Prisoners vs Harvard: Prisoners Win! 受刑人大勝哈佛冠軍辯論隊

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2016/04/26 第260期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Prisoners vs Harvard: Prisoners Win! 受刑人大勝哈佛冠軍辯論隊
by Daniel Howard

One program is making prisoners model citizens.

  Prison is considered a punishment for breaking the law, but instead it should be an opportunity for people who committed crimes to become productive members of society again. _(1)_ To prevent this problem, the Bard Prison Initiative was created.
  Bard College in New York offers prison inmates a chance to earn a degree. Currently, there are around 300 people enrolled in this challenging program. Why is it challenging? As criminals in prison, the students have scarce resources. They are not allowed access to the Internet. _(2)_ Also, not all inmates who apply to the program are accepted. Maybe because of these challenges, however, the program is very successful. In most of New York, 40% of prisoners return to jail within three years. _(3)_ What's more, the Bard Prison Initiative debate team recently beat one of the best debate teams in the world, the Harvard College Debating Union.
  _(4)_ They had to argue whether or not children who are not American citizens should be allowed to go to school. Though the prisoners thought everyone should be allowed to attend school, they had to argue the opposite. However, with preparation and a unique argument, the Bard Prison Initiative students defeated the better-funded, less-restricted Harvard competitors. _(5)_ It shows that anyone can become a better person if they are given the opportunity to excel.

(A) Out of Bard Prison Initiative graduates, only 3% of them return to prison.
(B) Unfortunately, many criminals only know a life of crime, so they tend to return to prison within just a few years after being released.
(C) The victory was great for the three students that won, but it was even better for all the prisoners who want a second chance at life.
(D) The right of self-defense is only available against unlawful attack.
(E) Textbooks, and even library books, are only allowed with permission from the prison guards.
(F) In a public debate, three Bard Prison Initiative students went up against three Harvard students.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Prison is considered a punishment for breaking the law, but instead it should be an opportunity for people who committed crimes to become productive members of society again."(監獄被認為是一種違反法律的懲罰,但它反倒應該是一種機會,讓犯下罪行的人重新成為社會上有用的人。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Unfortunately, many criminals only know a life of crime, so they tend to return to prison within just a few years after being released."(可惜的是,許多不法之徒一生只知道犯罪,因此他們往往在獲釋後僅幾年內就又重蹲苦牢。),前後兩句以 prison(監獄)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    release vt. & n. 釋放;發行
    The criminal was released from prison after seven years behind bars.
    *behind bars  在監獄服刑
    Tony's good behavior in prison earned him an early release.
  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "They are not allowed access to the Internet."(他們不被允許使用網路。),而 (E) 項的句子提及 "Textbooks, and even library books, are only allowed with permission from the prison guards."(教科書、甚至是圖書館藏書,都只有在獄警的批准下才允許借用。),前後兩句以 allowed(允許)一字形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    permission n. 允許,許可
    衍: without permission  未經許可
    My boyfriend accused his brother of borrowing the car without permission.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In most of New York, 40% of prisoners return to jail within three years."(在紐約州大部份的地區,有 40% 的受刑人在三年內會重返監獄。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "Out of Bard Prison Initiative graduates, only 3% of them return to prison."(而出自《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的畢業生,僅有 3% 的受刑人再次入獄。),前後兩句以 return to jail / prison(重返監獄)形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    graduate n. 畢業生
    Anny is a graduate of Waseda University.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格後一句提及 "They had to argue whether or not children who are not American citizens should be allowed to go to school."(他們必須爭辯非美國公民的孩童是否應當被允許在美國學校就讀。),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "In a public debate, three Bard Prison Initiative students went up against three Harvard students."(在一場公開的辯論賽中,三名《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的學生對上三名哈佛大學的學生。),後一句的 argue(爭辯)一字與 (F) 項句子的 debate(辯論賽)一字互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    go up against...  對上/對抗……
    We will go up against a lot of opponents in this international competition.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "However, with preparation and a unique argument, the Bard Prison Initiative students defeated the better-funded, less-restricted Harvard competitors."(然而,憑藉著周全的準備以及一項與眾不同的論點,《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的學生戰勝了有更好資源也較不受限的哈佛對手。),而 (C) 項的句子提到 "The victory was great for the three students that won, but it was even better for all the prisoners who want a second chance at life."(這場勝利對那三名獲勝的學生來說很棒,但這對所有想要在人生中有第二次機會的受刑人而言甚至更為美好。),前一句的 defeat(戰勝)與 (C) 項句子的 won(獲勝)一字互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

