1,000 Days for the Planet 地球覺醒之旅

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2016/04/19 第243期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

1,000 Days for the Planet   地球覺醒之旅


   It is no longer a question whether life on Earth is in serious trouble. Extreme temperatures and human activities have negatively affected many species. Scientists estimate that if something is not done soon, the Earth could see between a third and a half of all species disappear by the end of the century. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new show 1,000 Days for the Planet captures the delicate balance in which life exists and what scientists are doing to help.
  Award-winning filmmaker and biologist Jean Lemire travels across the globe aboard his schooner, Senda IV, filming nature in all its beauty. In one episode, Lemire and his crew travel to Indonesia to follow the elephants of Sumatra. They discover that more than 70% of the elephants' territory has been destroyed by logging. What's more, loggers poison and kill the elephants in the area and remove their tusks for sale to consumers in Asia. Sadly, as Lemire travels to other parts of the globe, he discovers that the state of the elephants in Indonesia is not unique. To find out what concerned citizens around the world are doing to fix this, tune in to NGC this month.


  獲獎的電影製片人和生物學家尚•勒米搭乘他的雙桅縱帆船 Senda IV 環遊世界來拍攝自然美景。在其中一集裡,勒米和他的組員旅行到印尼來追隨蘇門答臘的大象。他們發現超過百分之七十的大象棲息地因為伐木而被破壞。此外,伐木工人還毒殺該地區的大象,拿走牠們的象牙以賣給亞洲的消費者。令人難過的是,當勒米遊歷世界其他地方時,他發現印尼大象的這種情況並非印尼僅有。想知道全世界關切的群眾如何解決這問題,這個月就鎖定國家地理頻道。

  1. extreme a. 極端的
    The hen watched over her chicks with extreme care.
  2. negatively adv. 負面地
    David's drinking problem negatively impacted every part of his life.
  3. delicate a. 脆弱的;精緻的
    Jonathan gave me a set of delicate china teacups for my birthday.
  4. balance n. 平衡
    The rock climber tied ropes to himself in case he lost his balance.
  5. aboard prep. 在(車、飛機、船等)上
    The passengers aboard the ship were delighted to see whales swim by.
  6. territory n. 地盤
    It is not uncommon for dogs to fight over food or territory.
  7. poison vt. 下毒,毒死
    The farmer poisoned the fox that was killing his chickens.
  8. consumer n. 消費者
    In order to meet consumers' needs, we'll have to work a great deal faster.
  1. biologist n. 生物學家
  2. schooner n. 雙桅縱帆船
  3. logger n. 伐木工人
  4. tusk n.(大象等的)長牙


走入動物天堂 追尋生命的足跡

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