From Maps to Apps 整座城市都是我的畫布!

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2020/03/24 第443期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

From Maps to Apps 整座城市都是我的畫布!
These days, a map, or a map app, isn’t just a map...or an app.
今日,地圖或地圖應用程式不只是地圖 —— 或應用程式而已。



  Where would we be without maps? The answer is...lost. Ever since their invention, maps have gone from being an explorer’s best friend to a tool for making great art. Let’s take a look.
  The earliest known maps aren’t actually of the Earth. They are of the stars! In southwestern France, dots found in the Lascaux caves dating back to 14,500 BC map stars such as Vega, Deneb, and Altair. Maps of places on Earth came much later, perhaps around 7,000 BC. Those early maps showed only parts of small villages. The earliest map of the greater world, the Babylonian World Map, was drawn in 600 BC, but it only showed the “known world,” which is now known as the Middle East.
  Today we have maps of each and every place. Nancy Chandler’s Map of Bangkok, for example, used to be in the hands of every traveler in Thailand. It had all the hard-to-find back alleys and off-the-beaten-path sites. However, in 2019, the Chandler family map business finally went under. It closed because these days, anyone can locate anything in Bangkok using online map apps such as Google Maps.


1. map n. 地圖 & vt. 將……繪製成地圖(三態為:map, mapped, mapped)
This map is very useful for driving.
Most parts of the Moon have already been mapped.
2. invention n. 發明,創造
The invention of the smartphone has changed the way we live our lives.
3. explorer n. 探險家
The explorers traveled the world looking for treasure.
4. date back to...  追溯至……(時間)
The history of this castle dates back to the early 15th century.
5. be known as...  被稱為……;以……身分/名稱為人所知
New York City is known as the Big Apple.
6. go under  倒閉
More than 50% of new companies will go under during their first year.
7. locate vt. 找出……的位置
Gary used a GPS to locate the restaurant.
8. online a. 線上的 & adv. 在線上
For your convenience, you can also take this test online.

back alley n. 小巷;陋巷
off-the-beaten-path / -track a. 偏僻的,人跡罕至的

used to V vs. be used to N/V-ing
1. used to V  過去曾經/經常……
used to V 用來表示過去曾發生或存在的狀況,也可用來描述過去常做某件事或有某種習慣,但現在情況已經有所改變或不再如此。
Johnny used to live in Florida when he was a little boy.
Jack used to smoke like a chimney, but he finally quit last month.
2. 人 + be used to N/V-ing  某人習慣做……
此處的 used 作形容詞用,表「習慣的」,之後的 to 是介詞,表「針對」,因此之後必須接名詞或動名詞。
Michelle is used to the noise in her neighborhood.
Frank is used to taking a shower before going to work.

今日,地圖或地圖應用程式不只是地圖 —— 或應用程式而已。  

  如果沒有地圖我們會身處何方呢?答案就是 —— 迷路。自從地圖發明以來,地圖從成為探險家最好的朋友一路變成創作偉大藝術的工具。就讓我們來一探究竟吧。
  今日,我們有世界各地的地圖。例如,過去每位到泰國的旅客都人手一本萳西•錢德勒的曼谷手繪地圖。這份地圖繪出了所有難找的小巷和人跡罕至的地點。然而到了 2019 年,錢德勒家族的手繪地圖事業終於歇業落幕。關門大吉的原因是因為現今任何人都可以使用如 Google 地圖等線上地圖應用程式來找到有關曼谷的一切。





瘟疫蔓延大斷鏈 全球不變則退

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