Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way   小行動 大不同

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2016/03/29 第256期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way   小行動 大不同
by Igor Bagrov

Change our attitude, and we can make the world a better place.

  We live in a world of paradoxes. One of them is the global food shortage that promises to be a _(1)_ in the very near future. But is it really a huge, unsolvable problem? True, millions of people, especially in Africa and Asia, _(2)_, balancing on the brink of death from hunger. But it is also true that in the West, about 40 percent of all food ends up in the _(3)_. In the US alone, an average family throws out over 1,000 pounds of food every year. With regard to the whole of the country, that _(4)_ a staggering waste of about US$165 billion. Of course, this problem is a big headache for the government and the UN authorities, so individual groups are taking an initiative to see what they can do in this _(5)_.
  The so-called "sharing a refrigerator" campaign is gaining _(6)_ in Europe. In an office or a dormitory, people share the same fridge's contents instead of keeping an individual bottle of milk or a package of franks. It is amazing to see how the volume of wasted food has _(7)_ in this program. Of course, sharing a fridge requires certain rules: giving each person enough space, _(8)_ when the food was made, keeping the food in leak- and smell-proof containers, timely replenishing of the contents of the fridge, etc.
  You will also be surprised by how much such a practice organizes us: we become less selfish and more cooperative, we learn new skills of living in a community, and it wakes up our dormant virtues of compassion and generosity. It really does not _(9)_ much to make our neighbors happy.
  The "sharing a fridge" initiative has been tried on a wider scale in the Basque province of Spain, under the name "Solidarity Fridge," _(10)_ "public" fridges offer food and welcome donations right on the city streets. These may seem just like tiny steps in the right direction, but we should never forget that big things often result from small actions.

(A) many (B) trash (C) dwindled (D) catastrophe
(E) starve (F) uttering (G) amounts to (H) take
(I) popularity (J) labeling (K) where (L) respect

