Real Life Mario Kart 衝刺吧卡丁車!街頭變裝遊日本

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2018/09/25 第383期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Real Life Mario Kart  衝刺吧卡丁車!街頭變裝遊日本
by Bruce E. Bagnell

The latest fad in Tokyo is dressing up as a video game character and zooming around the world’s largest city.


  It all started in 2011. Two Japanese drivers dressed as Nintendo’s Mario and Luigi, complete with plumber overalls and fake mustaches, were spotted in traffic on the streets of Tokyo. __1__ It quickly became one of the hottest attractions in Japan, where the Super Mario Brothers were invented.
  Go-karts are four-wheeled, low-lying vehicles sometimes used in children’s racing competitions. __2__ Rising only 70 centimeters above the ground, however, they are difficult for bus and truck drivers to see. __3__
  In one of the safest cities in the world for traffic, MariCars were involved in 12 traffic accidents in just two months. __4__ Fortunately, there were no fatalities, but Japan’s transport ministry still sprang into action. They proposed changes to make go-karts safer without taking the fun out of the ride.
  First, all go-kart models are required to rise one meter above ground level, giving drivers in other vehicles a better chance to see them. Next, the hard plastic steering wheel cover had to be replaced by a soft one to avoid injuries in the event of an accident. Rear-view mirrors were also added, but most importantly, the go-karts were equipped with seat belts that must be fastened to prevent drivers from getting traffic tickets.
  Helmets will continue to be optional since they interfere with the Super Mario costumes. __5__ Tokyo is a world-class city well worth visiting. If you go there, be prepared to see cartoon characters driving go-karts around the city.
(A) MariCar has upgraded their go-kart models to reach a peak speed of 60 kph, enabling them to keep up with city traffic.
(B) Ten of the victims were foreigners who were possibly unfamiliar with driving on the left side of the road.
(C) An entrepreneur spotted an opportunity to let drivers act out their dreams of playing Mario Kart in real life, and MariCar was born.
(D) Driving without a helmet also gives the driver both a better view and the feel of moving along in traffic.
(E) Electric go-karts are low maintenance, requiring only that the lead-acid batteries of the karts be plugged into an array of chargers after each run.
(F) They seemed to be asking for accidents, and it wasn’t long before the answer came.


1. 第一題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格後一句提及 “It quickly became one of the hottest attractions in Japan, where the Super Mario Brothers were invented.”(它很快就成為日本(超級瑪利歐兄弟遊戲的發明地)最熱門又吸引人的現象之一。),而 (C) 項句子提及 “An entrepreneur spotted an opportunity to let drivers act out their dreams of playing Mario Kart in real life, and MariCar was born.”(有位企業家發現了一個機會,可以實現駕駛人在現實生活進行《瑪利歐賽車》的夢想,MariCar 便應運而生。),後一句的 It(它)指的即是 (C) 項句子的 MariCar,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

a. entrepreneur n. 企業家
b. act out...  將……付諸行動;表現出……
Unhappy children often act out their frustrations in the classroom.
 *frustration n. 挫折感

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 “Go-karts are four-wheeled, low-lying vehicles sometimes used in children’s racing competitions.”(卡丁車是一種有時會用於兒童賽車比賽的四輪、低底盤車輛。),而 (A) 項句子提及 “MariCar has upgraded their go-kart models to reach a peak speed of 60 kph...”(MariCar 將他們卡丁車的機型升級以達到最高時速六十公里……),前一句的 Go-karts(卡丁車)與 (A) 項句子的 go-kart models(卡丁車的機型)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. upgrade vt. 使升級
We upgraded our computer hardware to improve our efficiency.
b. peak a. 最高的 & n. 頂峰,高峰
c. enable sb to V  使某人能夠……
Receiving a yearly bonus enabled Ethan to take a trip to Paris.
d. keep up with...  跟上……
Please slow down. I can’t keep up with you.

3. 第三題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 “Rising only 70 centimeters above the ground, however, they are difficult for bus and truck drivers to see.”(然而,卡丁車只比地面高出七十公分,這讓公車和卡車駕駛者很難看見它們。),而 (F) 項句子提及 “They seemed to be asking for accidents...”(卡丁車似乎在自找事故……),前一句的 they are difficult for bus and truck drivers to see(這讓公車和卡車駕駛者很難看見它們)與 (F) 項句子的 They seemed to be asking for accidents(卡丁車似乎在自找事故)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

seem to V  似乎/好像……
The media seems to monitor everything celebrities say and do.
*monitor vt. 監視,監控

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 “... MariCars were involved in 12 traffic accidents in just two months.”(……MariCar 在短短兩個月內就涉及了十二起交通事故。),而 (B) 項句子提及 “Ten of the victims were foreigners...”(其中有十名受害者是外國人……),前一句的 traffic accidents(交通事故)與 (B) 項句子的 victims(受害者)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

a. victim n. 受害者
b. be unfamiliar with...  對……不熟悉
Ed is unfamiliar with his new neighborhood because he just moved there.

