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2016/04/25 第183期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



(A) 仔細檢視 
(B) 規範
(C) 實行

A few years ago, Google began a study called Project Aristotle to figure out why some teams work better than others. The researchers (1) knuckled down to it and started by reviewing past academic studies on how teams work, and then they (A) scrutinized the composition of groups inside the company. They gathered lots of data, but struggled to find patterns.
幾年前,Google 開始了一個名為亞里斯多德計劃的研究,目的是找出為什麼有些團隊運作得比其他的好。研究人員開始認真投入此項計劃,首先他們回顧了過去的相關學術研究,接著仔細檢視公司內團隊的組成。他們得到很多資料,卻難以找出規律。

Project Aristotle researchers then (2) came across research on “group (B) norms,” which are “traditions, behavioral standards and unwritten rules that govern how we function when we gather.” They began to look for norms in the data they had collected. Among all the norms they found, two were shared by all good teams: “equality in distribution of conversational turn-taking” and “average social sensitivity.”

“Equality in distribution of conversational turn-taking” means that the members of a team spoke in roughly the same proportion, and “average social sensitivity” refers to the members' ability to tell how others felt according to their expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal cues. Both are aspects of so-called psychological safety.

The next step is figuring out how to (C) implement psychological safety. Researchers found that psychological safety was related to emotional conversations, something that we do to bond with other people. When we (3) get to the bottom of it, Project Aristotle reminds us of the simple truth: In the best team, members always listen to one another, and see each other's feelings and needs.

1. Knuckle down (+to sth) 開始努力或用功學習
You're going to have to knuckle down (to your work) if you want to pass your exams. 如果你想通過考試,就必須開始用功。

2. Come across 偶然碰見;無意中發現
I came across an old friend this morning. 我今天早上偶然遇見一位老朋友。

3. Get to the bottom of sth 對…追根究底;找到…的真相
I won't stop until I get to the bottom of this problem. 在我追根究底找出問題的根源之前我是不會停止的。


  1. Hi, I’m Jessie Tang. I’m calling for Helen Wang, please. 嗨,我是湯潔西,我要找王海倫。
  2. Bill is not home. May I ask who you are? 比爾不在家,可以請問您哪位?
  3. Are you convenient to talk now? 你現在方便說話嗎?
  4. You can call me and let me pay. 你可以打由我付費的電話給我。
  5. Sorry, I have to hang up on you now. Someone is knocking at the door. 抱歉,我必須掛了,有人在敲門。



  1. Hi, This is Jessie Tang. I’m calling for Helen Wang, please. 電話中自我介紹的特殊用法是This is+姓名,或者My name is+姓名。
  2. Bill is not home. May I ask who’s calling? 在電話中詢問來電者是誰,不可以說who are you,而應該說who is calling。
  3. Can you talk now? 為表示禮貌,我們常在電話接通後問對方是否方便說話,但直譯成are you convenient to talk,文法完全錯誤,可以直接問can you talk now或者do you have a couple minutes to talk?
  4. You can call me collect. collect在此是當副詞,係指「由受話人付費」,若說let me pay反而容易讓人誤解。
  5. Sorry, I have to go now. Someone is knocking at the door. 「hang up on+人」是指不禮貌地掛掉某人的電話,需要結束談話時,說I have to go即可。

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