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2019/02/04第304期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 瑰麗土耳其——冬遊世界遺產奇境
延伸學習: 中式料理
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: HIW+後背包
Soaking in the Winter Beauty of Turkey
The majestic beaches of Turkey make it a top spot for summer travelers, yet few realize it is also lovely in winter. Its natural sights stand out during this time of year, and because winter is the low season, cheap prices make it easier to tour around the country.
One of Turkey's biggest attractions is the region of Cappadocia, whose unusual terrain seems as if it's from another planet. Perhaps its strangest features are rock formations known as fairy chimneys. Looking like giant mushrooms rising from the ground, these structures were formed millions of years ago from volcano ash that gradually wore away with time.
Beneath the fairy chimneys are dozens of underground cities that once housed thousands of people. For centuries, as Cappadocia was repeatedly invaded by outsiders, the underground cities served as the locals' hiding places. One of the largest is the Kaymakli underground city, which has tunnels that are still in use today.
After seeing Cappadocia's underground world, it's time to rise into the air in a hot-air balloon. Seeing the fairy chimneys from above, against the white valley and the glowing sun, is truly a magical experience.
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.214 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
Chinese Cuisine
shrimp dumpling 蝦餃
Cantonese sponge cake 馬來糕
shumai 燒賣
xiaolongbao 小籠包
radish cake 蘿蔔糕
fried wonton 炸餛飩
teapot 茶壺
teacup 茶杯
barbecue pork bun 叉燒包
oolong 烏龍
Pu-erh 普洱
jasmine 茉莉花茶
chrysanthemum 菊花茶
rice noodle rolls 腸粉
braised chicken feet 鳳爪
spring rolls 春捲
eight-treasure congee 八寶粥
sweet glutinous rice balls 甜湯圓
purple glutinous rice with coconut milk 椰奶紫米粥
shrimp fried rice 蝦仁炒飯
Cantonese fried noodles 廣式炒麵
beef noodles 牛肉麵
dumplings 水餃
chicken soup 雞湯
hot-and-sour soup 酸辣湯
wonton soup 餛飩湯
egg drop soup 蛋花湯
braised pork belly / dongpo pork 東坡肉
mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐
sweet-and-sour pork 糖醋排骨
kung pao chicken 宮保雞丁
bamboo steamer 蒸籠
steamed pancake 鴨餅皮
Peking duck 北京烤鴨

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2019/2/5 (二) With a solid foundation of artistic success and a great attitude, Saoirse Ronan has a bright future ahead of her.

2019/2/6 (三)

Night markets in Taiwan attract tourists from around the world.

2019/2/7 (四)

One of Turkey's biggest attractions is the region of Cappadocia, whose unusual terrain seems as if it's from another planet.

2019/2/8 (五)

Another of Turkey's famous natural wonders is Pamukkale, located in southwestern Turkey.
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知識大圖解國際中文版6期 +時尚簡約帆布後背包
LiveABC互動英語雜誌12期 + 批改網1年 
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