Malmo's Magical Mice Shops 小老鼠限定!瑞典街頭迷你商店

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2017/07/25 第323期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Malmö's Magical Mice Shops  小老鼠限定!瑞典街頭迷你商店
by Jamie Blackler

Sweden's third largest city opens tiny stores for rodents.

    Malmö, Sweden, is a city filled with historic buildings and colorful architecture. But if you look down a bit closer to street level, you may spot a magical world designed for smaller creatures. _(1)_ The stores are about 63 by 30 centimeters in size, and use basement windows as the storefronts. So far, the collection includes a tiny bakery and a cheese and cracker shop. Mice looking for more elegant snacks can visit Noix De Vie, a French shop that offers small portions of nuts from around the world. Rodents with more expensive dining habits can eat at Il Topolino, which is the Italian name for Mickey Mouse. _(2)_
  The shops are the work of a mysterious group of artists, who call themselves Anonymouse MMX. _(3)_ What makes these tiny shops truly amazing is the attention to detail used to create them. Caps from glass bottles are used for the tops of tables, and tin can lids often serve as plates. Some residents have even gotten in on the act as well, adding their own tiny posters outside of the shops. _(4)_
  In December, Malmö residents got a bit worried when the cheese and cracker shop suddenly disappeared one Sunday night. _(5)_ Of course, these stores are just for show and don't really serve mice customers—that is, unless some clever rodent sneaks inside and decides to open up shop!
(A) One of the residents even baked miniature bread for the bakery.
(B) This fancy restaurant is filled with cheese and has a romantic table for two outside.
(C) By the next morning, however, it had reappeared with some new renovations.
(D) Although these artists prefer to keep their identities a secret, they have set up an Instagram account that has over 5,000 followers.
(E) Though mice can't actually enter the shops, humans are allowed to go in.
(F) In the past year, a series of miniature shops have popped up that are built for mice.


1. 第一題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "But if you look down a bit closer to street level, you may spot a magical world designed for smaller creatures."(但假如你往街道下方看更仔細一點,可能會發現一個專為小動物設計的神奇世界。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "In the past year, a series of miniature shops have popped up that are built for mice."(在過去這一年,一系列專為老鼠建造的微型商店紛紛冒出來。),前一句的 smaller creatures(小動物)與 (F) 項句子的 mice(老鼠)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

a. miniature a. 迷你的,微型的
b. pop up  突然出現;突然發生
:spring up
Many cafés have popped up around my university recently.

2. 第二題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Rodents with more expensive dining habits can eat at Il Topolino, which is the Italian name for Mickey Mouse."(擁有更加昂貴飲食習慣的囓齒目動物則可以在 Il Topolino(其為米老鼠的義大利文名字)用餐。),而 (B) 項句子提及 "This fancy restaurant is filled with cheese and has a romantic table for two outside."(這家高檔餐廳擺滿了起司,且在外頭放了一張浪漫的雙人餐桌。),前一句的 expensive dining habits(昂貴飲食習慣)與 (B) 項句子的 fancy restaurant(高檔餐廳)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

fancy a. 高級的,豪華的
The Browns went to a fancy restaurant in celebration of their son's graduation.

3. 第三題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 "The shops are the work of a mysterious group of artists, who call themselves Anonymouse MMX."(這些商店是一群神祕藝術家的傑作,他們自稱為 Anonymouse MMX。),而 (D) 項句子提及 "Although these artists prefer to keep their identities a secret, they have set up an Instagram account that has over 5,000 followers."(雖然這些藝術家較喜歡將他們的身分保密,他們已經設立了一個 Instagram 帳號,目前追蹤人數已超過五千人。),(D) 項句子的 these artists(這些藝術家)指的即是前一句的 a mysterious group of artists(一群神祕藝術家),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

a. prefer to V  較喜歡/偏好(做)……
Carl prefers to ride his bike rather than take the bus to work.
b. identity n. 身分;認同
c. set up...  設立……;創立……
The foundation was set up to raise awareness about breast cancer in Taiwan.

