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2016/03/28 第179期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


你寫過Business Plan(商業計畫書)嗎?猜猜看,在一個新創事業裡,哪些關鍵字是投資人最愛的字眼。美國Inc.雜誌列出天使投資人最想聽到的關鍵字,不只給創業人,也是給做產品、行銷最好的提醒。進入文章之前,想想以下單字的英文怎麼說:

a) 洞察
b) 面面俱到
c) 複製

Angel investors are wealthy individuals who provide capital for a business start-up. If you’re looking to them to get an idea off the ground, you have to know what they want to hear.

1. a) Insight
Investors want to know that entrepreneurs looking for capital have experience in the industry they’re targeting. If you have an idea, but lack related experience, go get a job in the industry and learn the 1) tricks of the trade first. Then, start your own business.

2. Ambition
Investors are interested in unconventional thinkers who won’t stop when problems arise. You have to be able to run into a barrier, be nimble and creative, and 2) go to great lengths to put them right.

3. Discipline
Investors are looking for people who are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. It means working long hours and forgoing some things today in exchange for future opportunities.

4. Pain point
A pain point is a real or perceived problem. Just because something is a pain point doesn’t mean people will pay for a solution. It has to be a problem people care about.

5. Scale
In addition to finding a problem people want solved, the addressable market for the solution has to be big enough so you don’t have to capture 100 percent of the market.

6. Comprehensive
If you’re developing a treatment for a pain point that isn’t a cure, someone else may come along and disrupt it. Therefore, the treatment you put forward needs to be b) well-rounded enough.

7. Differentiation
Angels want to know your solution can’t be easily c) duplicated by others in the industry who have greater resources or experience. There has to be a barrier to entry so that industry insiders cannot take advantage of you.


Tricks of the trade  竅門,專業技能
trick 是「竅門」或「招數」,而trade則有「行業」的意思。本成語意指某行業或領域特有的「訣竅」或「門路」。
The new manager knows all the tricks of the trade, so we can breathe a sigh of relief now. 新經理熟知本行業的所有竅門,我們現在可以鬆一口氣了。
Go to great lengths  竭盡所能
I went to great lengths to explain to this client that he was not in any trouble. 我費盡脣舌向這位客戶解釋,他並未捲入任何麻煩。




  1. You must think your words when you’re writing this article. 你寫這篇文章時必須想清楚字句。
  2. When I was buying tickets at the theater, a scalper inserted the queue. 當我在戲院買票時,一個黃牛插隊。
  3. It probably will rain today. Take your umbrella! Don’t test your luck! 今天很可能會下雨,帶著雨傘吧!別碰運氣!
  4. You will be punished if you don’t follow the line. 如果你不守規定,就會被處罰。
  5. James began to drink the bottle after his wife died. 詹姆士在老婆去世後開始酗酒。


  1. You must weigh your words when you’re writing this article. 一個人在說話或寫作時,特別留意自己所使用的字詞是否精準、語氣是否過重,感覺就好像在「秤重、估量」一樣,所以老美便用weigh這個動詞,來表達對字句的「斟酌」。
  2. When I was buying tickets at the theater, a scalper jumped the queue. 看到中文有「插」,你很可能以為該用insert,但插隊的動作更像是把身體投入、切入一列隊伍中,老美用jump a queue或cut in line來表示。
  3. It probably will rain today. Take your umbrella! Don’t push/press your luck! 「碰運氣」的確是在測試自己是否走運,但動詞不是用test,而是用push或press,用來表示某人有點兒運氣就心存僥倖、得寸進尺。
  4. You will be punished if you don’t toe the line. line在此是指「線、索」,以腳尖小心地走在線上的動作,被老美用來表示「嚴守規定、乖乖聽話」。
  5. James began to hit the bottle after his wife died. hit是「打」的意思,但在hit the bottle這句慣用語中,更是指「碰、撞」之意,不用杯子,嘴巴直接碰觸酒瓶喝起酒來,用以表示「酗酒」。

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