Bill Gates: The Computer Expert on a Mission to Help the Poor  比爾•蓋茲:不只是世界富豪

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2018/10/02 第370期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Bill Gates: The Computer Expert on a Mission to Help the Poor 比爾•蓋茲:不只是世界富豪
One of the richest people in the world has set his sights on making the world a better place.



   When people think about computers, the name Bill Gates often comes to mind. In the 1980s and 1990s, his company, Microsoft, helped to introduce millions of people to the power of personal computers. Now, this intelligent billionaire has a new goal—to fight disease and save the poor.
   Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1955. His father worked as a lawyer, and his mother was a teacher. Gates was a
curious child who became interested in computers at age 13. He thought it was cool that he could give the machine directions, and it would follow his orders.
   After high school, Gates went to Harvard University to study law. He couldn’t
get his mind off computers, though. After a year of college, he dropped out to start a software company with his friends. They called it Microsoft, and Gates became its first CEO. Microsoft soon went on to create Windows, a software system that now runs on billions of computers around the world. Microsoft’s success made Gates one of the richest men in the world, with a value of more than US$90 billion.













   人們在想到電腦時,腦中常會浮現比爾•蓋茲的名字。在八○至九○年代,他的公司「微軟」使數百萬人見識到個人電腦的威力。現在,這位天資聰穎的億萬富翁有了一個新的目標 —— 那就是抗病濟貧。
   蓋茲出生於 1955 年的華盛頓州西雅圖市。他的父親是律師、母親是老師。蓋茲是個好奇寶寶,十三歲開始對電腦產生興趣。他覺得對機器下指令後,機器就會執行命令是件很酷的事。
   高中畢業後,蓋茲上了哈佛大學讀法律。不過,他的心思仍被電腦盤據著。就讀大學一年後,他輟學跟朋友一起開了一家軟體公司。他們將公司命名為微軟,而蓋茲則成了公司的第一任執行長。微軟接著創造出 Windows,這套軟體也就是現在運行於全世界好幾十億部電腦中的作業系統。微軟的成功使蓋茲成為世上最富有的人之一,身價超過九百億美金。


intelligent a. 有智慧的,聰明的
billionaire n. 億萬富翁
software n.(電腦)軟體


1. on a (adj.) mission  執行(……的)任務
Rumor has it that Michael is on a secret mission in Syria.

2. set sb’s sights on N/V-ing  下定決心要得到某事物/做某事,有……抱負
Rick has set his sights on becoming a doctor and helping people.

3. come to mind  (突然)出現在腦海裡,想到
The idea for the song came to mind when Sally looked at a piece of art.

4. goal n. 目標,目的
Leslie reached her goal of graduating from college in two years.

5. curious a. 好奇的;好打聽的
Cathy is more than curious about the office gossip.

6. direction n. 命令,指示;指點,教導
Under the direction of the coach, the team won the competition.

7. drop out  退出,脫離,中斷
Because of his injured ankle, Peter was forced to drop out of the race.

8. value n. 價值
After starting to make money on her own, Cheryl came to realize the true value of money.


本文中的 get / keep / take sb’s mind off... 表「不再去想……」,與 get / put...out of sb’s mind 意思相似,後者有「不再去想……,有意忘記……」的意思,也可以說成 get / the back of sb’s mind。例:

Hanging out with friends always helps Penny take her mind off her troubles.

Jack just can’t seem to get Nina out of his mind.
= Jack just can’t seem to put Nina to the back of his mind.



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