't study hard. Instead, he plays around all day.
    (B) likewise adv. 同樣地
    You should treat your parents well. Likewise, you should love your children.
    (C) by the way  順便一提,對了
    By the way, I'm not going to be in the office tomorrow.
    (D) by the same token  同樣地;同理
    I always respect others' privacy. By the same token, I don't want anyone to encroach upon mine.
    *encroach upon...  侵犯……
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. For this reason, fake food is not cheap, and most replicas of items cost from 10 to 20 times the amount of the actual dish.
    a. (A) spend vt. 花費(三態為:spend, spent, spent。)
    衍: spend + 時間/金錢 + V-ing  花多少時間/金錢從事……
    Mark spends most of his allowance buying books.
    (B) cost vt. 花費(三態同形)
    衍: sth cost sb + 金錢  某物花某人多少錢
    This dress cost me NT$5,000.
    (C) take vt. 花費
    衍: It takes sb + 時間 + to V  做某事花了某人……時間
    It took Queenie one hour to finish her homework.
    (D) bring vt. 帶來(三態為:bring, brought, brought。)
    Anna's boyfriend brought her a bunch of roses.
    *bunch n. 一束
    b. 根據上述用法,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. After watching the melting wax of the candle, Iwasaki was inspired to create fake food, and he eventually brought her a fake omelet.
    a. (A) occasionally adv. 偶爾,有時候
    同: on occasion
    I've been too busy to exercise regularly, but I manage to go swimming occasionally.
    (B) sensitively adv. 敏感地
    衍: sensitive a. 敏感的
    be sensitive to...  對……敏感
    The investigation needs to be handled sensitively.
    *investigation n. 調查
    Don't be so sensitive to what people say about you.
    (C) eventually adv. 最後
    衍: eventual a. 最後的,終究的
    If you work hard, you will eventually achieve your goals.
    I have confidence in our team's eventual victory.
    (D) harmoniously adv. 和諧地
    衍: harmonious a. 和諧的
    The ocean has many life forms living harmoniously.
    After Kim and Tom married, they moved
    to the country and led a harmonious life there.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. taste vt. 品嚐(之後接名詞作受詞)& vi. 嚐起來(之後接形容詞)
    Taste the soup and tell me if I should put more salt in it.
    The food tastes a bit sour; obviously it has gone bad.
    *obviously adv. 明顯地
  2. weird a. 奇特的;怪異的
    Ken's weird outfit drew a lot of attention.
  3. display n. 陳列;展出 & vt. 展示
    衍: be on display  被陳列;展覽中
    = be on exhibition
    A large number of ancient Egyptian artifacts are on display at the museum.
    *artifact n. 文物,工藝品
    The artwork displayed in the train station was done by local children.
  4. replica n. 複製品
    The imaginative artist turned the soda cans into a replica of Taipei 101.
    那名富想像力的藝術家將汽水罐變成了臺北 101 大樓的複製品。
    *imaginative a. 富有想像力的
  5. mass-produced a. 大量生產的
    mass n. 大量 & a. 大量的,大規模的
    衍: a mass of...  大量的……
    Standardized miniature golf courses were mass-produced in the US as of 1916.
    自 1916 年起,美國大量製造標準的迷你高爾夫球場。
    *standardized a. 標準化的
    Andy processed a mass of data in a short time.
    They are promoting their products on a mass scale.
  6. skillful a. 有技術的,老練的
    衍: be skillful in / at...  對……很在行
    = be good at...
    Peter is skilled in many things. He can paint, write poetry, and play the piano.
  7. customize vt. 訂做
    衍: custom-made a. 訂製的
    The chef creates customized dishes for patrons allergic to peanuts.
    *patron n. 顧客
    be allergic to...  對……過敏
    I gave Olivia a custom-made leather jacket for her birthday.
  8. candlelight n. 燭光
    The music and candlelight set a romantic mood.
  9. omelet n. 歐姆蛋,煎蛋捲
    衍: a poached egg  一枚荷包蛋
    a fried egg  一枚煎蛋
    scrambled eggs  炒蛋
    a hard-boiled egg  一枚煮得硬硬的白煮蛋
    a soft-boiled egg  一枚略煮、半透明的白煮蛋

elicit vt. 引出;誘出
chuckle n. 竊笑
a tall tale  荒誕不經的故事
deathbed n. 臨終所臥的床
wax n. 蠟 & vt. 打蠟
衍: get a bikini wax  為了穿比基尼而做的蜜蠟除毛

  1. get the best of...  戰勝/擊敗……
    Problems arise when we let our anger get the best of us.
    *arise vi. 產生,出現(三態為:arise, arose, arisen。)
  2. the rest is history  其他的事是眾所周知
    Tim and Jessica fell in love, and the rest is history.

  食物模型起始於 1917 年日本郡上市的小鎮,由岩崎瀧山發明。根據一則荒誕不經的故事,當時岩崎藉著燭光照料著臥病在床的太太。岩崎看到蠟燭融化的蠟油後,激發他創造出食物模型,最終為她做出了一個幾可亂真的歐姆蛋。雖然這個故事的真實性有待商榷,食物模型從此走紅卻是事實,剩下的故事眾所皆知了。
答案: 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C

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