El Camino de Santiago: An Ancient Pilgrimage You Shouldn’t Miss  聖雅各之路 不容錯過的古老朝聖之旅

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2018/10/30 第373期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

El Camino de Santiago: An Ancient Pilgrimage You Shouldn’t Miss 聖雅各之路 不容錯過的古老朝聖之旅
Take a trip across Europe on this trail that is filled with history.



  Many people go on long-distance journeys of deep religious meaning called pilgrimages to holy places around the world. In the past, it was often the only chance people had to leave their hometown. Nowadays, many people also take the trip as a way to do some soul-searching or to escape from daily life and experience nature. The Camino de Santiago, or the Way of Saint James, is one of the most famous long-distance pilgrimage trails in the world and has been walked by millions of people since the Middle Ages.
  The Camino de Santiago is actually made up of several different roads that all end at Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, an amazing church in Spain where Saint James is said to be buried. The best-known path is the Camino Frances, or the French Way, which starts from the town of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France. Being nearly 800 km long, the walk takes around 35 days or so, depending on a person’s health. While some may choose to bike or go on horseback instead of walking, this personal journey offers plenty of chances to take in beautiful views, explore ancient towns, and spend some time alone with your thoughts.








































  聖雅各之路其實是由幾條不同的路徑所組成,而且終點都是聖地牙哥-德孔波斯特拉主教座堂,那是一座位於西班牙、令人讚嘆連連的教堂,且據說是聖雅各埋葬之地。最廣為人知的路是 Camino Frances,又稱為法國之路,它的起點源自法國一個叫做聖讓皮耶德波爾的城鎮。它長約八百公里,這段步行路程費時大約三十五天,依據每個人的健康狀況而定。儘管有些人也許會選擇騎腳踏車或是騎馬而非走路,這段屬於個人的旅程提供你許多機會欣賞美景、探索古老城鎮、以及花些時間與自己的思緒共處。


1. soul n. 心靈;靈魂
Michael told me that the soul of a person without religion would go to hell.

2. escape from...  逃離……,遠離……
No matter how hard it tried, the bird couldn’t escape from the cage.

3. daily a. 日常的;每日的
Doris tries to make exercise a part of her daily routine.

4. millions of + N  數以百萬計的……
Beyonce’s last album sold millions of copies around the world.

5. path n. 小徑,小道
The mountain path was too steep for the old man to climb.

6. nearly adv. 將近;幾乎;差不多
The small woman is, in fact, nearly 40 years old.

7. personal a. 個人的,私人的
My boss is looking for a new assistant that can help take care of his personal letters and answer his phone calls.

8. take in...  觀看/欣賞……
Ben can just sit by the beach and take in the amazing beauty of the ocean all day.


pilgrimage n. 朝聖之旅
▼ trail n. 小徑;小道;足跡
▼ journey n. 旅行;行程
holy a. 神聖的;聖潔的;虔誠的
nowadays adv. 現今;時下
bury vt. 埋葬;埋藏;埋(沒)


本文中的片語 is said to be 有「據說、被人們口語謠傳」的意思,故句型便為 S + be said to be/V,表「據說……」。其他相似用法還有 It is said (that)...,同樣表「據說……」。例:

Mr. Gates is said to be the richest man in the world.

The Japanese are said to enjoy bathing in hot springs more than anyone else.

It is said that this drink helps people lose weight.





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