The 5th Wave  第 5 毀滅

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2016/02/02 第232期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The 5th Wave  第 5 毀滅

  An alien race called the Others is circling the planet and threatening to wipe out the Earth. Actress Chloe Grace Moretz and director J Blakeson team up to bring the frightening story to the silver screen in the new movie, The 5th Wave. The Others take out the power grid, cause a huge earthquake, spread a deadly disease, and even control the bodies of humans. These separate waves of attack have put humanity on the brink of extinction, and there is still one more wave coming for the remaining survivors.
  Filming for the movie started in October of 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia. Three months later, a planned bus explosion caused more damage than the film crew had expected. Because of the explosion, more than 40 storefront windows blew out, ceilings fell, and another store caught on fire. The production company promised they would pay for the damage.
  The movie is based on the popular science fiction book series of the same name written by Rick Yancey. If The 5th Wave proves successful at the box office, expect more films of the series to be produced. In the meantime, do not miss the arrival of the aliens' last wave of attack in The 5th Wave, coming out this month.


  一個稱為『其他人』的外星種族在地球上空盤旋、並威脅要徹底消滅整個地球。女演員克蘿伊•葛蕾絲•摩蕾茲和導演 J•布萊克森聯手以一部新電影《第五毀滅》來將這個嚇人的故事搬上大銀幕。『其他人』摧毀電力網、引發地震、散播致命病毒,甚至控制人類的身體。這幾波不同的攻擊已將人類逼近面臨滅絕的邊緣,而且還有另一波攻擊針對殘存的生還者而來。
  這部電影於 2014 年十月在美國喬治亞州的亞特蘭大市開始拍攝。三個月後,一個事先計劃好的巴士爆炸場面卻造成很大的破壞,超出劇組人員的預期。因為這場爆炸,有四十多家店面的櫥窗爆裂、天花板坍塌,而且另有一家商店失火。製片公司承諾他們會賠償損失。

  1. circle vt. & vi. 盤旋
    The plane circled the airport for nearly an hour before it finally landed.
  2. wipe out... / wipe...out  徹底消滅/毀滅……
    Terry figured out a way to wipe out the ants in his apartment.
  3. frightening a. 嚇人的,可怕的
    Though skydiving is frightening, Nina decided to take a chance and try it.
  4. take out...  摧毀/殺害……
    The enemy's headquarters were taken out by a missile.
  5. disease n. 疾病
    The disease was spreading more rapidly than expected.
  6. separate a. 不同的,各自的
    Monica and her husband slept in separate rooms last night because they had a fight.
  7. remaining a. 剩餘的
    Isaac wishes to get good grades on his remaining exams.
  8. survivor n. 生還者,倖存者
    There were several people at the site of the accident helping the survivors.
  1. humanity n. 人類(總稱)
  2. grid n. 電力網,輸電網
  3. brink n.(某事物的)邊緣(一般指壞情況)
  4. extinction n. 滅絕,絕種
  5. explosion n. 爆炸
  6. storefront n. 店面
  7. meantime adv. 與此同時

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