The Power and Simplicity of the Cornell Method 高效率筆記:康乃爾筆記法

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2020/03/24 第454期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Power and Simplicity of the Cornell Method 高效率筆記:康乃爾筆記法
by Sean Gale



  As any good high school or university student knows, taking notes in class is an important factor in academic success. In fact, one can be better prepared for exams with good note-taking, since it is crucial for remembering, reviewing, and studying class material. While there are various approaches to note-taking, there is one particular technique which research has shown to be superior to all others. This technique is commonly referred to as the Cornell method.
  Also known as the Cornell notes system, the Cornell method was devised in the 1940s by Walter Pauk, a professor at Cornell University. Pauk developed his now famous method to help his students take notes in class, as well as help them organize their notes on the spot, thus making it easier to review them after class.
  One of the best things about the Cornell method is that it requires very little preparation. Simply divide a single page in a notebook into four sections: a narrow column on the left side of the page, a wide main column on the right side of the page, a horizontal title area consisting of a couple of lines across the top of the page, and a larger horizontal area covering about five lines across the bottom of the page.
  To apply the Cornell method, one simply jots down all of the actual notes from a lecture into the main note-taking section. The narrower column on the left is for writing down questions one might have about important points taught in the lecture, as well as for keywords that may need to be reviewed. Finally, the bottom of the page is for summarizing the main ideas of the lecture. By recapping the material in one’s own words, a student can determine whether they have comprehended the lecture’s overall content.
1. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) How to properly organize a notebook.
(B) A professor at Cornell University.
(C) A special system for taking notes.
(D) Different approaches to note-taking.
2. According to the passage, which of the following is a positive feature of the Cornell method?
(A) It doesn’t require much time to set up.
(B) It will impress most students and professors.
(C) It has been around for over a century.
(D) It only requires a couple of pens or pencils.
3. Which of the following would you find on a page of notes that used the Cornell method?
(A) A summary at the top of the page.
(B) Class notes in the bottom-half of the paper.
(C) A main section with questions or keywords.
(D) Questions about the class on the left-hand side.
4. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?
(A) The origin of the Cornell method.
(B) How the Cornell method is generally applied.
(C) Specific studies relating to the Cornell method.
(D) What to write down in the main column.


academic a. 學業的;學術的
technique n. 技巧;技術
keyword n. 關鍵字
recap vt. 扼要重述;概括

1. take notes  做筆記(notes 恆用複數)
• I’m going to give you an account of what happened and I want you to take notes.

2. be crucial for / to...  對……很重要
 crucial a. 重要的
• Access to the latest information is crucial to a reporter.

3. be superior to...  比……優秀的
 be inferior to...  比……差的
• The functions of my new smartphone are superior to those of the old one.

4. on the spot  當場
• The interview went so well that Joe was offered the job on the spot.

5. jot down... / jot... down  草草/匆匆寫下……
 jot vt. 草草記下
• Amy jotted down the directions on a piece of scrap paper.

1. simplicity n. 簡單,簡樸
• The simplicity of the architecture represents the spirit of Zen.
*Zen n. 禪

2. factor n. 因素(常與介詞 in 並用)
• Trust is a key factor in a harmonious relationship.

3. approach n. 方法(與介詞 to 並用)
• One of the best approaches to learning English is to read English articles out loud.

4. devise vt. 發明,想出
• Marvin has devised an ingenious solution to conserve energy.

5. organize vt. 組織;安排
• Greg kept a journal to organize his thoughts and feelings.

6. preparation n. 準備
in preparation for...  為……做準備
• Mom is buying food in preparation for dinner tonight.

7. horizontal a. 水平的;橫的
vertical a. 垂直的;直立的
• Draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the page and sign your name above it.
• Nowadays many firms are seeking vertical integration to increase productivity.

8. apply vt. 應用
apply A to B  把 A 應用在 B 上
• Scientists are able to apply solar technology to automobiles.

