Baba Marta: The Bulgarian Celebration of Spring 喜迎春天 保加利亞三月節

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2020/03/03 第451期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Baba Marta: The Bulgarian Celebration of Spring 喜迎春天 保加利亞三月節
by Sean Gale



  The arrival of spring is an event that is celebrated the world over in a wide range of unique and interesting ways. In Bulgaria, the tradition of welcoming spring, as well as bidding __1__ to winter, is known as Baba Marta, and it is among the country’s oldest and most important festivals.
  Translated into English as “Grandma March,” Baba Marta kicks off on March 1 but is celebrated throughout the month. According to Bulgarian folklore, Grandma March is __2__ as a charming old woman who arrives in spring to chase away her unpleasantly cold and grumpy brothers, January and February. In doing so, she creates space for the new season, which brings with it the warmth and light of the sun, the cheerful songs of birds, and a myriad of colorful flowers __3__.
  During Baba Marta, Bulgarian streets become packed with stalls selling “Martenitsas”—special ornaments made of white and red yarn. Martenitsas are not something a person should ever purchase for oneself, __4__. They can only be given as gifts and usually come in the form of two miniature dolls—one male and one female—either to be worn around the wrist as a bracelet or pinned to one’s shirt or jacket. According to Bulgarian tradition, Martenitsas should be sported every day in March until one catches a glimpse of a stork or sparrow. These two __5__ bird species are known to spend winters in Africa before flying up to Bulgaria for the spring. Once the stork or sparrow appears, the Martenitsa is taken off and tied to a blossoming tree.
1. (A) greeting  (B) welfare  (C) blessing  (D) farewell
2. (A) criticized  (B) diagnosed  (C) portrayed  (D) nominated
3. (A) at large  (B) in bloom  (C) by nature  (D) on call
4. (A) thus  (B) either  (C) though  (D) instead
5. (A) migratory  (B) voluntary  (C) laboratory  (D) temporary


folklore n. 民間傳說
myriad n. 無數;極大數量
 a myriad of...  無數的/極大量的……
yarn n. 紗;毛線
bracelet n. 手鐲
stork n. 鸛
blossom vi. 開花(本文為現在分詞作形容詞用)

1. In Bulgaria, the tradition of welcoming spring, as well as bidding farewell to winter, is known as Baba Marta, and it is among the country’s oldest and most important festivals.
a. (A) greeting n. 問候;致意
• When you meet someone important, you must give them the proper greeting.
(B) welfare n. 幸福;福祉,福利
• Larry’s stepmother showed no concern for his welfare.
(C) blessing n. 賜福,恩賜;祝福
• It was a blessing that you were not hurt in the accident.
(D) farewell n. 告別
bid farewell to...  向……道別
• We bid our last farewell to our good friend at her funeral.
b. 空格前提到保加利亞迎(welcoming)春的傳統,由此推知,空格應置入相對的 farewell,形成 “bid farewell to...” 的固定用法,表示向冬天道別,也就是「送」冬,故 (D) 項為正選。

2. According to Bulgarian folklore, Grandma March is portrayed as a charming old woman who arrives in spring to chase away her unpleasantly cold and grumpy brothers, January and February.
a. (A) criticize vt. 批評,批判
be criticized as...  被批評為……
• The tax reform is being criticized as a benefit for the rich.
(B) diagnose vt. 診斷
be diagnosed as + 疾病(形容詞)  被診斷患有……(疾病)
be diagnosed with + 疾病(名詞)  被診斷患有……(疾病)
• The patient was diagnosed as diabetic.
*diabetic a. 患糖尿病的
• Stella was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer last week.
*ulcer n. 潰瘍
(C) portray vt. 描繪,描寫
be portrayed as...  被描繪成……
• In fairy tales, witches are typically portrayed as evil women.
(D) nominate vt. 提名
be nominated as...  被提名為……
• Jerry was nominated as chairman of the committee.
b. 根據語意,三月奶奶被「描繪」成一位討人喜歡的老婦人,可知答案應選 (C) portrayed。

3. In doing so, she creates space for the new season, which brings with it the warmth and light of the sun, the cheerful songs of birds, and a myriad of colorful flowers in bloom.
a. (A) at large  逍遙法外,在逃的;就全體而言
• Despite the efforts of the police, the escaped prisoner is still at large.
• Rising food prices pose a serious challenge to society at large.
(B) in bloom  (花)盛開
• All the roses in our garden are in full bloom.
(C) by nature  天生地
• The teacher is caring by nature, making her popular among her students.
(D) on call  隨時待命的
• Firefighters are on call 24 hours a day for emergencies.
b. 根據語意,三月奶奶趕跑一月和二月之後就為新季節騰出了空間,帶來太陽的溫暖與光明、令人愉悅的鳥囀,以及無數「盛放的」繽紛花朵,故 (B) 項應為正選。

