The problem of plastic waste is a global concern. One statistic states that nearly one million plastic bottles are sold every minute. Carrying our own water bottles is a solution, but with drinking fountains few and far between in our cities, where can we refill them? According to Dimitri Nassisi, the answer has been right there all along. Nassisi is a recent graduate from a design school in Renens, Switzerland , where he was doing research on drinking fountains. He discovered that not only does Renens have a high number of fire hydrants, but they all use drinkable water. This gave him an idea. He set about constructing the Drinking Hydrant, an eye-catching blue fire hydrant that doubles as a drinking fountain. People can use it to fill their bottles with water and firefighters can attach hoses to it. There's even a small bowl at the bottom for dogs to lap up water. The Drinking Hydrant is currently in the prototype stage, but Nassisi hopes to bring it to cities worldwide.
在週末收假後的星期一,大家必須收拾心情,重新面對工作的壓力,常因此覺得憂鬱,英文就用a case of the Mondays(為a case of the Monday blues的簡略說法)表示這種「週一症候群、星期一憂鬱」。在週末收假後的星期一,大家必須收拾心情,重新面對工作的壓力,常因此覺得憂鬱,英文就用a case of the Mondays(為a case of the Monday blues的簡略說法)表示這種「週一症候群、星期一憂鬱」。 I have the Monday blues. I'm having a blue Monday.
A: Are you OK? You look really tired. 你還好嗎?你看起來真的很累。 B: I just have a case of the Mondays. 我只是有星期一症候群。
2019/2/18 (一)
At any rate, the next time you're dining, pay attention to the menu and you may notice some words with unique origins. 無論如何,下次你用餐時,注意一下菜單,你可能就會發現一些有獨特起源的字彙。
2019/2/19 (二)
People can use it to fill their bottles with water and firefighters can attach hoses to it. 人們可以用它來把水瓶裝滿水,而且消防員可以把水管接在消防飲水機上。
2019/2/20 (三)
Urban beekeeping helps maintain the bee population, which has been decreasing significantly. 城市養蜂有助於維持已大幅減少的蜜蜂數量。
2019/2/21 (四)
Urban beekeeping is one option to help prevent the extinction of the species and its resulting effect on the global food supply. 城市養蜂是有助於防止此物種絕種以及對全球糧食供給所造成的影響的一個選擇。
2019/2/22 (五)
Hank is treating his American friend Linda to a meal at a local Chinese restaurant. 漢克招待他的美國朋友琳達到當地一家中餐廳吃飯。