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2017/07/03第268期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介:◎ 財經小詞典:stagflation ◎「脫離困境」英語怎麼說? ◎ 什麼是 double down on?

Fun and Fortune in the Fair Cit?y of Buenos Aires

Not but a century ago, Buenos Aires, the "Paris of South America," was the genteel jewel in the crown of one of the world's wealthiest countries. As it industrialized throughout the early 20th century, Buenos Aires attracted an eclectic assortment of European immigrants, millions strong. The latter portion of the 20th century, however, was not kind to Argentina and its affluent capital.

Political turmoil led to a reviled military junta seizing power. Although 1983 saw the ruling regime's abdication, Argentina was not yet out of the woods, as its economy wallowed amid a pandemic of stagflation throughout the 1990s. However, Argentina's GDP has soared from a low of US$ 18.30 billion in 1963 to US$ 541.75 billion in 2016 on the back of the economic dynamo that is Buenos Aires. An alpha city, Buenos Aires is the largest financial hub of South America and will host both the Summer Youth Olympics and G20 Summit in 2018.

Being situated near the vast expanses of the fertile Pampas, Buenos Aires has an extremely profitable agricultural industry. The city also boasts a strong industrial manufacturing sector. Finance and real estate remain its largest sectors, accounting for 31 percent of Buenos Aires' economy. However, well aware that it must adapt to thrive, Argentina's capital has elected to fortify its fresher industries such as media production as well as software and technology development. Buenos Aires has also doubled down on its time-tested forte: tourism.


政治動盪帶來的是備受謾罵的軍政府掌權。這個統治政權雖在 1983 年告終,阿根廷卻未脫離困境,因為其經濟於整個 1990 年代都陷在普遍的停滯性通膨當中。然而,憑著布宜諾斯艾利斯這個經濟動能的支撐,阿根廷的國內生產毛額從 1963 年的 183 億美元低點,飆升至 2016 年的 5417.5 億美元。身為世界頂級城市,布宜諾斯艾利斯是南美洲最大的金融中心,也將在 2018 年主辦夏季青年奧運和二十國集團高峰會。
布宜諾斯艾利斯鄰近廣闊且肥沃的彭巴草原,因此擁有獲利極度豐厚的農產業。這座城市也有強大的工業製造產業。金融與不動產仍是該市最大的產業,在布宜諾斯艾利斯的經濟中占了 31%。然而,阿根廷的首都深知自身必須應時而變才能繁榮茁壯,因此選擇強化比較新的產業,例如媒體製作以及軟體與科技發展。布宜諾斯艾利斯也進一步加強經得起時間考驗的強項:觀光業。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.163 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/7/03(一) We are pleased to confirm that the Foresite laser line levels which you ordered on June 28 are packed and ready for shipping.
我們很高興向您確認,您於 6 月 28 日訂購的佛瑞賽特雷射水平儀已包裝好並準備進行運送。
2017/7/04(二) The items will be sent CIF Keelung by Atlas Logistics, our forwarding agent, and should arrive at your company before July 5.
物品將由我們的貨運承攬商亞特拉斯物流中心以到岸價格運送至基隆,應該會在 7 月 5 日前送抵貴公司。
2017/7/05(三) We are sure that you will find our products to be of excellent quality.
2017/7/06(四) It's high time we went over the Q2 inventory status.
2017/7/07(五) We're basically ready to roll with the latest product line.
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