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2017/07/24第266期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

The Perfume That Brings Out Your Best-Smelling Self
—Jay Sailors

Most perfumes are developed to give the wearer a pleasant smell. But one company is expanding the possibilities of what perfumes can do. Instead of just adding a nice smell, the company's perfumes enhance the wearer's natural scent.

Escentric Molecules has developed a unique line of perfumes that are nearly scentless on their own. However, on each person who wears them, they take on a different smell. Each of the perfumes—which can be worn by both men and women—has only a tiny amount of a single scent. The other ingredients change that scent by mixing with the wearer's natural pheromones. The result is a smell that only exists on the wearer.

This concept represents a big shift from traditional perfumes, which try to overcome natural scents and usually smell the same on everyone. The company may be onto something—Escentric Molecules' perfumes have received positive reviews from GQ and other media outlets. They are also rumored to be popular among stars like Beyonce, Jay-Z, and Kate Moss. In any case, for perfume lovers, these products offer something special: a scent they can truly call their own.

Escentric Molecules研發出一系列獨特、本身接近無味的香水。然而,在每個擦這種香水的人身上會呈現出不同的味道。每一種香水(男女都適用)只有微量的單一味道。其他的成分和使用者自然的費洛蒙混合來改變那種氣味。結果產生一種只存在擦的人身上的味道。
這個概念代表著有別於傳統香水的重大改變,即努力壓制自然的氣味,且通常在每個人身上聞起來都一樣。這間公司或許將有一番作為——Escentric Molecules香水獲得了《GQ》雜誌和其他媒體的正面評價。據傳這類香水受到碧昂絲、Jay-Z和凱特.摩絲等明星的喜愛。無論如何,對於喜愛香水的人來說,這些產品提供獨特的東西:一種真正能稱為自己獨有的氣味。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.195 7月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
take sth with a grain of salt 對某事持保留態度;對某事半信半疑
a grain of salt字面意思是「一粒鹽」,此語有一說是古羅馬時代的人相信鹽可用來減低毒藥的毒性。此說法常用來質疑他人說法,表示「持保留態度;半信半疑」。
A: According to Dennis, it's not healthy to have very cold drinks on a hot day.
B: I'm not so sure. He's not a doctor, so I would take that with a grain of salt.

你也可以這樣說:Don't believe everything you hear.

2017/07/24(一) The result is a smell that only exists on the wearer.

2017/07/25(二) Still, an animal's laughter may not always be recognized as such by humans.


All things considered, it seems that the study of animal laughter is no laughing matter.

2017/07/27(四) With the help of satellite images, we gain a new view of our world and what goes on above and below its surface.

2017/07/28(五) In Siberia, a spiral shape made up of perfect circles is spotted in the snow on the frozen surface of Lake Baikal, the deepest and oldest lake on Earth.

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