9. summarize vt. 總結
• The results of the research are summarized at the end of the report.

10. determine vt. 確定;決定
• Can you determine whether or not this piece of jade is genuine?

11. comprehend vt. 理解
• This book is too difficult for children to comprehend fully.

12. overall a. 全部的,總的
• A survey is supposed to be a random sampling of the public’s overall opinion.

13. specific a. 明確的,具體的
• Could you be more specific about what you’re looking for?

consist of...  由……組成;包括……(無被動用法)
consist vi. 組成,構成
• This dish consists of vegetables, meat, and spices.
表「A(整體)由 B(部分)組成」尚有以下用法:
a. A is made up of B
• The night class was made up of students from all walks of life.
b. A is composed of B
• The medical team is composed of five doctors and 10 nurses.
c. A is comprised of B
• The game is comprised of various rules that are too difficult to explain.
make up、compose、comprise 和 constitute 也可用部分作主詞,表「B(部分)組成 A(整體)」:
a. B makes up A
• Women and children make up a large proportion of the population in this village.
b. compose vt. 組成;包括
• Two boys and three girls compose this band.
c. comprise vt. 組成,構成;包含
• Bamboo comprises 99% of a giant panda’s diet.
竹子在大貓熊的飲食中占了 99%。
d. constitute vt. 組成,構成
• In this school, girls constitute 55% of the student body.
這所學校裡,女學生占學生總數的 55%。

As any good high school or university student knows, taking notes in class is an important factor in academic success.
介紹 as 作關係代名詞和準關係代名詞的用法
※ as 作關係代名詞時,等於 which 的用法,可用以代替句中的主要子句或子句中的部分概念,但和 which 不同的是,as 所引導的形容詞子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,而且要用逗點隔開。
As you can see, our new apartment is much bigger than our old one.
• Henry is a man of his word, as is known to all of his friends.
※ as 引導的形容詞子句句構為「as + be 動詞 + p.p.」時,be 動詞可以省略。
As (was) mentioned above, the problem can be seen in a different way.
※ 除了關係代名詞,as 還可以作準關係代名詞(既當連接詞亦作關係代名詞的詞類),等於「as + the + 前面的名詞 + 關係代名詞 who / whom / which」,只用於下列句構中:
a. such + N + as...  像……那樣的……
• Jenny feels lucky to have such a wonderful husband as Bill.
b. the same + N + as...  和……相同的……
• Alice bought the same jeans as her older sister did.
c. as + Adj. + N + as...  和……一樣的……
• Kevin is as diligent a man as ever lived.


  康乃爾筆記法也被稱為康乃爾筆記系統,於 1940 年代由康乃爾大學的一位教授沃爾特.波克所發明。波克發展出這種如今相當有名的方法,是為了幫助他的學生在課堂上做筆記,也為了幫助他們當場整理自己的筆記,因而使學生能在課後更容易複習筆記。
1. 本文的主旨為何?
(A) 如何適切地組織一本筆記本。
(B) 康乃爾大學的一位教授。
(C) 一個做筆記的特殊系統。
(D) 做筆記的不同方法。
2. 根據本文,下列何者是康乃爾筆記的優點?
(A) 它不需要很多時間製作。
(B) 它會使多數學生和教授感到驚豔。
(C) 它已經存在一個多世紀了。
(D) 它只需要幾支筆或鉛筆。
3. 你可能會在使用康乃爾筆記法做的筆記頁上發現下列何者?
(A) 位在頁面最上方的摘要。
(B) 位在下半頁的課堂筆記。
(C) 有著問題或關鍵字的主要區塊。
(D) 位在左手邊與課堂有關的問題。
4. 本文並未討論到下列哪一點?
(A) 康乃爾筆記法的起源。
(B) 康乃爾筆記法一般是如何運用的。
(C) 與康乃爾筆記法有關的特定幾個研究。
(D) 在主要欄位中要寫什麼。
答案:1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C





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