The More, the Merrier   多多益善

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2016/03/22 第255期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The More, the Merrier   多多益善
by Bruce E. Bagnell

Learning a foreign language like English is about much more than grades.

  Recent research into learning other languages has revealed some surprising results. The first is that the majority of people around the world are bilingual. _(1)_ Most Chinese are bilingual, even though they usually use the same written system to communicate. For example, a Taiwanese who goes to Shanghai cannot understand the dialect there. _(2)_ However, most of these people from different areas can communicate in the official dialect of Mandarin. India has more than 10 official languages, but most high school students learn to communicate in Hindi or English, no matter what their mother tongue is. More than half of Europeans are bilingual. Those who are limited to expressing themselves in one and only one language are at a disadvantage in today's globalizing society.
  You don't have to be a polyglot to benefit from learning another language. Studies of the human brain have revealed that, basically, thinking and speaking in two or more languages gives the brain a workout. _(3)_ It also improves executive functions like focusing and problem solving. There is even evidence that using more than one language can delay the onset of senile dementia by several years. _(4)_
  There's more good news about learning other languages. You don't have to be fluent to enjoy the benefits of being bilingual. _(5)_ So commit yourself to improving your use of English, Japanese, or any other foreign language today!

(A) A Cantonese who goes to Shandong will similarly be unable to understand the local dialects used.
(B) Being bilingual does not make you smarter, nor can it prevent dementia, but it does offer significant benefits.
(C) Exercise is good for the body; being bilingual is good for the brain, making it stronger and healthier.
(D) After all, being bilingual could be a disadvantage for people who want to master their native language.
(E) In other words, they can speak and understand two languages.
(F) Taking a part-time course on a regular basis provides the above-mentioned benefits.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The first is that the majority of people around the world are bilingual."(首先,世界上大多數的人都是雙語人士。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "In other words, they can speak and understand two languages."(換句話說,他們可以說和理解兩種語言。),前一句的 bilingual(雙語人士)和後一句的 two languages(兩種語言)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    in other words  換言之
    同: to put it differently
    = that is (to say)
    James is a man of his word. In other words, he always keeps his promises.
  2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "For example, a Taiwanese who goes to Shanghai cannot understand the dialect there."(舉例而言,一位前去上海的臺灣人無法理解當地的方言。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "A Cantonese who goes to Shandong will similarly be unable to understand the local dialects used."(一位前往山東的廣東人也同樣會無法理解當地使用的方言。),前後兩句以 dialect(方言)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. similarly adv. 相似地;同樣地
    Rita and I are similarly at odds with our former supervisor.
    *be at odds with sb  與某人意見不合
    b. be unable to V  不能……
    If you are unable to meet the deadline, let me know in advance.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Studies of the human brain have revealed that, basically, thinking and speaking in two or more languages gives the brain a workout."(針對人類大腦的研究指出,基本上,用兩種或兩種以上語言思考和說話會鍛鍊大腦。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "Exercise is good for the body; being bilingual is good for the brain, making it stronger and healthier."(運動對身體有益;說雙語則對大腦有益,使它更強壯又更健康。),前後兩句以 brain(大腦)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  4. 第四題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "There is even evidence that using more than one language can delay the onset of senile dementia by several years."(甚至有證據顯示,使用超過一種語言可以延緩老年失智症發生好幾年。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Being bilingual does not make you smarter, nor can it prevent dementia, but it does offer significant benefits."(說雙語不會讓你變聰明也無法防止失智症,但它確實帶來顯著的好處。),前後兩句以 dementia(失智症)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. prevent vt. 預防;防止
    衍: prevent sb/sth from V-ing  防止某人/某物……
    The protesters prevented the workers from cutting down the old tree.
    b. significant a. 顯著的;重要的
    There is a significant difference in personality between the twin sisters.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "You don't have to be fluent to enjoy the benefits of being bilingual."(你不需要講得很流利也可以享受說雙語的益處。),而 (F) 項的句子提到 "Taking a part-time course on a regular basis provides the above-mentioned benefits."(定期上一些非全日制課程就會提供上述的益處。),前後兩句以 benefits(益處)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    on a regular basis  定期地
    同: regularly adv.
    Exercising on a regular basis can benefit your health.

dialect n. 方言
mother tongue  母語
polyglot n. 精通多種語言的人
workout n. 鍛鍊,健身(本字源自片語動詞 work out)
onset n. 開始;發作
senile dementia  老年失智症
senile a. 老邁的
dementia n. 失智症

  1. be limited to N/V-ing  侷限於……
    Diabetes is not only limited to old people because young people suffer from it as well.
  2. benefit from...  從……得到好處
    All of the citizens will benefit from the new policy in the long run.
    *in the long run  從長遠來看;終究
  3. commit oneself to N/V-ing  致力於……;承諾(做)……
    David doesn't have the ability to commit himself to a job for more than six months.
  1. reveal vt. 揭露;揭示
    衍: reveal sth to sb  洩露某事給某人
    By no means will I reveal your secret to any other person.
    *by no means  絕不
  2. the majority of...  大多數的……
    反: the minority of...  少數的……
  3. bilingual a. 有雙語能力的
    Parents send their children to bilingual schools for fear that they may fall behind and not get into a good university.
    *fall behind  落後
  4. official a. 官方的;正式的
    衍: officially adv. 正式地;官方地
    The first official marathon was held in the 19th century.
    Mr. Smith will officially take over the company in October.
    *take over...  接管/接掌……
  5. express vt. 表達,表示
    Lily expressed her gratitude to David by writing him a thank-you note.
  6. disadvantage n. 缺點;壞處
    反: advantage n. 優勢;優點
    My mother weighed the advantages and disadvantages of taking the job offer.
    *weigh vt. 考慮,權衡
  7. basically adv. 基本上
    This soundtrack is basically adapted from Bach's works.
  8. executive a. 執行的 & n. 主管
    Stan makes use of his artistic skills as the executive editor of a magazine.
    The ad executives set up the promotion to try to sell that company's new line of products.
  9. function n. 功能
    衍: functional a. 功用的;實用的
    The commercial highlights the cell phone's user-friendly functions.
    *highlight vt. 強調;使突出,突顯
    The design of the chair is beautiful, but it is not very functional.
  10. delay vt. 延遲
    Due to the storm, our flight was delayed for two hours.
  11. fluent a. 流利的,流暢的
    衍: be fluent in + 語言  說……(語言)很流利
    I wish I were fluent in French.


  近期針對學習其他語言的研究揭露了一些令人吃驚的結果。首先,世界上大多數的人都是雙語人士。換句話說,他們可以說和理解兩種語言。大多數的華人都會說雙語,雖然他們通常都使用相同的書寫系統來溝通。舉例而言,一位前去上海的臺灣人無法理解當地的方言。一位前往山東的廣東人也同樣會無法理解當地使用的方言。然而,大多數來自不同地區的這些人都能夠以官方的方言溝通 ── 國語。印度有十幾種官方語言,但大多數高中生都學會以印地語或英語溝通,無論他們的母語是什麼。超過半數以上的歐洲人會說雙語。在現今全球化的社會當中,那些只限於用唯一一種語言表達自己的人處於劣勢。
答案: 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. F

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