The Story of the Matchmaking Oak Tree 寄信求姻緣?德國月下老「樹」

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2018/10/30 第387期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Story of the Matchmaking Oak Tree  寄信求姻緣?德國月下老「樹」
by William Ryan

A factually accurate, highly romantic story started a love-seeking tradition that has survived for more than a century.


  In a German forest near the city of Eutin lies an extraordinary old oak tree. Known as Bridegroom’s Oak, the 500-year-old, 82-foot-tall hardwood has a five-meter circumference and is a registered natural __1__. The story of this tree is an __2__ and wondrous one.
  Nearly 100 years ago, a young girl and the son of a chocolate maker wished to marry, but the girl’s father __3__ to allow it. The two then secretly began __4__ love letters, leaving them in a hole in the trunk of the tree. The girl’s father finally gave his __5__, and the couple married on June 2, 1891, under the tree that had given them hope and kept their love alive. As the story spread, people looking for love started writing letters and dropping them into the hole in the tree trunk. The practice really __6__. By 1927, the government __7__ the tree its own address so that people everywhere could write to Bridegroom’s Oak. Thousands of letters have been received, and at least five marriages, including two 25-year unions, __8__ thanks to the tree’s matchmaking abilities.
  In the digital age, sending a letter to an oak tree doesn’t sound like an __9__ way for love seekers to meet, though it is an undeniably charming one. While dating apps and online services match people using facts and __10__, many true romantics are content to mail their letters and trust the hand of fate! Bridegroom’s Oak still receives letters every day. However, the reported number of letters ranges from only a few to several hundred, depending on the source of the information.
(A) came about (B) monument (C) caught on (D) exchanging (E) figures
(F) unexpected (G) effective (H) refused (I) assigned (J) consent


1. Known as Bridegroom’s Oak, the 500-year-old, 82-foot-tall hardwood has a five-meter circumference and is a registered natural monument.

a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 及形容詞 registered(有登記的)和 natural(自然的),得知空格應置單數可數名詞以被 natural 修飾。
b. 選項中為單數可數名詞的僅有 (B) monument(遺跡),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. monument n. 遺跡;名勝古蹟
Parts of the Berlin Wall were preserved as historic monuments.

2. The story of this tree is an unexpected and wondrous one.

a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,空格後有對等連接詞 and 及形容詞 wondrous(不可思議的),得知空格應置母音開頭的形容詞以和 wondrous 形成對等。
b. 選項中符合上述的有 (F) unexpected(出人意料的)及 (G) effective(有效的),惟根據語意,(F) 項應為正選。
c. unexpected a. 意想不到的
My quest for the truth led to an unexpected answer.

3. Nearly 100 years ago, a young girl and the son of a chocolate maker wished to marry, but the girl’s father refused to allow it.

a. 空格前有主詞 the girl’s father(女孩的父親),空格後有不定詞片語 to allow(允許),且根據時態,得知空格應置可接不定詞片語的過去式動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的有 (H) refused(拒絕)及 (I) assigned(指派),惟根據語意,(H) 項應為正選。
c. refuse vt. 拒絕
: refuse to V  拒絕做……
David refused to give up playing baseball even though he was severely injured.

4. The two then secretly began exchanging love letters, leaving them in a hole in the trunk of the tree.

a. 空格前有過去式動詞 began(開始),空格後有名詞詞組 love letters(情書),得知空格應置不定詞片語或動名詞形的及物動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (D) exchanging(交換),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. exchange vt. & n. 交換
: exchange A for B  以 A 換取 B
in exchange for...  交換……
Peter exchanged his toy car for a toy gun with his elder brother.
Carol gave me a gold watch in exchange for my necklace.

5. The girl’s father finally gave his consent, and the couple married on June 2, 1891, under the tree that had given them hope and kept their love alive.
女孩的父親最終同意了,而這對情侶於 1891 年六月二日結婚,就在這棵曾給予他們希望、讓他們的愛情得以繼續存在的樹下。

a. 空格前有所有格 his,得知空格應置名詞。
b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (E) figures(數據;數字)及 (J) consent(同意),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
c. consent n. & vi. 同意
: consent to N/V-ing  同意……
consent to V  同意做……
Tina can’t go on the school field trip without her parents’ consent.
Judy consented to the surgery, even though it was optional.
*optional a. 可選擇的
The director consented to change the ending of the movie.

6. The practice really caught on.

a. 空格前有主詞 The practice(這樣的做法)及副詞 really(非常),且根據上下文的時態,得知空格應置過去式不及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的有 (A) came about(發生)及 (C) caught on(蔚為流行),惟根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
c. catch on  (某事)蔚為流行/受到歡迎
The famous designer predicts that this trend will catch on again next year.

