The New Science of Cooking 科學與藝術的廚房

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2018/09/18 第382期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The New Science of Cooking  科學與藝術的廚房
by Daniel Howard

Molecular gastronomy sounds like a science-fiction horror movie title, but it is changing the way we look at and prepare our food.


    Food science—as its name suggests—is a study devoted to understanding the industrial production of food. This includes research into the safety, preservation, and chemical composition of food. As a result, the variety and amount of food has greatly increased. Until molecular gastronomy started introducing new ways to apply chemistry and physics to food preparation, how people prepare food changed very little from the ways our ancestors did it for thousands of years.
  Before the invention of the microwave oven, food all around the world was prepared the same way over countless generations. The only ways to cook food were by using heat from direct or indirect exposure to fire—such as baking, roasting, frying, or barbecuing—or from heated water—such as boiling or steaming. In stark contrast, the modern molecular gastronomy kitchen looks like a cross between a kitchen and a science lab. That is because food undergoes preparation and treatment that requires great precision, as well as technical tools which are unavailable in traditional kitchens. Molecular gastronomy experiments with processes applied to food that attempt to extract flavors and change the textures of food. This may sound like a Frankenstein approach to cooking, but it relies on good old 100% natural ingredients. Everything used is from biological sources, whether plant or animal.
  What is the result of this intense interest in and experimentation with food? Some very surprising dishes! Transparent ravioli, mango purée served as a sphere, and caviar made from olive oil are just a few out-of-the-box ideas created in molecular gastronomy kitchens. Only time will tell whether molecular gastronomy is just a fad or the wave of the future.

1. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) To give a history of the development of molecular gastronomy.
(B) To detail recipes used in molecular gastronomy cooking.
(C) To point out the differences between traditional and molecular gastronomy kitchens.
(D) To explain a new style of science-based cooking.

2. According to the article, why has the amount of food increased greatly in modern times?
(A) Food science has focused on the production of more food.
(B) The purpose of molecular gastronomy has been to increase the food supply.
(C) With the increase in restaurants worldwide, more food is being produced.
(D) Natural ingredients and food sources are more plentiful13 than man-made ones.

3. Why are microwave ovens mentioned in the second paragraph?
(A) It was the first invention of the molecular gastronomy kitchen.
(B) It was the first new way to cook food in the modern age.
(C) Microwave cooking developed from molecular gastronomy cooking.
(D) Like molecular gastronomy cooking methods, heat is not necessary in a microwave.

4. What seems to be the writer’s opinion of molecular gastronomy cooking?
(A) It is just a passing fad.
(B) In the future, only microwave cooking will be used.
(C) In the future, all cooking will be done by molecular gastronomy methods.
(D) Its future is uncertain.


1. preservation n. 保存,保護
The preservation of these old books is worthwhile.

2. ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗

3. generation n. 一代;世代

4. exposure n. 接觸;暴露(常與介詞 to 並用)
: expose vt. 使接觸;使暴露
expose A to B  使 A 接觸 B;使 A 暴露在 B 中
Exposure to radiation can lead to cancer.
*radiation n. 輻射
We exposed our son to English at an early age, and now he is fluent in the language.
*be fluent in...  說……(語言)很流利

5. undergo vt. 經歷;遭受(三態為:undergo, underwent, undergone。)
Sherry looked 20 years younger because she had undergone plastic surgery.
*surgery n. 手術(不可數)

6. precision n. 精準,準確
: with precision  精準地,精確地
This robot is able to carry out the task with precision.

7. unavailable a. 得不到的;不能利用的
: available a. 可獲得的,可買到的
This seasonal fruit is only available from March to May.

8. extract vt. 萃取,提煉;取出
: extract A from B  從 B 萃取/提煉出 A
We can extract cooking oil from sunflower seeds.

9. ingredient n. 食材,原料
My mother bought all the ingredients to make egg tarts at the supermarket.
*tart n. 塔(點心)

10. biological a. 生物的;生物學的
: biology n. 生物學
biologist n. 生物學家
biologically adv. 生物學上

11. intense a. 強烈的,激烈的
: intensive a. 密集的;加強的
The intense heat of summer in southern Taiwan is sometimes unbearable.
I enrolled in a three-month intensive English language program.
*enroll in...  報名/登記(參加)……

12. sphere n. 球體

13. plentiful a. 豐富的
Apples and grapes are plentiful at this time of year.

molecular a. 分子的
gastronomy n. 烹飪法
composition n. 成分;(樂曲、畫、詩等)作品;作文
: compose vt. 組成,構成;譜(曲);寫(詩)
stark a. 明顯的;完全的,十足的
texture n. 質地;口感
experimentation n. 實驗
transparent a. 透明的
: translucent a. 半透明的
ravioli n.(義大利)方形餃
purée n. 泥
caviar n. 魚子醬
: champagne wishes and caviar dreams  過著奢華享受的富貴生活
out-of-the-box  跳脫框架思考的

1. be devoted to N/V-ing  致力於……
devoted a. 專心致志的;忠誠的
John is devoted to helping the poor in this remote village.

