Get Lost  從迷失到尋回的體驗 ── 瑪索內迷宮

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2015/12/29 第227期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Get Lost  從迷失到尋回的體驗 ── 瑪索內迷宮

   Italy is known for many tourist attractions like the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Now, the Masone Labyrinth, the world's biggest bamboo maze, can be added to that list. Seventy-seven-year-old Franco Maria Ricci came up with the idea for this huge maze and sold his publishing house to work on it. It took 10 years, but now the labyrinth is finally open.
  Visitors to the labyrinth will most likely get lost. All of the hedges are the same size, and there are very few clues about how to get out of the maze. The only way for people to actually get out once they are lost is to pay attention to the various shrubberies and listen for people's voices for clues.
  Ricci spent 10 million euros building the Masone Labyrinth in the hope of creating a place that inspired wonder and curiosity. In addition, the maze includes a pyramid with a chapel covered in gold inside it for weddings. There are also hotels, dance halls, art museums, and libraries in the place. Ricci's idea is that people come to the maze to lose themselves and then go to the art museums or libraries and find what they have always been looking for.


   義大利以許多觀光勝地聞名,像是羅馬競技場、萬神廟和比薩斜塔。現在,世界最大的竹子迷宮 ── 瑪索內迷宮也可以加到那個名單上。七十七歲的佛朗哥•瑪麗亞•里奇想出這個巨型迷宮的概念,他賣掉他的出版社並致力於打造這座迷宮。建設工程花了十年,但是現在它終於開幕了。

  1. get lost  迷路
    In case you get lost, you can call me at this number.
  2. be added to...  增添到……中
    If a little pepper was added to the soup, it would be perfect.
  3. work on...  致力於……
    You should really work on improving your French before you go on vacation in Paris.
  4. most likely...  很有可能……
    If a dog is wagging its tail, it's most likely friendly and won't bite.
    * wag vt. & vi. 狗搖尾巴
  5. clue n. 線索
    Jeff put the clues together and solved the crime.
  6. in the hope of...  希望……
    Ed goes jogging each morning in the hope of getting in shape.
  7. wonder n. 驚奇
    Bill had a look of wonder on his face at that moment.
  8. be covered in...  被……覆蓋
    Mandy was covered in mud after she fell into the pond.
  1. labyrinth n. 迷宮
  2. publishing house n. 出版社
  3. hedge n. 樹籬
  4. shrubbery n. 灌木林
  5. pyramid n. 金字塔

配料豐富蜜豆冰 這才是台中的冰啊!


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