  1. One of them is the global food shortage that promises to be a catastrophe in the very near future.
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,得知空格應置子音為首的單數名詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (B) trash(垃圾)、(D) catastrophe(災難)、(I) popularity(流行)及 (L) respect(方面;尊敬),惟根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
    c. catastrophe n. 災難
    The prophet warned that a catastrophe would occur in 2012.
    該預言家警告在 2012 年將有一場大災難發生。
    *prophet n. 預言家,先知
  2. True, millions of people, especially in Africa and Asia, starve, balancing on the brink of death from hunger.
    a. 本句主詞為 millions of people(數百萬人),視為複數,而空格後並無受詞,得知空格應置現在式或過去式複數不及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (C) dwindled(減少)、(E) starve(挨餓)及 (H) take(有效果),惟根據語意,(E) 項應為正選。
    c. starve vi. 挨餓,饑餓
    衍: be starving to death  餓死了
    Since I didn't have time for breakfast, I was starving to death by lunchtime.
  3. But it is also true that in the West, about 40 percent of all food ends up in the trash.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,得知空格應置名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (B) trash(垃圾)、(I) popularity(流行;受歡迎)及 (L) respect(方面;尊敬),惟根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
    c. trash n. 垃圾(集合名詞,不可數)
    同: garbage n.
    = rubbish n.
    Susan is supposed to take out the trash every Friday, but she often forgets.
  4. With regard to the whole of the country, that amounts to a staggering waste of about US$165 billion.
    a. 空格前有代名詞 that(那),空格後有名詞詞組 a staggering waste of about 165 billion dollars(浪費了驚人的一千六百五十億美元),得知空格應置單數及物動詞或片語動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (C) dwindled(減少)及 (G) amounts to(總計達……),惟根據語意,(G) 項應為正選。
    c. amount to...  (加起來)總計達……
    同: add up to...
    The kid's doctor bills amounted to thousands of US dollars.
  5. Of course, this problem is a big headache for the government and the UN authorities, so individual groups are taking an initiative to see what they can do in this respect.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 this(這),得知空格應置名詞以被 this 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (I) popularity(流行;受歡迎)及 (L) respect(方面;尊敬),惟根據語意,(L) 項應為正選。
    c. respect n. 方面
    同: aspect n.
    In many respects, this proposal is better than the last one.
  6. The so-called "sharing a refrigerator" campaign is gaining popularity in Europe.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    gain popularity  受到歡迎
    popularity n. 受歡迎;普及
    Organic vegetables are gaining popularity day by day.
    b. 根據上述用法,(I) 項應為正選。
  7. It is amazing to see how the volume of wasted food has dwindled in this program.
    a. 空格前有表完成式的助動詞 has,空格後有介詞 in,得知空格應置過去分詞形式的不及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (C) dwindled(減少),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. dwindle vi. 減少
    As oil supplies dwindle, we need to find other sources of sustainable energy.
  8. Of course, sharing a fridge requires certain rules: giving each person enough space, labeling when the food was made, keeping the food in leak- and smell-proof containers, timely replenishing of the contents of the fridge, etc.
    a. 空格前有動名詞 giving(給)及名詞詞組 each person(每個人),空格後有名詞子句 when the food was made(該食物是何時製造的),得知空格應置動名詞以和 giving 形成對等。
    b. 選項中為動名詞的有 (F) uttering(說)及 (J) labeling(標示),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
    c. label vt. 在……標記;貼標籤
    The doctor labeled the bottle of pills as expired.
  9. It really does not take much to make our neighbors happy.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    It takes + 表條件的名詞 + to V  做……需要……(條件)
    It takes quite a bit effort to establish a successful business.
    b. 根據上述用法,(H) 項應為正選。
  10. The "sharing a fridge" initiative has been tried on a wider scale in the Basque province of Spain, under the name "Solidarity Fridge," where "public" fridges offer food and welcome donations right on the city streets.
    a. 空格前有表『地方』的先行詞 in the Basque province of Spain(在西班牙巴斯克區),空格後有一完整子句 "public" fridges offer food and welcome donations right on the city streets(『公共』冰箱就在市區街道上供應食物,且歡迎大家捐贈食物),得知空格內應置能修飾地方的關係副詞 where 來引導形容詞子句。
    This is the house where I once lived.
    b. 根據上述用法,(K) 項應為正選。
  1. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    在有意志力的地方,就有一條道路。/有志者事竟成。── 諺語
    同: In the place where there is a will, there is a way.
  2. be on the brink of...  瀕臨??的邊緣
    同: be on the verge of...
    = be on the edge of...
    brink n. 邊緣
    Lillian is on the brink of an emotional breakdown.
    *breakdown n. 崩潰
  3. with / in regard to...  關於……
    With regard to our honeymoon destination, I would prefer to go to a tropical island.
  4. on a... scale  以……的規模
    衍: on a large / small scale  大/小規模(地)
    As war broke out, people fled the city on a large scale.
  5. result from...  起因於……
    反: result in...  造成……
    Cancer can result from too much exposure to the sun.

paradox n. 矛盾
frank n. 法蘭克牌香腸(小熱狗)(視為可數名詞)
dormant a. 蟄伏的;休眠的
衍: a dormant volcano  休火山
solidarity n. 團結
衍: express / show solidarity with sb

  1. staggering a. 驚人的;巨大的
    A staggering sum of money was spent on the couple's wedding.
  2. so-called a. 所謂的
    The so-called talented lawyer lost nine out of 10 cases this month.
  3. dormitory n. 宿舍
    Living in the dormitory is fun, but there isn't much privacy.
  4. volume n. 量
    衍: a large volume of...  大量的(接不可數名詞)
    = a large amount of...
    There's a large volume of traffic on the roads on the weekends.
  5. -proof suffix 防/抗/耐……的
    衍: radiation-proof  防輻射的
    water-proof  防水的
    bullet-proof  防彈的
    The material is stored in a special radiation-proof container.
  6. replenish vt. 補充
    We must use natural resources wisely—many of them cannot be replenished.
    我們必須善用天然資源 ── 它們有很多是無法再填補的。
  7. cooperative a. 合作的
    反: uncooperative a. 不合作的
    This young man is dutiful and cooperative.
    *dutiful a. 盡責的
    During the interview, Kevin had poor eye contact with his interviewer and was generally uncooperative.
  8. virtue n. 美德
    衍: virtuous a. 有道德的;正直的
    As the saying goes, "Modesty is a virtue."
    The actor made a career out of playing virtuous roles in movies.
    *make a career out of...  在……有所成就
  9. compassion n. 同情;憐憫
    衍: have compassion for...  對……有同情心
    The nurse had great compassion for the patients.

小行動 大不同

答案: 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. G 5. L 6. I 7. C 8. J 9. H 10. K

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