inmate n.(監獄的)囚犯;(精神病院的)病人
衍: detainee n.(因政治原因)被拘留者
 felon n. 重罪犯

  1. commit a crime  犯罪
    commit vt. 犯(罪)
    If you commit a crime, you'd better be ready to do the time.
    *do the time  坐牢
  2. be enrolled in...  報名/註冊上……(學校、課程)
    同: enroll in...
    Only those who meet the requirements will be allowed to enroll in the class.
  1. punishment n. 懲罰,處罰
    Gian's punishment for littering was to pick up trash from the streets for eight hours.
    *litter vi. 亂丟垃圾
  2. productive a. 有效益的;多產的
    Joyce Carol Oates is an inventive and productive writer.
    *inventive a. 有創造力的
  3. degree n. 學位
    衍: a bachelor's / master's / doctoral degree in + 學科
    diploma n. 文憑
  4. access n. 使用;接近 & vt. 使用,取得
    衍: have access to...  能使用/接近……
    Students in this small village don't have access to computers, let alone the Internet.
    We can access the Internet at Bangkok International Airport through Wi-Fi for an hour.
    我們可以在曼谷國際機場透過 Wi-Fi 使用網路一小時。
  5. debate n. & vt. 辯論,爭論
    A hot debate is going on between the liberals and conservatives over education.
    The two teams debated whether cloning should be legalized.
    *cloning n. 複製;無性生殖
  6. argue vt. 爭論;主張,認為(後接 that 子句)& vi. 爭論,爭執
    衍: argue about / over...  爭論……
    Some people argue that meat is important to our diets, and I agree with this point of view.
    Will you kids stop arguing about whose dog that is?
  7. restricted a. 限定的,限制的
    衍: be restricted to N/V-ing  僅限於……
    Entrance into this fancy social club is restricted to members only.
  8. excel vi. 出眾;擅長
    衍: excel in / at...  擅長……
    Sheila excels at organizing events for businesses.

  紐約州的巴德大學提供獄友一個獲得學位的機會。目前,大約有三百人報名參加這項具有挑戰性的計劃。為什麼這項計劃很有挑戰性呢?身為在獄囚徒,這些學生僅有寥寥無幾的資源。他們不被允許使用網路。教科書、甚至是圖書館藏書,都只有在獄警的批准下才允許借用。另外,並非所有申請參加該項計劃的獄友都會被錄取。然而,或許正是因為這些挑戰,這項計劃非常成功。在紐約州大部份的地區,有 40% 的受刑人在三年內會重返監獄。而出自《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的畢業生,僅有 3% 的受刑人再次入獄。此外,《巴德監獄倡新》的辯論隊最近擊敗了世界上最厲害的辯論隊之一 ── 哈佛大學辯論聯盟。
  在一場公開的辯論賽中,三名《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的學生對上三名哈佛大學的學生。他們必須爭辯非美國公民的孩童是否應當被允許在美國學校(編按:美國公立學校因移民家庭子女數量快速增長多年來在許多州引起眾多爭議,一些納稅人質疑,無證移民的子女是否有權接受公共教育;美國司法部和教育部於 2014 年正式發表聯合聲明,要求全美所有公立學校不得拒絕無證移民學生入學。)就讀。儘管這些受刑人認為人人都應該得以就學,但他們必須持相反的論點來辯論。然而,憑藉著周全的準備以及一項與眾不同的論點,《巴德監獄倡新》計劃的學生戰勝了有更好資源也較不受限的哈佛對手。這場勝利對那三名獲勝的學生來說很棒,但這對所有想要在人生中有第二次機會的受刑人而言甚至更為美好。這說明了只要能被給予出人頭地的機會,任何人都能成為更好的人。
答案: 1. B 2. E 3. A 4. F 5. C

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