The Dangers of the Yungas Road 世上最危險的公路 —— 永加斯路

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2017/08/01 第309期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Dangers of the Yungas Road  世上最危險的公路 —— 永加斯路
Be careful when you take a trip down Bolivia's highway from hell.

  In 1995, Bolivia's Yungas Road was selected as the world's most dangerous road—and for good reason. This thin, dirt road has many turns as it goes high up into the mountains. Every year, nearly 300 people die while driving on it. Therefore, locals who use it all the time started calling it the "Death Road."
  Before risking their lives on the Yungas Road, many drivers will stop their cars to say a quick prayer. They must be careful at all times, or else they could slip off the road and fall 2,000 feet to their death. Drivers must also deal with clouds of dirt that fly up from the road and make it hard to see. To make things worse, the weather is always changing. It can rain, snow, and be sunny all in the same day.
  During a trip on the Death Road, drivers will see many crosses by the roadside. These mark the places where people have died. The government is trying to save lives by building a new road to replace this one. Until then, however, drivers will have to face the narrow edges of the Yungas Road to get where they are going.


  1995 年時,玻利維亞的永加斯路被選為世上最危險的公路,而且有個好理由。這條狹長的泥路往上延伸到深山裡的路上有許多的彎道。每年,將近三百人行駛在這條路上時喪命。因此,總是在使用這條路的當地人開始稱它為「死亡公路」。

  1. hell n. 極糟的情況(經歷、地方);地獄
    The traffic in town was hell this morning.
  2. select A as B  挑選 A 為 B
    select vt. 挑選,選擇
    This city was selected as the site for the new research center.
  3. therefore adv. 因此,所以(正式用法)
    Jason is often late to work. Therefore, he will be fired.
  4. at all times  隨時,總是
    Erica has a camera with her at all times.
  5. slip vi. 滑倒,失足
    Allen slipped on the wet floor and hurt his back.
  6. To make things / matters worse, S + V  更糟的是,……
    Tanya was late this morning. To make things worse, she left her cellphone at home.
  7. mark vt. 標示(某物的位置)
    The red crosses on this map are used to mark the locations of hospitals.
  8. replace vt. 更換;取代
    These old desks will be replaced soon.

prayer n. 祈禱文
roadside n. 路旁,路邊

名詞 cloud 的相關用法
本文 "Drivers must also deal with clouds of dirt that fly up from the road and make it hard to see." 中的 cloud 的常見意思為「雲」,而若後面加上介詞 of 時可接 dust、smoke 及 gas 等名詞,表「(一團灰塵、煙霧或大批飛行的昆蟲等的)雲狀物」。另外,與 cloud 相關的片語為 have sb's head in the clouds,表「(某人)流於空想,不切實際;心不在焉」。例:

The huge forest fire released a big cloud of smoke into the sky.

Simon has his head in the clouds because he is always dreaming about being a star.

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