4. 第四題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Some residents have even gotten in on the act as well, adding their own tiny posters outside of the shops."(某些居民也共襄盛舉,在商店外頭添加他們自己的微型海報。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "One of the residents even baked miniature bread for the bakery."(其中一位居民甚至為了麵包店烘烤微型麵包。),前後兩句皆提及 residents(居民)一字,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

5. 第五題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前一句提及 "In December, Malmö residents got a bit worried when the cheese and cracker shop suddenly disappeared one Sunday night."(在十二月,當起司與餅乾商店突然在某個星期日夜晚消失無蹤時,馬爾摩居民開始有一點擔憂。),而 (C) 項的句子提及 "By the next morning, however, it had reappeared with some new renovations."(然而,次日早晨,它在經過翻新之後再度出現。),前一句的 disappeared(消失無蹤)與 (C) 項句子的 reappeared(再度出現)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

renovation n. 整修;更新
The contractor provides a complete home renovation at a reasonable price.

rodent n. 囓齒類動物
storefront n. 店面
cracker n. 薄脆餅乾
tin n. 錫
lid n. 蓋子

1. spot vt. 發現,認出 & n. 地點
: on the spot  立刻,當場
As soon as the little girl spotted the puppy, she screamed with joy.
The dreadful explosion killed all the people on the spot.
*dreadful a. 可怕的

2. elegant a. 優雅的;精緻的
The elegant dress added to Wendy's charm.

3. portion n. 部分
Please fill out the top portion of this form right now.

4. mysterious a. 神祕的
: mystery n. 神祕(的事物)
The scientists are trying to figure out how the mysterious disease spreads.
The assassination remained an unsolved mystery for 50 years.
*assassination n. 暗殺,行刺

5. amazing a. 驚人的,了不起的
: amazingly adv. 令人驚奇地
The texture of that fur coat feels amazing.
*texture n. 質地,組織
These plastic bags are amazingly durable.

6. attention to detail  注意細節;匠心獨具
Cindy's attention to detail made her stand out among all the contestants.

7. disappear vi. 消失;不見
: vanish vi.
The doctor said there was no cause for alarm. The rash on Kent's arm would disappear after a few days.
*no cause for alarm  無須驚慌
rash n. 疹子

8. sneak vi. 偷偷地走
: sneak into...  潛入……
We took measures to prevent thieves from sneaking into our house again.

1. be filled with...  充滿……
: be full of...
Ivan was filled with amazement when he saw the Grand Canyon for the first time.

2. serve as...  作為……之用;充當……
This book can serve as a guide to cooking.

3. get in on the act  參與某些事情/活動
Everyone wanted to get in on the act after our new product became a huge hit.

4. open up...  開張……;打開……;開放……
James has always longed to open up his own flower shop.
*long to V  渴望做……


  瑞典馬爾摩是一座歷史建築與豐富多彩建築林立的城市。但假如你往街道下方看更仔細一點,可能會發現一個專為小動物設計的神奇世界。在過去這一年,一系列專為老鼠建造的微型商店紛紛冒出來。這些商店的規模大約六十三乘以三十公分,並使用地下室窗戶作為店面。到目前為止,系列收藏包括一間小型麵包店以及一間起司與餅乾店。找尋更優雅點心的老鼠可以走訪 Noix De Vie,它是一間提供來自世界各地小份量堅果的法式商店。擁有更加昂貴飲食習慣的囓齒目動物則可以在 Il Topolino(其為米老鼠的義大利文名字)用餐。這家高檔餐廳擺滿了起司,且在外頭放了一張浪漫的雙人餐桌。
  這些商店是一群神祕藝術家的傑作,他們自稱為 Anonymouse MMX。雖然這些藝術家較喜歡將他們的身分保密,他們已經設立了一個 Instagram 帳號,目前追蹤人數已超過五千人。這些小店真正令人驚奇的一點是人們打造它時的一絲不苟。玻璃瓶的瓶蓋被用來作為桌面,而錫罐蓋子通常充當盤子。某些居民也共襄盛舉,在商店外頭添加他們自己的微型海報。其中一位居民甚至為了麵包店烘烤微型麵包。
  在十二月,當起司與餅乾商店突然在某個星期日夜晚消失無蹤時,馬爾摩居民開始有一點擔憂。然而,次日早晨,它在經過翻新之後再度出現。想當然爾,這些商店只是裝飾用途且不是真的服務老鼠顧客 ── 前提是除非某隻聰明的囓齒目動物偷偷溜進裡頭並決定開店!
答案: 1. F  2. B  3. D  4. A  5.C

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