4. Martenitsas are not something a person should ever purchase for oneself, though.
a. 本題測試 though 作連接性副詞的用法:
though 可作連接性副詞,通常置於句尾,其前加逗點,亦可置於句中,前後以逗點相隔。
• Ed had planned to take a week off. His boss said he could only take three days, though.
b. 空格前一句表示,三月節期間保加利亞的街道上到處都是販賣三月花的攤位,後一句則說三月花只能作為送人的禮物,可知空格應置入轉折詞 though,形成「相對」的語意,表「不過」三月花不是人們該為自己而買的東西,故答案選 (C)。
c. 選項 (B) either 雖然亦可用於前面有逗點的否定句中,表「也不」,惟於本句語意不合,故不可選。

5. These two migratory bird species are known to spend winters in Africa before flying up to Bulgaria for the spring.
a. (A) migratory a. 遷移的
a migratory bird  候鳥
• Many migratory birds fly south for the winter every year.
(B) voluntary a. 自願的;自主的
• Working as a park ranger here is done on a voluntary basis.
*a park ranger  公園管理員
(C) laboratory n. 實驗室(常簡寫為 lab)
laboratory 雖為名詞,但亦可置於另一名詞前修飾該名詞,形成名詞詞組。
• Laboratory tests suggest that the new medication may be used to treat asthma.
(D) temporary a. 短暫的,暫時的
• Rebecca found a temporary job as an English teacher in a cram school.
b. 根據語意,大家都知道鸛和麻雀這兩種「候」鳥會在非洲過冬,並在春天時往北飛回保加利亞,故 (A) 項應為正選。

1. celebration n. 慶祝(活動)
in celebration of...  慶祝……
celebrate vt. 慶祝
• Jim’s mother bought him a brand-new bike in celebration of his birthday.
• My friends treated me to dinner to celebrate my birthday.

2. translate vt. 翻譯
be translated into...  被翻譯成……(語言)
translate A into B  把 A 翻譯成 B(語言)
• This famous novel has been translated into many languages.
• Paul’s boss asked him to translate the English email into Chinese.

3. unpleasantly adv. 令人不愉快地
unpleasant a. 令人不愉快的
• Humidity here can get unpleasantly high in summer.
• The kitchen towel gave off an unpleasant odor because it wasn’t dried properly.

4. grumpy a. 易生氣的,脾氣壞的
• I don’t understand why Ted is so grumpy all the time.

5. ornament n. 裝飾品
• Courtney purchased a number of new ornaments for her Christmas tree.

6. miniature a. 迷你的,微型的
• Catherine bought a set of miniature furniture for her daughter’s doll house.

7. sport vt. 穿戴
• Emma came to work sporting a bright yellow baseball cap.

1. a wide range of...  各式各樣的……
= a wide variety of...
• This hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services.

2. kick off  開始
• The game kicked off right after the parade of nations.

3. chase away... / chase... away  驅走……
• Ken chased the stray dogs away with a stick.

4. in doing so  這樣做時
= in so doing
• Instead of driving, you should ride your bike to work. In doing so, you can exercise more and save money on gas.

5. catch a glimpse of...  瞥見……
glimpse n. 一瞥
• Did you catch a glimpse of the man that stole your purse?

become / be packed with...  (變得)擠滿/充滿……
• The bus was packed with passengers, so I decided to wait for the next one.
a. be abundant in / with...  
abundant a. 豐富的
• This forest is abundant in rare mushrooms.
b. be alive with...  充滿/到處都是……(有生命的或活動的東西)
• The ocean is alive with all kinds of creatures.
c. be crowded with...  擠滿……
• That department store is always crowded with people on the weekends.
d. be filled with...  充滿……
= be full of...
• The professor’s study is filled with books and papers.
e. be loaded with...  (車輛或容器)裝滿/載滿……;充滿……
• Our car just passed a truck that was loaded with pigs.
f. be stuffed with...  塞滿……
• Linda’s suitcase was stuffed with new clothes when she came back from Japan.

喜迎春天 保加利亞三月節

  春天的到來是一個全世界以各種獨特且有趣的方式慶祝的事件。在保加利亞,迎春送冬的傳統稱為三月節(Baba Marta),是該國最古老也最重要的節慶之一。
  Baba Marta 英文直譯為「三月奶奶」,在每年的三月一日揭開序幕,但整個三月都在慶祝。根據保加利亞民間傳說,三月奶奶被描繪成一位討人喜歡的老婦人,她在春天到來並趕跑她那不討人喜歡、冷淡又愛生氣的兄弟 ── 一月和二月。她這麼做之後就為新季節騰出了空間,帶來太陽的溫暖與光明、令人愉悅的鳥囀,以及無數盛放的繽紛花朵。
答案:1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A


職涯異動焦慮 帶領職能學習需求


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