A Picture-Perfect▼ Ending  完美的結局

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2016/02/02 第248期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Picture-Perfect Ending  完美的結局
by Bruce E. Bagnell

Love can overcome broken bonds, even after decades.

  Not everyone has an easy life. Some people seem to have many things go wrong, even from an early age. That would describe Diana Kim's life until only recently.
  Kim, now 30, was born on the island of Maui in the American state of Hawaii. Her father owned a photography shop, and even when Diana was a small child, he would teach her how to use cameras. The Kims seemed to be a normal family until Diana's parents split up when she was five. After that, Diana was moved from home to home without even a word from her father, who became "absent." Her grandmother told Diana that her father had mental problems and was unable to take care of himself or her. Diana thought she would never see her father again.
  Not surprisingly, in 2003 Diana took up photography as her college major. She developed an interest in the plight of the homeless and began photographing them for a school project. After graduating, she continued documenting the Maui homeless as a professional photographer. In 2012, while working in Honolulu, the state capital and largest city, Diana experienced the shock of her life.
  While photographing some homeless people, she had the distinct feeling that one of them, known as "Standing Man," somehow looked familiar. On closer inspection, she realized he was her father. Over the next two years, she slowly and carefully tried to make contact with him. This was difficult because Mr. Kim suffered from extreme schizophrenia and was unable to communicate well with others. Diana's love and perseverance won out. Today Mr. Kim is clean, taking medication, and reunited with his only beloved child, Diana.

1. Which of the following statements best describes Diana's very early childhood?
(A) She was close to her father.
(B) Her grandmother, who was sick, lived with Diana's family.
(C) She was born into a homeless family.
(D) Her father took no interest in his daughter.
2. When did Diana most likely move to Honolulu?
(A) Thirty years ago.
(B) Before 2003.
(C) Right after her graduation from college.
(D) By 2012.
3. Why is it not surprising that Diana took up photography as her college major?
(A) She wanted to understand her homeless father better.
(B) Her grandmother suggested it to her.
(C) Her father owned a photography shop.
(D) She had been taking pictures of the homeless and became interested in it.
4. Where did Diana meet her father after their long separation?
(A) Outside on a Honolulu city street.
(B) Inside a Maui photography shop.
(C) At her grandmother's home.
(D) In a mental health clinic.


picture-perfect a. 完美無瑕的;圓滿的
schizophrenia n. 精神分裂症
clinic n. 診所
衍: a dental clinic  牙醫診所

  1. split up (with sb)  (和某人)離婚/分手(三態同形)
    同: break up (with sb)
    Marvin got custody of his son after he and his wife split up.
    *custody n. 監護;監禁
  2. take up...  攻讀……;佔用……(時間或空間)
    I have no idea why Romeo has chosen to take up chemical engineering—he's not good at math.
    我不明白羅密歐為什麼要攻讀化工 ── 他的數學並不好。
    This couch takes up far too much space in the living room.
  3. make contact with...  與……接觸/聯繫
    反: lose contact with...  與……失聯
    Maggie tried to make contact with the person whose wallet she found.
    Joseph lost contact with his former college classmates after graduation.
  4. win out  勝出,最後能成功
    In the end, good always wins out over evil.

While photographing some homeless people, she had the distinct feeling that one of them, known as "Standing Man," somehow looked familiar.
somehow 為副詞表『不知怎地』,通常置句首或動詞前以修飾全句;表『設法、以某種方法』時,為一般副詞,通常置於句尾來修飾句中動詞。
My blind date was beautiful, but somehow I didn't find her attractive.
I know the job is difficult, but we have to finish it somehow.
somewhat adv. 有一點兒
somewhat(= a little)為一般副詞,使用時通常置於形容詞或副詞之前修飾。
The educational system in the US is somewhat different from that in Taiwan.

