Saving grace 不是救命之恩;Grace period 不是優雅時期。

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2023/02/13 第426期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Saving grace 不是救命之恩;Grace period 不是優雅時期。

May 要給客戶的報告,無法如期完成,很擔心;他問外籍老闆,可不可以延緩幾天。老闆回說:

We got a few days’ grace to finish the report.

Grace? 難道要請公司的 Grace 出面來寫報告?May 覺得很疑惑。這裡的 grace 跟 Grace 這個人完全無關。


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WHO announced that "burnout" remains an "occupational phenomenon", which means that people could seek care for burnout, but it is still not considered as a medical condition.


After decades of research, burnout is still not considered an actual mental disorder even though it's one of the most widely discussed mental health problems in today's society. One reason for that is that much of the research on burnout focused on "causes and associated factors," rather than on attempts to develop diagnostic criteria, according to one leading burnout researcher, Torsten Heinemann. That led to "vagueness and ambiguity" around the concept of burnout.

幾十年來的研究顯示,儘管工作倦怠是近代社會最廣為討論的問題之一,它本身仍不屬於真正心理疾病的範疇。根據研究工作倦怠的頂尖專家Torsten Heinemann,造成這個現象的原因之一,是因為許多研究都只侷限在工作倦怠的「起因及影響因素」,而非制定診斷標準,這才導致工作倦怠的定義相當模糊。


Burnout was included in the previous edition of the WHO's handbook of diseases (ICD-10), but was described in general terms as a state of exhaustion. The new edition upgrades burnout to a syndrome, with a more serious set of symptoms. More detailed definitions of burnout are added to the ICD-11, which will go into effect in January 2022  and helps healthcare providers diagnose diseases.


In ICD-11, burnout is defined as "chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed" and several key symptoms of burnout include:

最新版本的ICD-11中,工作倦怠的定義為「長期處於工作壓力,卻無法成功處理的一種症候群 」,其中包含以下 3 項症狀:

   1. feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion

   2. "mental distance" at work or "negativism and cynicism" in relation to one's job

   3. reduced professional efficacy


"The earlier definition was kind of this weird in-between; you're not really sick, but you're not fully capable of doing your work." says Torsten Voigt, a German sociologist, who published a review of existing studies on burnout in 2017.

「早期工作倦怠的定義像是卡在某種不上不下的詭異狀態,這就好比你沒有真的生病,卻也無法完成份內的工作。」德國社會學家Torsten Voigt說道,他曾在2017年發表工作倦怠相關研究的回顧探討。

"The new definition is now more detailed. While it's not a major change, it gives people who suffer from burnout more legitimacy."Voigt says. "People who feel burnout are finally fully recognized as having a severe issue. The new definition may be a step toward making it easier for people to get help, at least in some European countries, where health professionals rely on the ICD," he says.


#參考資料:Forbes、New York Times、Business Insider、NPR Health news、WHO official site


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