7. By 1927, the government assigned the tree its own address so that people everywhere could write to Bridegroom’s Oak.
到了 1927 年,政府指定了一個地址給這棵樹,這樣各地的人們就可以寫信至新郎橡樹。

a. 空格前有主詞 the government(政府),空格後有受詞 the tree(這棵樹),且根據本句時態,得知空格應置過去式及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (I) assigned(分派),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. assign vt. 指派,分配
: assign sb sth  分配某人某事
My boss assigned me the difficult task of finding new suppliers in India.
*supplier n. 供應商

8. Thousands of letters have been received, and at least five marriages, including two 25-year unions, came about thanks to the tree’s matchmaking abilities.

a. 空格前有名詞詞組 at least five marriages(至少五段婚姻),空格後有片語 thanks to(由於……),得知空格應置複數不及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (A) came about(發生)置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. come about  發生
The increase in production has come about through the use of technology.

9. In the digital age, sending a letter to an oak tree doesn’t sound like an effective way for love seekers to meet, though it is an undeniably charming one.

a. 空格前有不定冠詞 an,空格後有名詞 way(方式),得知空格應置母音開頭的形容詞以修飾 way。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (G) effective(有效的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. effective a. 有效的,起作用的
Sending text messages is a fast and effective means of communication.

10. While dating apps and online services match people using facts and figures, many true romantics are content to mail their letters and trust the hand of fate!

a. 空格前有名詞 facts(事實)及對等連接詞 and,得知空格應置名詞以和 facts 形成對等。
b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩 (E) figures(數據;數字),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. figure n. 數據;數字
According to the figures, our company has gained a lot of profit this season.

1. oak n. 橡樹

2. factually adv. 真實地;確實地

3. extraordinary a. 非凡的
: remarkable a.
I was impressed with Lisa’s extraordinary talent in music.

4. wondrous a. 奇妙的,令人驚奇的;極棒的,絕妙的
The texture of that fur coat feels wondrous.
*texture n. 質地,觸感

5. trunk n. 樹幹

6. practice n. 通常的做法,慣例 & vt. 實行,奉行
: put... into practice  把……付諸實行
Dan is too lazy to put his plan into practice.
Everyone should practice their right to vote.

7. union n. 婚姻;結合;工會
We are working towards the union of the two countries.
The union decided to go on strike after management refused to give way to their demands.
*give way to...  對??讓步

8. digital a. 數位的,數碼的
If I may, I’d like to give you information about this digital camera.

9. undeniably adv. 不可否認地
Gina is undeniably the most elegant girl in our class.

10. charming a. 有魅力的
: charm vt. 吸引,迷住
be charmed with / by...  為??著迷
Though Julie is not beautiful, Sam still finds her very charming.
Kathy was charmed with Darren’s intelligent opinions and graceful manner.

matchmaking a. 作媒的
: matchmaker n. 媒人
hardwood n. 硬木(橡樹、柚木等)
circumference n. 圓周

1. be content to V  滿意/樂意……
: be willing to V
content a. 滿意的,滿足的
I’m content to sit back and watch TV all afternoon.

2. range from A to B  (範圍)從 A 到 B 都有
: range between A and B
Tom’s taste in music ranges from classical to heavy metal.



  將近一百年前,一名年輕女孩和一名巧克力製造商的兒子想要結婚,但女孩的父親拒絕。接著兩人便開始偷偷地交換情書,並將情書留在樹洞裡。女孩的父親最終同意了,而這對情侶於 1891 年六月二日結婚,就在這棵曾給予他們希望、讓他們的愛情得以繼續存在的樹下。隨著這段故事傳開,尋求愛情的人們開始寫信並將信件投進樹洞中。這樣的做法蔚為流行。到了 1927 年,政府指定了一個地址給這棵樹,這樣各地的人們就可以寫信至新郎橡樹。至今已經收到數以千計的信件,且至少促成了五次姻緣,包括兩段長達二十五年的婚姻,這都要歸功於這棵樹牽紅線的能力。
1. B 2. F 3. H 4. D 5. J 6. C 7. I 8. A 9. G 10. E




「在科技業加班是常態,工時長得令人筋疲力竭,回到家常常已是晚上 10 點,只能在睡前略讀一下,成效不彰。」以上是我的親身見證與故事,與您分享。

「時間在變,熱忱不變」30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠 ﹥雜誌訂半年就送「韓版休閒後背包」!訂一年則送「韓國LONGBO30週年慶雜誌訂閱優惠  英文不好、多益只有400分,可以出國旅遊嗎?
全台重劃熱區總盤點 「低單低總」最搶手

失敗無畏 搞砸萬歲!
全世界第一個Impact Hub(社會影響力製造所)在2005年於英國倫敦成立,台北的Impact Hub在2015年成立,創辦人陳昱築和共同創辦人張士庭認為「成功的定義可以不一樣」。本次邀請他們擔任客座總編輯,跟大家分享他們的搞砸理念。

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