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2019/06/24第312期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� ��憛���韏瑟�
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� �望��蝮桀神
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� HIW+憟���
An Egg-cellent Dessert
��Casey Cole

What do 19th-century Portuguese monks and a 20th-century British pharmacist have in common? Both can be credited with inventing and popularizing a well-loved pastry��the egg tart. Their contributions to the rise of this dessert make for an interesting history and explain how it has spread from Portugal all the way to East Asia.
The egg tart owes its origins to a monastery located in the Bel矇m neighborhood of Lisbon, Portugal. There, monks once used egg white to starch their clothes. To avoid wasting all the yolks that were left over, they made pastries with them. Thus, the original egg tart was born.
These days, crowds flock to the world-famous Past矇is de Bel矇m, a small pastry shop in Lisbon that has kept the monastery��s original egg tart recipe. The shop, which sells about 20,000 egg tarts a day, keeps the recipe a secret. In fact, only six people in the entire world have knowledge of it. Many shops throughout Portugal sell similar egg tarts, but none of them can compare with the ones made from the original recipe of the monks.


憒�隞�嚗�鈭箏�������唾��銝���������鞎��怠����憛��萄�摨���嚗�Past矇is de Bel矇m嚗�嚗����臭�摰嗡��潮���舀�祉��撠�蝟�暺�摨�嚗�靽���靽桅���W���祉����憛����嫘����摰嗅�瘥�憭抵痔�桃��抵�砍����憛�嚗�銝��游�甇日���嫣�撖���鈭�撖虫�嚗��其����芣���剖��鈭箇�交�����∟�������啗迂憭���摨��賣��鞈�憿�隡潛����憛�嚗�雿��賣�銝�銝��券��鈭�靽桅��憯怎����憪����寡ˊ雿��箔�����憛���

�� 閰喟敦�扳��隢�蝧駁�將O.218 6����Live鈭����梯���隤� ��
��鈭�蝮桀神���刻����隞����游������銝�������嚗�靘�憒����訐DA銋�閮望��鈭箸���喳�唳�箸�扳��璈�銋������餃�鋆�蝵柴����鈭箸�訾��拍����嚗�personal digital assistant嚗�嚗�銝����曉�券����蝮桀神�����舀�臬�銝�銝�璅���鈭���嚗�

PDA -> ��鈭箸�訾��拍��嚗�
A:That couple is going hard with the PDA over there.
B:Yuck, tone it down!*

*tone sth down����雿選�蝔�摨佗�雿�隤踴���嗆��銝�暺�����
�曉�刻�望��PDA��撣豢�皰ublic display of affection��蝮桀神嚗�銵函內��靘嗚���暸��嚗��祇���祆�拇������������


A:What do you think about my coffee table? Is it time to finally throw it out?
B:Hmm, I think it needs just a little TLC. Want me to try and fix it up?

���訊LC雿�銋�閮望���喳�啁�亙���������駁��嚗�銝�������蝮桀神銋��臭誑��tender loving care嚗�銋�撠望�胯��皞急�����瑯��蝝啣��折"��鈭箸����鈭�������������嚗�

A:Hey bro, wanna go to a movie with me?
B:Sorry, tell you later. I��m busy ATM.

憭批振�賜�仿��ATM�臭誑������甈暹���嚗�automated teller machine嚗�嚗�銝����函雯頝航��憭拇��蝪∟�銝凋蝙�冽���舐�其�at the moment��蝮桀神嚗��喋���桀�����曉������������

2019/6/24 (銝�)

Although it's shy around strangers, it will follow its owner everywhere.

2019/6/25 (鈭�)

In fact, only six people in the entire world have knowledge of it.

2019/6/26 (銝�)

Meanwhile, egg tarts have been adapted in other places.

2019/6/27 (��)

I'm not sure how realistic that is, though.

2019/6/28 (鈭�)

I'd prefer a direct train, if possible, to save time.

�寞�寧雯 ��撟湔��(180憭�)
�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12�� +�亥�憭批��閫�蝟餃��憟���(��4��)


鈭����交�祈���隤�1撟�12�� + �梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
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