A Tale of Two Love Birds  克服遠距離的白鸛愛侶

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2018/09/25 第369期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Tale of Two Love Birds 克服遠距離的白鸛愛侶
This special couple gives new meaning to long-distance relationships.



   Long-distance relationships can be very difficult because couples are far apart for long periods of time. Not many of these relationships last for a long time. If you are looking for some inspiration to stay together, a pair of storks in Croatia has proven that love can defeat any distance.
  More than 15 years ago, two storks named Malena and Klepetan made their nest on top of a retired school janitor’s house in Croatia. Each winter, this species of stork makes the long flight south to warmer climates in Africa. After being shot in the wing one year, Malena could no longer make the
journey, so Klepetan went by himself. What’s amazing is that every spring for more than a decade, Klepetan has managed to make the trip, around 13,000 kilometers, back to Malena. This unlikely couple in the animal kingdom proves that true love can survive long distances.
  The two storks’ special relationship has made them one of Croatia’s most famous couples. Newspapers even report when Klepetan makes his springtime return. After all these years, the love birds are still together. Maybe people can
learn a thing or two from the animal kingdom.




















inspiration n. 靈感
stork n.(白)鸛
janitor n.(學校或大樓的)管理員
species n.(動植物的)物種(恆用複數型態)


1. long-distance a. 長距離的,長途的
You will be billed monthly for your long-distance calls.

2. relationship n.(兩人間的)愛情關係;(人或團體相互之間的)關係
Amelia just ended her relationship with Owen last week.
Morris has had a difficult relationship with his parents.

3. apart a. & adv.(空間)分開(的),相隔(的)
The twin brothers are worlds apart in terms of personality.
 * be worlds apart  截然相反,完全不同

4. defeat vt. 戰勝,打敗
Charles was defeated by his former teammate.

5. journey n.(尤指長途的)旅行,旅程
Life has often been compared to a journey.
 * be compared to...  被比喻為……

6. manage to V  設法做成……
Frey couldn’t manage to save money even though he had two part-time jobs.

7. unlikely a.(地點、人或事)非想像中的;不太可能的
The peaceful town was an unlikely place for such a horrible crime.
 * horrible a. 可怕的

8. survive vt. 從(困難中)挺過來 & vi. 存活
Only a baby survived the plane crash.


a thing or two... 到底是一件事還兩件事?
本文中的片語 a thing or two 其實不單指一兩件事情,而是表示「一些東西;不少東西」之意。除了本文內的 learn a thing or two (about...) 表「(對……)有所認識」之外,另一常見用法還有 know a thing or two about... 表「對……有一定程度的瞭解/熟稔」。例:

I never go to Shida Night Market without buying a thing or two.

Wendy learned a thing or two about fashion from living in Milan.

Viktor knows a thing or two about marketing because he has been working in the field for 10 years.



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