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2019/02/18第305期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 響應減塑新妙招
延伸學習: 我有週一症候群。
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: HIW+後背包
Water Way to Use Less Plastic
The problem of plastic waste is a global concern. One statistic states that nearly one million plastic bottles are sold every minute. Carrying our own water bottles is a solution, but with drinking fountains few and far between in our cities, where can we refill them?
According to Dimitri Nassisi, the answer has been right there all along. Nassisi is a recent graduate from a design school in Renens, Switzerland , where he was doing research on drinking fountains. He discovered that not only does Renens have a high number of fire hydrants, but they all use drinkable water. This gave him an idea.
He set about constructing the Drinking Hydrant, an eye-catching blue fire hydrant that doubles as a drinking fountain. People can use it to fill their bottles with water and firefighters can attach hoses to it. There's even a small bowl at the bottom for dogs to lap up water. The Drinking Hydrant is currently in the prototype stage, but Nassisi hopes to bring it to cities worldwide.
他開始打造「消防飲水機」,這是一個兼作飲水機,外觀吸睛的藍色消防栓。人們可以用它來把水瓶裝滿水,而且消防員可以把水管接在消防飲水機上。底部甚至有一個小碗可以讓狗舔水喝。 「消防飲水機」目前在原型階段,但納西希望能把它推廣到世界各地的城市。。
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.214 2月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
I have a case of the Mondays.
在週末收假後的星期一,大家必須收拾心情,重新面對工作的壓力,常因此覺得憂鬱,英文就用a case of the Mondays(為a case of the Monday blues的簡略說法)表示這種「週一症候群、星期一憂鬱」。在週末收假後的星期一,大家必須收拾心情,重新面對工作的壓力,常因此覺得憂鬱,英文就用a case of the Mondays(為a case of the Monday blues的簡略說法)表示這種「週一症候群、星期一憂鬱」。
I have the Monday blues.
I'm having a blue Monday.

A: Are you OK? You look really tired.
B: I just have a case of the Mondays.

2019/2/18 (一) At any rate, the next time you're dining, pay attention to the menu and you may notice some words with unique origins.

2019/2/19 (二) People can use it to fill their bottles with water and firefighters can attach hoses to it.

2019/2/20 (三)

Urban beekeeping helps maintain the bee population, which has been decreasing significantly.

2019/2/21 (四)

Urban beekeeping is one option to help prevent the extinction of the species and its resulting effect on the global food supply.

2019/2/22 (五)

Hank is treating his American friend Linda to a meal at a local Chinese restaurant.
未來少年雜誌1年 + 英語1年(5刊選1)
知識大圖解國際中文版6期 +時尚簡約帆布後背包
LiveABC互動英語雜誌12期 + 批改網1年 
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