The Oldest Restaurant in the World  西班牙波丁餐廳:世界最老 —— 沒有之一!

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9999/12/31 第368期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Oldest Restaurant in the World 西班牙波丁餐廳:世界最老 —— 沒有之一!
Get a taste of history by traveling to this historic restaurant.



   If you are looking to take a bite out of history, you can try a meal at Sobrino de Botin—the world’s oldest restaurant. This restaurant was first opened in Madrid, Spain, in 1725 and has been in business for 293 years straight!
  Sobrino de Botin
started off as a small inn. Back then, inns couldn’t sell meat, wine, and other dishes to guests. The owners could only cook what guests brought with them. Now, however, guests can order delicious food made from old Spanish recipes, like roast lamb with potatoes.
  Even though the restaurant is very old, many parts have not changed at all. It is still in the same location where it was built in the 16th century. The wood oven is nearly 300 years old and is used to cook most meals. The dark stone
basement is filled with dusty bottles of wine. Sobrino de Botin’s owners don’t plan on making any changes any time soon. They believe it’s important to maintain traditions. Many people seem to agree because the restaurant remains one of the most famous in Spain.























   如果你想嚐一口歷史的滋味,那麼你可以試試在波丁餐廳 —— 世界最古老的餐廳裡用餐。這家餐廳最初於 1725 年在西班牙馬德里市開幕,至今已持續營業了兩百九十三年!


▼ inn n.(尤指鄉村古老的)小旅館;小酒館


1. be looking to V  打算/期待做某事
Linda is looking to get her driver’s license this summer.

2. be in business  從事業務活動
Our company has been in business for three decades.

3. straight adv. 連續地 & a. 連續的
Sarah has been absent from school for three days straight.
= Sarah has been absent from school for three straight days.

4. start off as...  從……開始,一開始為……
That famous chef started off as a kitchen hand.

5. roast a. 烤製的;烤好的
Mom made some delicious sandwiches with sliced roast beef and cheese.

6. basement n. 地下室;地庫
During the storm, everyone went to the basement for safety.

7. dusty a. 佈滿灰塵的
dust n. 灰塵,塵埃,塵土(不可數)
After walking on this dusty road, everyone’s shoes are covered with dust.

8. maintain vt. 保持,維持
Models eat way less than normal people because they need to maintain their figures.


本文副標中的 get a taste of sth 表「親身體驗某事物/嚐到某事物的滋味」,當中的名詞 taste 有「感受/體驗/嘗試」的意思,與品嚐食物的 taste 有所不同。例:

Now, people can get a taste of Hogwarts by trying the butterbeer at the Harry Potter theme park.

George got a taste of independence for the first time when he moved away to college.









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