Starving Seagull Attacks on the Rise 飢餓海鷗來襲!顧好你手中食物

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2020/03/03 第440期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Starving Seagull Attacks on the Rise 飢餓海鷗來襲!顧好你手中食物
Hungry seagulls are a growing problem in coastal areas.



  Seagulls are a common sight on beaches around the world. These large, noisy birds can appear friendly, especially to visitors who have brought a picnic!
  Many people like to feed seagulls as a kind of entertainment. It can be amusing to watch the birds fighting over little pieces of bread or chips. However, when animals get used to being fed by humans, they will lose their fear of them and may become aggressive. Seagulls are not very dangerous, but they have been known to attack humans, usually people that are holding food.
  The usual food sources of seagulls, and all birds, are threatened by climate change, so their feeding habits are changing. Seagulls have been seen eating pigeons, rabbits, and even other seagulls. On occasion, they will even drink beer, which makes it difficult for them to fly and can result in other unusual behavior.
  If you are an animal lover, it is best to avoid offering animals any kind of human food.


1. attack n. & vt. 攻擊,襲擊
The soldiers will defend their country against any attack.
The police officer asked Randy to describe the person who attacked him.
2. coastal a. 近海的,海岸的
Gold Coast is a coastal city that is located in Queensland, Australia.
3. amusing a. 有趣的,好笑的
Tina loves to watch amusing YouTube videos during her lunch break.
蒂娜很愛在午休時看有趣的 YouTube 影片。
4. aggressive a. 具攻擊性的,好鬥的
The aggressive man wanted to fight all the people at the party.
5. on occasion  有時,偶爾
occasion n. 時刻;場合
William is vegetarian, but he has been known to eat meat on occasion.
* vegetarian a. 素食的 & n. 素食者
6. result in...  導致/造成……
Tragically, Michael’s careless driving resulted in the death of a little girl.
* tragically adv. 悲慘地,不幸地
7. behavior n. 行為,舉止
Parents’ behavior is important because children imitate what they do.
* imitate vt. 模仿
8. avoid V-ing/N  避免(做)某事
Annie wore a mask on the bus to avoid getting the flu.

seagull n. 海鷗(= gull)
chip n. 洋芋片;炸薯條(英式說法)




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