Mysterious Stonehenge  謎樣巨石陣

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2016/03/01 第236期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mysterious Stonehenge  謎樣巨石陣

  Stonehenge is a place of mystery. The ancient monument is located in the English countryside to the west of London. It is agreed that it was built between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago, but nobody can be absolutely certain why the circle of large stones was constructed. However, archaeologists have discovered several interesting clues and have come up with the following theories.
  It could be part of a cemetery because many human remains have been found in the surrounding fields. The burned remains of animals suggest that it could also have been used for religious sacrifices. The stones are arranged to line up with the movement of the sun, which means it could be an ancient calendar or clock.
  The history of Stonehenge has recently gotten even more mysterious. Using a radar, archaeologists discovered a circle of 90 stones buried only three kilometers from Stonehenge. They have called the new discovery Superhenge. It is estimated to be around 9,500 years old, which makes it twice as old as Stonehenge. Archaeologists are looking forward to making many more amazing discoveries when they start digging up the site.



  1. mysterious a. 難以解釋的,神秘的
    There is a mysterious image on the wall.
  2. absolutely adv. 絕對地;完全地
    Nathan is absolutely the right person for the job.
  3. construct vt. 建造,構築
    The government constructed a high-speed railway to make traveling across the country easier.
  4. clue n. 線索;提示
    The detective found an important clue at the scene of the crime.
  5. theory n. 理論
    The results from Dr. Pym's tests proved his theory.
  6. remains n. 遺體;遺跡(恆用複數)
    The remains of that palace still stand to this day.
  7. religious a. 宗教的
    Some people's religious beliefs bring them peace of mind.
  8. site n.(重要事件發生的)場所,地點;工地
    Work began at the construction site today.
    * construction n. 建造,建築
  1. monument n. 紀念碑
  2. cemetery n. 墓地,公墓
  3. sacrifice n. 獻祭

本文 "The stones are arranged to line up with the movement of the sun,..."中的 line up with sth,表『與某物對齊』。相關用語還有 line up 表『排隊』,line up sb/sth 或 line sb/sth up 則表『安排某人或某事』。例:

The chairs should be lined up with the wall.

Many people are lining up to buy donuts.

Phoebe can't go to the party because she has a date lined up.

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