5. 第五題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 “Helmets will continue to be optional since they interfere with the Super Mario costumes.”(因為安全帽會妨礙超級瑪利歐的服裝,因此將可以選擇是否要配戴。),而 (D) 項句子提及 “Driving without a helmet also gives the driver both a better view and the feel of moving along in traffic.”(駕駛時不戴安全帽也可以讓駕駛者擁有較佳的視野,並擁有一種在車流中前進的感覺。),前後兩句皆提及 helmet(安全帽),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

1. fad n. 短暫流行的事物;一時的狂熱
: a passing fad  一時流行的風尚
Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad.

2. spot vt. 發現;看到
Jeremy spotted a hole in his coworker’s marketing plans.

3. attraction n. 吸引人的事物
: a tourist attraction  觀光勝地
The prison was turned into a tourist attraction after the government shut it down.

4. invent vt. 發明,創造
: invention n. 發明(不可數);發明物(可數)
Do you have any idea who invented the bicycle?
Necessity is the mother of invention.
需要為發明之母。── 諺語
 *necessity n. 必需;必需品

5. fortunately adv. 幸運地
: unfortunately adv. 不幸地,令人遺憾地
Tina was late, but fortunately, the movie hadn’t started yet.
Unfortunately, Evan can’t join us tonight because he came down with a cold.
 *come down with...  染上……(疾病)

6. fatality n.(意外事故的)死亡人數
The horrific fire caused a number of fatalities.
 *horrific a. 可怕的

7. propose vt. 提出;提議
: propose N/V-ing  提出……;提議/建議……
John proposed redesigning the company’s logo at the meeting.
 *redesign vt. 重新設計

8. replace vt. 取代
: replace A with B  以 B 取代 A
Ann replaced the painting on the wall with a poster.

9. optional a. 可選擇的
: option n. 選擇
have no option but to V  不得不……
Judy consented to the surgery, even though it was optional.
 *consent to N/V-ing  同意……
 consent vi. 同意
Susan had no option but to quit her job in order to take care of her children.

zoom vi. 疾馳,疾行
plumber n. 水管工
overalls n. 工作服
mustache n.(上唇上面的)小鬍子
: beard n.(下巴上的)鬍鬚/鬍子
ministry n.(政府)部門
a steering wheel  方向盤
 steering n.(汽車的)轉向操縱/裝置
a rear-view mirror  (車輛)後視鏡
 rear n. 後部 & a. 後部的
seat belt  安全帶
fasten vt. 繫緊;紮牢

1. dress up as...  裝扮成……
Halloween is around the corner, so I need to figure out what I’m going to dress up as.
 *be around the corner  即將來臨

2. be involved in...  涉及……
involve vt. 涉及;包含
The evidence showed that Jason was involved in the robbery.
 *robbery n. 搶劫

3. spring into action  開始行動;突然活躍起來
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action.

4. be required to V  被要求做……(根據法律、規定等)
In the college where Ted studies, all freshmen are required to live in the dorms.

5. be equipped with...  配備有……
equip vt. 配備(常用被動語態)
All the classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art learning tools.
 *state-of-the-art a. 最先進的

6. interfere with...  干擾/妨礙……
interfere vi. 妨礙;干預,干涉
You may not agree with Ben’s decision, but you don’t have the right to interfere with it.



  一切都始於 2011 年。日本兩名汽車駕駛人穿上水管工服裝、戴上假鬍鬚並裝扮成任天堂的瑪利歐和路易吉,在東京街道的車流中被發現。有位企業家發現了一個機會,可以實現駕駛人在現實生活進行《瑪利歐賽車》(編按:這是以任天堂旗下知名遊戲瑪利歐系列人物為背景開發的賽車遊戲,特色是可使用各式道具幫助自己與陷害對手。)的夢想,MariCar 便應運而生。它很快就成為日本(超級瑪利歐兄弟遊戲的發明地)最熱門又吸引人的現象之一。
  卡丁車是一種有時會用於兒童賽車比賽的四輪、低底盤車輛。MariCar 將他們卡丁車的機型升級以達到最高時速六十公里,這使它們能夠跟上城市車流的速度。然而,卡丁車只比地面高出七十公分,這讓公車和卡車駕駛者很難看見它們。卡丁車似乎在自找事故,而這個問題的解答在不久後便出現了。
  在這個世界上交通最安全的城市之一,MariCar 在短短兩個月內就涉及了十二起交通事故。其中有十名受害者是外國人,他們可能不熟悉在道路左側駕駛。值得慶幸的是,沒有死亡事故發生,但日本的交通部仍馬上採取了行動。他們提出一些能讓卡丁車變得更安全的改變,而且不會減少駕車的樂趣。
答案: 1. C  2. A  3. F  4. B  5.D


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