The Glacial Invasion of Slow TV  北歐慢電視來襲 你抵擋得住嗎?

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2015/12/01 第239期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Glacial Invasion of Slow TV  北歐慢電視來襲 你抵擋得住嗎?
by Ivy Liu

The Nordic phenomenon of slow TV is slowly but surely taking hold of viewers' imaginations in the UK and US.

  In an age when we people have shorter attention spans than a goldfish's, the popularity of slow TV in Norway may seem baffling. Everyone is rushed off their feet in their daily lives. Our fast-paced lifestyle is evident in the entertainment and news we watch, reducing information into compact packages for audiences. In Norway, however, they have slowed down the pace of modern life with the concept of slow TV.
  Stemming from Andy Warhol's 1963 film Sleep, which features a man sleeping for five hours, slow TV has taken a while to emerge over the years. Back in 2009, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) showed a minute-by-minute coverage of a scenic seven-hour train journey between Bergen and Oslo. It did so to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Norway's Bergen Railway. Before it aired, however, NRK did not have high expectations for the program. They thought it would only attract a select few who would appreciate its efforts. Picture their surprise when they discovered that more than a million viewers tuned in.
  Afterwards, NRK broadcasted more programs over the years to the delight of more than half of Norway's population. These include a 134-hour cruise, an eight-hour knitting session, and a 30-hour interview, which broke the world record for longest interview. Inspired by NRK's success, both the UK's BBC and the US' Travel Channel have decided to get in on the slow TV sensation. The UK released its version of slow TV earlier this year, while the US aired a 12-hour road trip this past Black Friday.
  Many curious viewers were astonished at how much they enjoyed the programs, which they found rather relaxing. They felt like they were actually taking part in the activities. Furthermore, slow TV gives people the time to pay attention to things as they take place, reminding them to enjoy each moment and celebrate life's simple pleasures.

1. Why did NRK show a train journey between Bergen and Oslo?
(A) To break the world record for longest running TV episode.
(B) To show people the sights around Oslo.
(C) To honor 100 years of the Bergen Railway.
(D) To get as many viewers as they could.
2. Where did slow TV originally come from?
(A) One of the US' television programs first promoted slow TV.
(B) A Norwegian tradition of taking a seven-hour train ride.
(C) The UK's slow TV movement that took over Europe.
(D) A movie made 50 years ago by Andy Warhol.
3. According to the reading, which of the following is listed as a program of NRK?
(A) An interview lasting more than two days.
(B) A sea voyage that lasted for more than five days.
(C) A seven-hour plane ride from Bergen to Oslo.
(D) A 12-hour road trip between countries.
4. What is the reason why slow TV's success seems strange?
(A) Viewers can receive compact packages from NRK delivered to their homes.
(B) It does not seem to fit into the modern world's fast-paced lifestyle and entertainment.
(C) People want to watch slow TV so badly that they rush home after work.
(D) The UK thought that the programs would only be liked by a small group of people.


Nordic a. 北歐國家的;北歐人的
an attention span  注意力廣度
package n.(成套的)一組事物;包裹
衍: a package deal  整套服務/商品/交易
coverage n. 新聞報導;覆蓋範圍
Black Friday  黑色星期五

  1. slowly but surely  慢而穩地;穩紮穩打地
  2. take hold of...  吸引/抓住……,捉住……
    同: catch hold of...
    Let's move the table. You take hold of that end.
  3. stem from...  源自於……
    同: arise from...
    The protest that took place last week stemmed from the continuing economic downturn.
  4. tune in  將電視/電臺轉至某頻道
    Millions of people will tune in to watch the World Cup.
  5. to the delight of...  令……喜悅的是
    Much to the delight of Paul, he was promoted to manager in three years.
  6. get in on...  加入/參加……
    Racquetball is trying to get in on the Taiwanese market.
    *racquetball n. 短拍壁球
  7. be astonished at...  對……感到驚訝
    The doctor was astonished at the speed of the patient's recovery.
  8. fit into...  融入……
    The puppy became an important part of our lives and seemed to fit into our family well after we adopted him from the animal shelter.

Everyone is rushed off their feet in their daily lives.
一個單數的名詞,自然要用單數的代名詞代表或搭配使用單數的所有格。但在上述句子中,卻用複數所有格 their 來代替 his or her。在嚴謹的英文文法中,若碰到這種情形,必須視狀況使用單數所有格 " his or her "、單數受格 " him or her " 或單數代名詞 " he or she " 來代替。但在現代的英語中,使用 their、them 或 they 來代替 everyone、someone、somebody、a / the person 等表『每一個人』、『某人』或『一個人』的單數名詞,卻是十分常見並且廣為接受的。
If you bump into somebody by accident, you should apologize to them.

