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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2019/10/01第319期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� 敺����餃�唳�芯�嚗�瘜啣��蝯脩��摰�蝢��餉�
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� ��閫�摰嗡�
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� �亥�+�梯�
Taylor Swift: A Look Back and a Look Forward

Believe it or not, Taylor Swift turns 30 this year. It��s clear that she has changed as both a person and an artist over the years. The sweet small-town girl from Pennsylvania who loved country music is now a huge star who continues to produce pop hits.
Thus far, Swift��s songs have mainly dealt with young love and heartbreak. In her first single, the straight-up country track, ��Tim McGraw,�� she sang of a former high school boyfriend who is now just a memory. The theme continued with 2008��s ��You Belong with Me,�� a song that Swift said is about wanting to be with someone whose girlfriend doesn��t appreciate him. This song also marked a change from country music to pop, as it featured an electric guitar and a catchy melody.
In 2014, Swift completed the transition to pop music with ��Shake It Off.�� The single lost the country elements completely in favor of a dance-pop style. The success of the song led some to call Swift the new ��Queen of Pop.��



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Household Chores
dust the cabinet 皜��斗咱瑹����啣△
duster �文△�W�
vacuum the floor �典�詨△�典�詨�唳��
sweep the floor ����
mop the floor ����
vacuum cleaner �詨△��
broom ��撣�
dustpan ��蝞�
robot vacuum ���唳��其犖
嚗�鈭血�舐迂雿� robotic vacuum cleaner嚗�
mop ����
bucket 瘞湔▲
sponge 瘚瑞馭
recycle 鞈�皞�����
water the plants �踵��拇�瘞�
trash/garbage bin ���暹▲
take out the garbage ������
do/wash the dishes 瘣�蝣�
glass cleaner �餌��皜�瞏���
clean the window 皜�瞏�蝒���
toilet brush 擐祆▲��
scrub the toilet �琿收獢�
hang clothes �曇﹝��
organize clothes �渡��銵���
fold clothes �箄﹝��
laundry detergent 瘣�銵�蝎�
clothes hanger 銵���
do the laundry 瘣�銵���
washing machine / washer 瘣�銵�璈�
laundry basket 瘣�銵�蝐�
bedsheet 摨���
make the bed �渡��摨���
iron �冽��
iron clothes �刻﹝��
ironing board ��銵���

2019/9/30 (銝�)

The success of the song led some to call Swift the new "Queen of Pop."

2019/10/1 (鈭�)

Almost half of Taylor Swift's life has been spent sharing her deepest thoughts and feelings through her music.

2019/10/2 (銝�)

Put that phone away!

2019/10/3 (��)

While it seems like parents can be unreasonable at times, they are generally just hoping for the best for you.

2019/10/4 (鈭�)

A good relationship with your parents can ease their fears and worries.

鈭����交�祈�1撟�12�� +�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� + LiveTalk 蝺�銝���鈭箏��隤芣��摰� 暺���30暺�


�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� +�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12��
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