2. apply A to B  將 A 運用到 B 上
: be applied to...  被應用在……上
Scientists are trying to apply solar technology to automobiles.
*automobile n. 汽車
Nanotechnology is applied to many aspects of our lives.

3. attempt to V  試圖/嘗試(做)……
Ian attempted to cheer up his girlfriend by telling jokes.

4. rely on...  仰賴/依靠……
: count on...
= depend on...
Jim relies on a cup of coffee to give him some energy each morning.

Molecular gastronomy sounds like a science-fiction horror movie title, but...
 fiction n.(虛構)小說類(集合名詞,不可數)
: fictional a. 虛構的;小說的
novel 和 fiction 皆表「小說」,但是 novel 為可數名詞,所以表示「一本小說」時要用 a novel。而 fiction 為集合名詞,表「小說的總稱」,前面不可置冠詞。
That short story is a work of fiction. In other words, it is not about real people.
The famous writer wrote 45 novels in his career.
This novel is based on a real event in history, but all the characters are fictional.



  食品科學 ── 顧名思義 ── 是一項致力於了解食品工業生產的研究。這包括研究食品的安全性、保存以及化學成分。因此,食品的種類和數量大大增加了。在分子料理開始引進新的方法將化學和物理學應用於食物準備之前,人們準備食物的方式,與我們祖先數千年來的做法相比之下幾乎沒有什麼變化。
  在發明微波爐之前,全世界的食物都是以無數代以來人們準備食物的相同方式來準備的。烹飪食物的唯一方式是利用直接或間接接觸火焰的熱能(像是烘焙、烘烤、油炸或燒烤),或是使用熱水(像是煮沸或蒸熟)。形成強烈對比的是,現代分子料理廚房看起來像是廚房和科學實驗室的混合。這是因為食物的準備和處理必須非常精準,也需要用到在傳統廚房中無法取得的高科技工具。分子料理以被應用在試圖提取食物風味和改變食物質地的過程來做實驗。這聽起來可能像是科學怪人的烹飪方法,但它仰賴的是 100% 純天然的優良食材。所用的一切都來自生物資源,無論是植物還是動物。


1. 本文的主旨為何?
(A) 介紹分子料理的發展史。
(B) 詳細介紹分子美食烹飪所使用的食譜。
(C) 指出傳統料理廚房和分子料理廚房之間的差異。
(D) 解釋一種新穎的科學烹飪方式。
題解:全文旨在介紹分子料理這種新的科學烹飪方式,故 (D) 項應為正選。

2. 根據本文,為什麼近代的食物數量大大增加了?
(A) 食品科學專注於生產更多的食物。
(B) 分子料理的目的一直都是增加食物供應。
(C) 隨著全球餐廳的增加,更多的食物正被製造出來。
(D) 天然的食材和食物來源比人造的還要豐富。
題解:根據本文第一段,食品科學 ── 顧名思義 ── 是一項致力於了解食品工業生產的研究。這包括研究食品的安全性、保存以及化學成分。因此,食品的種類和數量大大增加了,故 (A) 項應為正選。

3. 為什麼第二段提及微波爐?
(A) 它是分子料理廚房的首項發明。
(B) 它是現代烹飪食物的第一個新方法。
(C) 微波烹飪從分子料理烹飪發展而來。
(D) 像分子料理的烹飪方法一樣,微波爐中不需要加熱。
題解:根據本文第二段,在發明微波爐之前,全世界的食物都是以無數代以來人們準備食物的相同方式來準備的,故 (B) 項應為正選。

4. 作者對分子料理烹飪的看法似乎為何?
(A) 它僅是曇花一現的風潮。
(B) 未來只會使用微波烹飪。
(C) 未來的所有烹飪都將藉由分子料理的方法來完成。
(D) 它的未來是不確定的。
題解:根據本文最後一段,分子料理只是一時的時尚或者是未來的潮流,只有時間才能證明,故 (D) 項應為正選。
答案:1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D






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