Selfies with Daughters  消弭性別失衡 自拍掀風潮

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2015/12/29 第243期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Selfies with Daughters  消弭性別失衡 自拍掀風潮
by Daniel Howard and Ivy Liu

A new contest is reminding India of the value of daughters.

  India is the second most populous country in the world, home to a population of over a billion people. There is, however, a serious issue of gender inequality. Due to a cultural preference for sons, there are currently only 933 women per 1,000 men. _(1)_ One village, however, is trying to solve the problem in an unlikely way: selfies.
  The Northern Indian state of Haryana has a larger-than-normal gap between male and female children. _(2)_ Such a wide discrepancy is asking for trouble, so the council of a village called Bibipur decided to set up a contest. _(3)_ The idea was to get parents who were proud of their daughters to take pictures with them and share their love with the world. Despite Bibipur being a small village, nearly 800 people sent in photos. _(4)_
  The organizers were surprised by the number of people who submitted photos. Even people without daughters sent messages in saying that they wished they could also participate. To accommodate more people, the contest allowed three winners instead of just one, and there were 15 consolation prizes added on as well. _(5)_ One of the winners named Amit said, "It was nice to see that such an initiative has been taken for daughters." Inspired by Haryana's efforts, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi began to promote the initiative on his radio program to tackle the gender ratio gap. Shortly afterwards, the campaign was all over social media in India before it started trending worldwide. With all the heartwarming pictures and messages posted online about daughters, it is hoped that they will make a difference in the fight against gender inequality.

(A) For every 1,000 boys, there are only 877 girls.
(B) Pictures came in from all over Haryana, and from a few other places around India as well.
(C) Contestants only had to take a selfie with their daughters and submit it through a messaging app.
(D) Each winner got a trophy, a certificate, and 2,100 rupees (about US$316).
(E) When daughters are neglected in favor of sons, major cultural problems arise, such as discrimination against women.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Due to a cultural preference for sons, there are currently only 933 women per 1,000 men."(由於重男輕女的文化偏好,目前比例是每一千名男生對應僅九百三十三名女生。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "When daughters are neglected in favor of sons, major cultural problems arise, such as discrimination against women."(當女孩子因為普遍對兒子的偏好而被忽視時,像是歧視女性這類的主要文化問題也隨之出現。),前一句的 a cultural preference for sons(重男輕女的文化偏好)與後一句的 in favor of sons(對兒子的偏好)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. neglect vt. 忽視,忽略
    同: overlook vt.
    Maria neglected her health for many years until it was too late.
    b. in favor of...  偏好……;贊成/支持……
    Few parents are in favor of the recent changes to the education system.
    c. arise vi. 產生,發生(三態為:arise, arose, arisen。)
    d. discrimination n. 歧視
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The Northern Indian state of Haryana has a larger-than-normal gap between male and female children."(北印度哈里亞納邦的男女兒童性別比例差距超出平均。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "For every 1,000 boys, there are only 877 girls."(每一千名男童對應僅八百七十七名女童。),後一句補充說明前一句的 a larger-than-normal gap(差距超出平均),故產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. 第三題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Such a wide discrepancy is asking for trouble, so the council of a village called Bibipur decided to set up a contest."(像這麼大的差距是自找麻煩,因此名為畢畢普爾村的村委會決定要舉辦比賽。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "Contestants only had to take a selfie with their daughters and submit it through a messaging app."(參賽者只需與他們的女兒自拍,再透過某通訊軟體上傳照片。),前一句的 contest(比賽)與後一句的 Contestants(參賽者)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. contestant n. 參賽者
    b. submit vt. 提交,呈遞
    衍: submit sth to sb  呈交某物給某人
    Ron submitted his research paper to his professor just minutes before the deadline.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Despite Bibipur being a small village, nearly 800 people sent in photos."(僅管畢畢普爾村是一座小村落,卻有將近八百人發送照片。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Pictures came in from all over Haryana, and from a few other places around India as well."(這些照片來自哈里亞納邦各地,以及一些印度各地其他地方。),前一句的 photos(照片)和後一句的 Pictures(照片)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "To accommodate more people, the contest allowed three winners instead of just one, and there were 15 consolation prizes added on as well."(為了迎合更多人,該比賽提供了三名贏家,而非僅有一名,且還增加了十五個安慰獎。),而 (D) 項的句子提到 "Each winner got a trophy, a certificate, and 2,100 rupees (about US$316)."(每位得獎者會獲得一座獎杯、一張證明書及兩千一百盧比(折合美金約三百一十六元)。),前後兩句以 winner(s)(贏家、得獎者)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. trophy n. 獎杯;獎品
    b. certificate n. 證書,執照
    衍: certification n. 認證

selfie n. 自拍
discrepancy n. 差異之處
prime minister n. 總理;首相
ratio n. 比例,比率

  1. remind sb of sth  使某人想起某事
    That song reminds me of my childhood when I was living with my grandmother.
  2. be home to...  是……的家鄉/棲息地/發源地
    According to the guidebook, this forest is home to 20 species of birds.
  3. set up...  成立/設立……
  4. make a difference in...  使……有所不同
    You can make a difference in a child's life by encouraging him or her to follow their dreams.
  1. populous a. 人口眾多的
    The populous town will likely develop into a city in the near future.
  2. gender inequality  性別不平等
    inequality n. 不平等
  3. cultural a. 文化的
    The ritual is recognized as part of the cultural heritage of the country.
  4. preference n. 偏好
    衍: have a preference for...  對……有偏好
    prefer vt. 更喜歡
    prefer A to B  喜歡 A 勝過 B
    Frank has a preference for sweets over spicy food.
    I prefer going to the movies to watching TV.
  5. gap n. 差距
  6. council n. 委員會;議會
  7. organizer n. 籌辦人,組織者
    衍: organize vt. 籌辦
    The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
    Andrew organized a surprise birthday party for his girlfriend.
  8. participate vi. 參加
    衍: participate in...  參加……,參與……
    = take part in...
    In order to participate in that competition, Wilson trained for one year.
  9. accommodate vt. 迎合;容納
    The theater can accommodate up to 600 people.
  10. consolation n. 安慰
  11. initiative n. 倡議;率先行動
    衍: take the initiative  率先,倡導
    If I didn't take the initiative to clean the house, no one would.
  12. inspire vt. 激發,鼓勵;啟發
    衍: inspire sb to V  鼓舞/激勵某人(做)……
    Adam's friends always inspire him to study harder.
  13. tackle vt. 對付,處理(難題)
    同: deal with...
    Vicky hired a personal assistant to tackle her scheduling problems.
  14. trend vi.(在社群網站上)流行起來
    I've just taken a quick look at what's trending on Twitter right now.
  15. heartwarming a. 溫馨的
    This is the most heartwarming film I have ever seen.

消弭性別失衡 自拍掀風潮
  印度是全球第二大人口稠密的國家,擁有十億多人口。然而,在當地有很嚴重的性別不平等問題。由於重男輕女的文化偏好,目前比例是每一千名男生對應僅九百三十三名女生。當女孩子因為普遍對兒子的偏好而被忽視時,像是歧視女性這類的主要文化問題也隨之出現。不過有個小村莊正試圖以一種看起來不太可能的方式來解決這個問題 ── 自拍。
答案: 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

配料豐富蜜豆冰 這才是台中的冰啊!


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