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2018/03/09 第399期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 絕不乏味的桌遊
【本月發燒書】 高中英單7000魔術記憶:從字首字根記憶英文單字(25K暢銷彩色三版+MP3)
【好康情報局】 2018寂天線上國際書展

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絕不乏味的桌遊 Board but Never Boring

Board games have a history of over 5,000 years. They've been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and are mentioned in documents from old Rome and China. They're more popular now than ever before, though, with new games appearing alongside old favorites every year.

The variety of modern board games is a big part of their appeal. Some require players to move along a path of spaces as directed by rolls of dice. Some, like Dominion, are actually card games with no board. Others offer very different challenges. Most older board games, such as chess and go, are designed for two players. Many newer games, however, can be enjoyed by larger groups. In Scrabble, two to four players must create words from tiles showing individual letters and point values to finish it.

Monopoly allows up to eight players the chance to buy and sell property for play money. In Chinese checkers (which is actually from Germany), two to six people "jump" over their own and each other's pieces to move across the board. And in Trivial Pursuit, teams answer questions on different topics to try to finish first.

In recent years, a new generation of board games has become very popular. These "designer games" often feature themes such as the settling of land (Catan), building of cities (Citadels), and development of resources (Carcassonne). Social in nature, they are usually easy to learn and designed to keep all players in competition until the end.

Of course, any board game requires a place to play and people to play with. Having trouble with that? No problem! Many board game stores rent games and tables to players, who may be complete strangers until they sit down together. So give Super Mario a rest and try a face-to-face contest against other humans. You just might find it a lot more fun!






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動物農莊 Animal Farm【原著雙語彩圖本】(25K彩色精裝典藏版)

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