Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands 野外遊蹤 ── 歐洲之島

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2017/08/01 第324期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands  野外遊蹤 ── 歐洲之島
by Evan Witkowski

Portuguese islands emerging from the ocean hold danger and intrigue.

  In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the Azores. The peaks, cliffs, and beaches of this Portuguese region are among the most majestic and dramatic scenery the world has to offer. That makes them the perfect subject for National Geographic's Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands. Formed by active volcanoes, these nine islands are home to a unique ecosystem of plants and animals.
  When measured from their base underneath the ocean, the Azores are home to some of the tallest mountains in the world. They are slowly emerging from the ocean as the Earth's crust shifts. Since the islands are so far from the European mainland, vegetation was brought there by birds that ate seeds and dropped them off, along with some fertilizer to boot. Several species of birds make their nests in the trees their ancestors planted on the remote area centuries ago. Their young have plenty of food to eat, since the most common animals in the archipelago are spiders.
  The Azores have tons of earthquakes every year due to the fault line underneath. There are also active volcanoes that spew lava and deep caves that look like the image of a dragon's den. Sound inviting? The Azores are often referred to as the Hawaii of Europe. But watching NG's Destination Wild: Europe's Wild Islands means you can experience all of the beauty and excitement of the landscape without being attacked by spiders during an earthquake or falling into a pool of red hot melted rocks.


1. destination n. 目的地,終點
: a tourist / holiday destination 觀光勝地
Johnny was wandering around town without a specific destination in mind.
The villagers reclaimed a section of the beach and developed it into a popular tourist destination.
*reclaim vt. 開墾,開拓(土地)

2. intrigue n. 詭計,陰謀 & vt. 引起……的興趣,吸引
It is said that the man is a master of intrigue.
The tale about pirates intrigued all the children.

3. majestic a. 雄偉的;壯麗的
We stood in awe before the majestic Westminster Abbey.
*stand in awe  敬畏地站立

4. an active volcano  活火山
: an extinct volcano  死火山
a dormant volcano  休火山

5. measure vt. 衡量;測量 & n. 措施,方法(常用複數)
: take measures to V  採取措施做……
Distances under water can be measured with sonar.
*sonar n. 聲納
The government took measures to boost the struggling economy.

6. vegetation n. 植物,草木(總稱)

7. remote a. 偏僻的;遙遠的
This bridge connects the remote village with the outside world.

8. spew vt. 噴出
Ray caused Marvin to spew milk out of his nose when he told that funny joke.

9. landscape n. 風景,景色
Most of the pictures Sally took are landscapes, and the ones in this album are no exception.
*be no exception  不例外

peak n. 山頂,山峰
cliff n. 懸崖,峭壁
crust n. 地殼
fertilizer n. 肥料
archipelago n. 群島,列島
fault line  斷層帶
lava n. 熔岩;岩漿
den n. 洞穴,巢窩

1. emerge from...  從……浮現/出現
emerge vi. 浮現,出現
A shark fin emerged from the ocean, causing all the swimmers to panic.

2. be home to...  是……的所在地/發源地
These expansive wetlands are home to many rare animals.
*expansive a. 廣闊的,遼闊的

3. drop... off / drop off...  讓……落下/下車
Please drop me off at the next corner. I need to run to the bank.

4. along with...  連同……
: together with...
Rachel sent us a box of cookies, along with a letter, from America.

5. ... to boot  而且也……
Hank is kind and rich to boot.

6. tons of...  大量的……
Dealing with tons of junk mail can be a pain in the neck.
*be a pain in the neck  令人討厭的人/事/物

7. be referred to as...  被稱為……
Taiwan was referred to as Formosa by Portuguese sailors.

野外遊蹤 ── 歐洲之島

  亞速群島位於大西洋的中央。這個葡萄牙地區中的山峰、懸崖和海灘是世界上最壯麗又引人注目的景色之一。這一點使它們成為國家地理節目《野外遊蹤 ── 歐洲之島》的完美主題。這九座島嶼由活火山形成,是獨特的動植物生態系統所在地。
  由於亞速群島底下的斷層帶,該島每年都地震頻傳。那裡也有會噴出熔岩的活火山以及像是龍穴畫面的深洞。聽起來很吸引人嗎?亞速群島通常被稱為歐洲的夏威夷。但觀賞國家地理節目《野外遊蹤 ── 歐洲之島》意味著你不必在地震發生中遭到蜘蛛攻擊或是跌落一片炙熱的熔化岩石中,也能夠體驗該景緻的所有美麗與刺激。

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