The Blue Tears of Matsu Will Amaze You 季節限定美景!浪漫「藍眼淚」

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9999/12/31 第401期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Blue Tears of Matsu Will Amaze You  季節限定美景!浪漫「藍眼淚」
by Brian Foden


  Taiwan’s Blue Tears are anything but sad. On the contrary, they can be better described as wondrous, magical, and, even more simply, beautiful. Blue Tears is the name given to a mysterious natural phenomenon in which parts of the ocean near the Matsu archipelago emit a glowing, blue light. Each year, from April to September, the astounding luminescent light can be seen along all of Matsu’s islets, an occurrence which draws tourists to view the incredible sight. There is no guarantee that visitors will get to see the Blue Tears, however, although the months of June to August offer the best opportunities. To assist those interested in spotting the blue underwater phenomenon, the Lienchiang County government has set up a Facebook page that provides current information on the status of the Blue Tears. The best places to view the Blue Tears are in completely dark areas that are away from light pollution.
  It is believed that Matsu’s Blue Tears are caused by a type of algae called dinoflagellates. This type of organism is quite common in all of the oceans of the world, and some of them have bioluminescent properties, which means they glow, creating spectacular displays such as those that can be seen around Matsu. When the algae are disturbed by motion in the water, they create a glowing blue light. Dinoflagellates also produce bioluminescent wonders in the waters around other countries as well, including Thailand, China, Vietnam, some regions of the United States, and other areas. Since Matsu’s amazing Blue Tears are part of Taiwan’s attraction, why not catch them there if you get a chance to visit?
1. Which best describes the Blue Tears?
(A) A fish that is attracted to blue water.
(B) A type of water that reflects blue light.
(C) A natural phenomenon caused by algae.
(D) A tourist attraction developed by Taiwan.
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Blue Tears can be seen around the waters of Matsu.
(B) People can check on Blue Tears conditions on the internet.
(C) All dinoflagellates are bioluminescent.
(D) Tourists may not be able to spot Blue Tears at times.
3. When is the best time to see the Blue Tears?
(A) During summer.
(B) During autumn.
(C) During winter.
(D) During spring.
4. Where can dinoflagellates be found?
(A) Only around the islands of Taiwan.
(B) In all oceans around the world.
(C) Mostly in Asia.
(D) Around North and South America only in summer.


wondrous a. 不可思議的,令人驚奇的
archipelago n. 群島,列島
emit vt. 發出,散發
 emission n. 散發;排放物
luminescent a. 發光的
islet n. 小島
 island n. 島嶼
status n. 狀況;地位;身分
 a high social status  很高的社會地位
algae n. 海藻(複數形)
 alga n. 海藻(單數形)
dinoflagellate n. 甲藻
organism n. 生物,有機體
bioluminescent a. 生物發光的
waters n. 水域,海域(恆用複數)

1. on the contrary  相反地
 contrary n. 相反
We thought it would rain last weekend. On the contrary, it was sunny.

2. set up... / set... up  建立/設立……
We set up a new system to improve the company’s productivity.

3. it is believed + that 子句  據信/一般相信……
It is believed that there is a secret underground passage to the castle.

1. mysterious a. 神祕的
Anna is an actress whose personal life has remained mysterious.

2. phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
 phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
Violence on TV is a common phenomenon in Taiwan.

3. astounding a. 令人驚奇的,驚人的
The poor family received an astounding amount of support after their story made the news.

4. incredible a. 令人難以置信的
The fact that Angel has been working here for over 30 years is incredible.

5. guarantee n. 保證(書);保固 & vt. 保證
All electrical appliances come with a one-year guarantee.
We guarantee we will deliver your goods within 24 hours.

6. pollution n. 汙染
Without light pollution, you can see numerous stars light up the night sky.

7. property n. 特性(可數);財產(不可數)
One property of diamonds is extreme hardness.
The hotel is not responsible for any loss of personal property.

8. spectacular a. 壯觀的,壯麗的
The view from the top of the Great Wall of China was truly spectacular.

9. disturb vt. 打擾,妨礙
 disturbance n. 擾亂,干擾
All of a sudden, a loud noise outside our window disturbed our sleep.