  1. bond n. 關係,聯繫
    衍: form a bond with...  和……形成緊密的關係
    The bond between a mother and her child can never be broken.
    Jerry formed a bond with his teammates during summer camp.
  2. photography n. 攝影
    衍: photograph vt. 拍照 & n. 照片
    Rachel's innovative photography won her worldwide acclaim.
    The police officers were photographed while they were brutally suppressing the protesters.
  3. word n. 一句話;消息(不可數名詞)
    衍: have a word with sb  與某人談談
    My tutor wanted to have a word with my parents.
    Word of the riot spread quickly.
  4. plight n. 困境
    The organization was established to relieve the plight of the homeless.
  5. the homeless  無家可歸的人
    同: homeless people
    衍: the poor 窮人(= poor people)
    the sick 病人(= sick people)
    the handicapped  身心障礙者(= handicapped people)
    The mayor decided that the old building could be used to house the homeless.
  6. document vt. 詳細記錄 & n. 文件,公文
    衍: documentary n. 紀錄片
    The doctor wanted the nurse to document everything the patient ate.
    There are some confidential documents in the safe.
    *confidential a. 機密的
    This documentary about Nazi concentration camps is depressing.
  7. distinct a. 別樹一格的,與眾不同的
    衍: distinctive a. 有特色的;特殊的
    Chinese ink and wash paintings are one of the most distinct art forms in Chinese culture.
    *ink and wash painting  水墨畫
    The Indian restaurant down the street emits a distinctive smell.
    *emit vt. 散發(熱、光、氣等);發出
  8. inspection n. 檢查
    衍: inspect vt. 檢查;視察
    Our supervisor's factory inspection tour will be focused on fire prevention.
    Fire equipment in all buildings should be inspected on a regular basis.
  9. perseverance n. 毅力
    衍: persevere vi. 堅持下去
    Through diligence and perseverance, Ted is finally on the path to success.
    *diligence n. 勤勉
    The scientist persevered in his research until he made a breakthrough.
  10. beloved a. 被喜愛的
    衍: be beloved of / by...  被……所愛戴��
    All of us are still reeling from the sudden death of our beloved friend.
    *reel from...  因……震驚/暈眩
    The Duchess of Cambridge is beloved by the British people.


  毫不意外,黛安娜於 2003 年選擇了攝影當作大學主修。她對於陷入困境中的遊民產生興趣並為了一項學校的計劃而開始替他們拍照。畢業後,她持續以專業攝影師的身份記錄著毛伊島上的遊民。2012 年,當時黛安娜在檀香山(此地為州首府及最大城市)工作,她經歷了人生中最令她驚訝的事情。

1. 下列哪一項敘述最適合形容黛安娜的早期童年?
(A) 她和她的爸爸相當親密。
(B) 她生病的奶奶與黛安娜一家人住在一起。
(C) 她出生於無屋可住的家庭。
(D) 她的父親對扶養他的女兒沒有興趣。
題解:根據本文第二段,她的父親擁有一間照相館,甚至當她還是個小孩的時候,父親就教她如何使用相機。金一家人看似一般正常的家庭,直到黛安娜的父母在她五歲時離異而產生了變化,得知黛安娜早期童年與父親感情甚好,故 (A) 項應為正選。
2. 黛安娜最有可能在何時搬到檀香山?
(A) 三十年前。
(B) 2003 年之前。
(C) 她大學一畢業之後。
(D) 2012 年前。
題解:根據本文第三段,2012 年,當時黛安娜在檀香山(此地為州首府及最大城市)工作,可推論出她從毛伊島搬到檀香山,故 (D) 項應為正選。
3. 為何黛安娜選擇攝影作為大學主修毫不意外?
(A) 她想更了解她的遊民父親。
(B) 她的奶奶建議她這麼做的。
(C) 她父親擁有一間照相館。
(D) 她一直以來都在拍攝遊民,因而對攝影產生了興趣。
題解:根據本文第二段,她的父親擁有一間照相館,甚至當她還是個小孩的時候,父親就教她如何使用相機。可推論出黛安娜從小受到父親的耳濡目染,也對攝影有一定的興趣,故 (C) 項應為正選。
4. 經過漫長的別離後,黛安娜在哪裡遇見她的父親?
(A) 在檀香山的街道上。
(B) 在毛伊島的照相館內。
(C) 在她奶奶的家裡。
(D) 在精神科門診。
題解:根據本文最後兩段,2012 年,當時黛安娜在檀香山(此地為州首府及最大城市)工作,她經歷了人生中最令她驚訝的事情。當她在拍攝一些遊民的時候,她確實感覺到其中一位稱作『站立的男子』就是說不上來地眼熟。仔細查看,她發現那是她的父親,故 (A) 項應為正選。

答案: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A

即日起至 3月 12 日止,只要成為【Arttime藝術網電子報】的新訂戶,就有機會獲得 David Darling X霧鹿布農族 跨界合作音樂專輯『Mihumisa(n)g祝福你』 乙張。


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