Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice   蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光

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2016/04/05 第241期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice   蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光

   Batman and Superman have never been more popular since both of their film franchises got new life in the early 2000s. Batman's true identity is Bruce Wayne, the billionaire playboy turned hero of Gotham City, and Clark Kent is Superman, the defender of Metropolis. Fans have been eagerly waiting for these two household names to appear on the silver screen together. This spring they finally get their wish in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
  The film is set shortly after the events of 2013's Man of Steel, in which Superman defended Metropolis against destruction at the hands of fellow Kryptonian General Zodd. Wayne fears that Superman is too powerful and that he could destroy the world. Wayne then decides to travel to Metropolis to challenge Superman and bring him to justice. While the world's two greatest superheroes go to war with each other, something far worse is hiding in the shadows. This new threat puts the world in more danger than it has ever been in before. Be sure to get to a movie theater near you to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which comes out this month.


  這部電影的背景設定在 2013 年上映的《超人:鋼鐵英雄》裡的事件發生不久後,該電影描述超人保護大都會免於遭到來自氪星的同胞薩德將軍的破壞。布魯斯•韋恩擔心超人太過強大可能會毀掉這個世界。於是布魯斯•韋恩決定去一趟大都會來挑戰超人並將他繩之以法。在這兩位世上最厲害的超級英雄彼此開戰的時候,更糟的狀況已經在暗中發生。這個新的威脅使這個世界陷於比以往更加危險的情況之中。一定要去你家附近的電影院看這個月上映的《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》。

  1. identity n. 身分
    The man suffered a head injury and couldn't remember his identity.
  2. defender n. 守護者,捍衛者
    defend vt. 保護,保衛
    The soldiers defended the city from attack.
  3. eagerly adv. 熱切地
    At the party, Donna eagerly introduced her boyfriend to us.
  4. household a. 家喻戶曉的
    household name  家喻戶曉的人事物
    Companies like Microsoft and Apple are household names.
  5. destruction n. 毀壞,破壞
    The war caused a lot of destruction and left many people homeless.
  6. at the hands of sb  吃到某人的苦頭
    This is our national baseball team's third defeat at the hands of that country.
  7. go to war with...  與……開戰
    The two countries went to war with each other after peace talks failed.
  8. threat n. 威脅
    Many people believe that climate change is a threat to the survival of humanity.

* franchise n. 系列電影;特許經營

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