10. attraction n. 吸引力(不可數);景點/吸引人之物(可數)
 a tourist attraction  觀光景點/勝地
Wealth and fame hold no attraction for Bonnie.
Hawaii’s Waikiki Beach is a famous tourist attraction.

11. reflect vt. 反射;反映
The mountain is clearly reflected in the lake.
Emily’s tastes in music reflect her unusual personality.

occurrence n. 發生的事件(可數)
An unexpected occurrence threw John into despair.
以下介紹 occurrence 作不可數名詞及其衍生字的用法:
a. occurrence 亦可表「發生」,此時為不可數名詞。
The occurrence of stomachaches is often linked with pressure.
b. occur vi. 發生(= happen、take place);突然想到
Earthquakes occur quite frequently in this area, so make sure you know what to do in case of one.
c. It occurred to sb + that 子句  某人突然想起……
= It struck sb + that 子句
= Sb suddenly remembered + that 子句
注意:上述句型中的 It 為虛主詞,用來代替其後的 that 子句,此 that 子句才是真主詞。
It occurred to Ethan that he forgot to pay his credit card bills.
It struck me that today is the last day I can register for the yoga class.

Taiwan’s Blue Tears are anything but sad.
介紹 but 作介詞的重要用法
※本句中的 but 為介詞,意思等同於 except(除了……之外);anything but 則視為副詞,譯成「絕非、根本不、一點也不」,後面接名詞或形容詞作主詞補語,句型如下:
be anything but N/Adj.  
= be not N/Adj. at all
= be far from N/Adj.
Anthony seems determined to prove that he is anything but stupid.
※but 作 except 解釋時,也常用於否定詞或 all 之後,常見用法尚有下列:
a. be nothing but N/Adj.  只不過是……
此處的 nothing but 意思等同於 nothing more than、only。
David is nothing but a liar. He never tells the truth.
b. no one / nobody but sb  除了某人之外沒有人,只有某人
It was really late, so there was no one but me at the bus stop.
c. do nothing but V  除了……外什麼都不做
Al did nothing but watch TV all day long.
d. have no choice but to V  
= have no option / alternative but to V
option n. 選擇
alternative n. 選擇;替代方案
You have no choice but to apologize to Mandy.
e. all but N  除了……之外其他都……
= all except N
All but Kathy attended the concert.
f. all but Adj./Adv./V  幾乎……
= almost Adj./Adv./V
This species of butterfly has all but disappeared from Taiwan.


  臺灣的藍眼淚一點也不悲傷。相反地,它們更適合被形容為不可思議、神奇的,甚至更簡單地說:美麗的。藍眼淚是在馬祖群島附近的部分海洋發出閃閃發亮藍光的一個神祕自然現象的名稱。每年從四月到九月,在馬祖所有小島的沿岸都可以看到這種令人驚歎的螢光,這一現象吸引了遊客前來觀賞這個令人難以置信的景象。然而,儘管六月至八月是看到藍眼淚的最佳良機,卻無法保證每位造訪的人都能一睹它們的丰采。為了幫助那些對於見到這種藍色水底現象有興趣的人,連江縣政府建立了一個 Facebook 專頁,提供有關藍眼淚狀況的當前訊息。觀賞藍眼淚的最佳地點是在遠離光害的完全黑暗地區。
1. 哪一項最能描述藍眼淚?
(A) 一種被藍色水吸引的魚。
(B) 一種反射藍光的水。
(C) 藻類引起的一種自然現象。
(D) 一個臺灣開發的旅遊景點。
2. 下列哪一項不正確?
(A) 在馬祖附近水域可以看到藍眼淚。
(B) 人們可以在網路上查看藍眼淚的狀況。
(C) 所有甲藻都會發出生物光。
(D) 遊客有時可能無法看到藍眼淚。
3. 何時是看到藍眼淚的最佳時間?
(A) 夏季。
(B) 秋季。
(C) 冬季。
(D) 春季。
4. 哪裡可以找到甲藻?
(A) 只在臺灣島嶼周圍。
(B) 在世界各地的所有海洋中。
(C) 主要在亞洲。
(D) 僅在夏季的北美和南美附近。
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B





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