  1. glacial a. 極其緩慢的;冰河的
    The nuclear power plant is being constructed at a glacial pace.
    The previous glacial period lasted for about 112,000 years.
  2. baffling a. 令人困惑的
    It's quite baffling why Will made those remarks.
  3. evident a. 明顯的
    衍: It is evident + that 子句  ……是顯而易見的
    Olivia spoke with evident sarcasm.
    *sarcasm n. 諷刺;挖苦的話
    It is evident that Jacob went to the party last night.
  4. compact a. 簡潔的;小巧的
    The compact design of the fridge is suitable for my small studio.
  5. emerge vi. 出現,冒出(常與 from 並用)
    衍: emerging a. 新興的
    an emerging market  新興市場
    The celebrity emerged from the scandal with his reputation intact.
    *intact a. 完好無損的
    Emerging market currencies are crashing because of the drop in oil prices.
  6. broadcasting n. 廣播業
    衍: broadcast vt. 廣播,播放(三態同形)
    Broadcasting has been regulated by the government for many years.
    That reality TV show is broadcast in many countries.
  7. air vi. & vt.(電視或廣播)播放,播送
    The latest movie trailer will be aired on BBC tonight.
    *trailer n. 新片預告
  8. a select few...  少數的幾個人/物
    衍: selective a. 慎選的
    Only a select few companies are allowed to compete for the contract.
    Tom is very selective about what he wears every day.
  9. knitting n. 針織;針織物,針織品
    衍: knit vi. & vt. 編織,針織
    All students need to take sewing, knitting, and embroidery courses.
    *embroidery n. 繡花,刺繡品
    My grandmother knitted me a scarf for my birthday.
  10. session n. 一段時間;會議
    衍: be in session  開會中
    The Ministry of Finance will hold an emergency session to discuss the country's debt crisis.
    The G8 summit is now in session.
    *summit n. 高峰會
  11. a simple pleasure  單純的喜悅
    It is a simple pleasure to receive postcards from friends in our daily lives.

北歐慢電視來襲 你抵擋得住嗎?

  慢電視源自安迪.沃荷於 1963 年所製作的一部電影 《沉睡》,該片以拍攝一名男子睡眠五小時為特色,這些年來慢電視花了一段時間才得以嶄露頭角。回溯至 2009 年,挪威廣播公司(簡稱 NRK)播出一部長達七小時的景觀列車之旅,每分每秒記錄該列車從柏根行駛至奧斯陸間的景色。此舉是為了慶祝挪威柏根鐵路的一百周年紀念。不過在此節目播出前,挪威廣播公司並未對它有太高的期望。他們認為該節目僅能吸引懂得其節目製作辛苦的少數觀眾。設想他們發現有一百多萬名觀眾收看時所顯露的驚訝之情會是如何。

1. 為何挪威廣播公司要播出一趟從柏根行駛至奧斯陸間的列車之旅?
(A) 為了打破播放最久的電視劇之世界紀錄。
(B) 為了向人們展現奧斯陸周遭的景色。
(C) 為了紀念柏根鐵路一百周年。
(D) 為了盡可能吸引更多觀眾。
題解:根據本文第二段,回溯至 2009 年,挪威廣播公司(簡稱 NRK)播出一部長達七小時的景觀列車之旅,每分每秒記錄該列車從柏根行駛至奧斯陸間的景色。此舉是為了慶祝挪威柏根鐵路的一百周年紀念,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 慢電視起源於何處?
(A) 美國其中一個電視節目首先提倡慢電視。
(B) 一項搭乘七小時列車的挪威傳統。
(C) 英國慢電視運動席捲歐洲。
(D) 一部由安迪.沃荷於五十年前所製作的電影。
題解:根據本文第二段,慢電視源自安迪.沃荷於 1963 年所製作的一部電影《沉睡》,故 (D) 項應為正選。
3. 根據本文,下列哪一項可列為挪威廣播公司的節目?
(A) 一個持續兩天以上的訪談。
(B) 一趟持續約五天以上的航海旅行。
(C) 一趟從柏根至奧斯陸的七小時飛行旅程。
(D) 一趟跨國的十二小時公路旅程。
題解:根據本文第三段,挪威廣播公司連續幾年來播放更多類似節目以討挪威過半人口的歡心。其中包含一部長達一百三十四小時的郵輪航行、八小時的針織過程,以及三十小時的訪談,這也打破了最長訪談時間的世界紀錄,故 (B) 項應為正選。
4. 慢電視的成功似乎不同尋常,原因為何?
(A) 觀眾可以在家收到來自挪威廣播公司所寄送的小巧包裹。
(B) 它看似無法順應現今全球快步調的生活以及娛樂。
(C) 人們迫不及待地想要收看慢電視,因此下班後便趕回家觀賞。
(D) 英國認為此節目僅僅能受到少數收視族群的喜愛。
題解:根據本文第一段,雖然每個人在日常生活中忙得不可開交,但挪威卻以慢電視的概念放慢現代生活的步調,因此它的成功似乎令人費解,故 (B) 項
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B


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