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2019/03/01 第451期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 體驗飛行傘
【本月發燒書】 關鍵英單7000字 Book 1:1~2200 【二版】(32K+DVD附764分鐘 MP3)
【好康情報局】 新書推薦《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略3【二版】》

【寂天講堂 - 英文商業email實用句子有哪些?】



● 解釋寫信的原因
I am writing to confirm your order of April 19.
我寫這封信是要確認你在月19 日所下的訂單。
I am writing to inquire about your services.
Please allow me to introduce myself and my company.

● 提出要求
Please look over the enclosed report and let us know as soon as possible if you would like to make any changes.
We would like to invite you to collaborate with us to create the new training program.
We would be grateful if you could make the following final revisions to the layout.

● 對要求做出回
We have received your order and are in the process of filling it.
We have updated your account with the information you supplied.
We have received your report and we are in the process of reviewing it.

● 提到日後的書信往來
I look forward to speaking with you at our next meeting.
I will follow up with more details within the week.
I hope to hear from you soon.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「英文商業email實用句子有哪些?」

體驗飛行傘 Experiencing paragliding

Irene: I can't believe you're going to try paragliding.
Andy:Why not? I think it's going to be fantastic.
Irene: Aren't you scared?
Andy: No, not really. I'm sure it's safe, and anyway, I'm too excited right now to be scared.
Irene: So how does this work? Are you going to jump by yourself?
Andy: No, I'll be doing it with a really experienced paraglider. We'll both be connected to the same parachute, and he'll be in control of everything.
Irene: So you don't have to do anything?
Andy:No. I just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Irene: I don't think I'd be able to enjoy myself up in the air.
Andy: Ha ha. OK, I think I'm going to be flying next, so I'll see you later.
Irene: Yeah, OK. I hope you have a soft landing.
Andy: Thanks. Are you sure you don't want to try it, too?
Irene: Oh yeah, I'm sure.

艾琳: 我真不敢相信,你居然要玩飛行傘。
安迪: 為什麼不行?我覺得很棒啊!
艾琳: 你不怕嗎?
安迪: 不會啊,不怎麼怕。飛行傘一定很安全的,反正啊,我現在興奮的忘了要怕。
艾琳: 飛行傘要怎麼玩啊?你要自己跳嗎?
安迪: 不用,我會找經驗老道的飛行傘員一起玩。我們繫在同一個飛行傘上,由他來控制。
艾琳: 所以,你什麼都不用做?
安迪: 不用,我只要舒服的坐好,享受飛翔就行了。
艾琳: 我不認為我在空中還開心得起來。
安迪: 哈哈,好吧。下一個就輪到我了,待會見囉。
艾琳: 是哦,好吧,祝你平穩降落囉。
安迪: 謝啦。你確定不來玩一下?
艾琳: 哦,沒錯,我確定。

關鍵英單7000字 Book 1:1~2200 【二版】(32K+DVD附764分鐘 MP3)

練英單!英單7000字邊背邊練習Book 1:1∼2200(20K+1MP3)

觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】 (25K彩圖+1MP3)


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客服專線: (02) 2365-9739#17 ( 週一至週五 9:00 am ~ 6:00 pm 不含例假日 )
傳真專線: (02) 2365-9835 客服信箱:onlineservice@icosmos.com.tw
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