NASA’s Time Capsule for Aliens 放給外星人聽的音樂 NASA 航海家金唱片

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2018/10/02 第384期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

NASA’s Time Capsule for Aliens  放給外星人聽的音樂 NASA 航海家金唱片
by Brian Foden

For about US$100, you, too, can pick up a bit of cosmic history.


  You could call it a type of message in a bottle—one that is literally out of this world. More than 40 years ago, in 1977, a record made of copper and coated with gold was __1__ into space. It featured sounds from nature as well as __2__ noises, including a tractor and a bus, 90 minutes of music, and 115 electronic images. Known as the Voyager Golden Record, it was placed on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, both of __3__ are space probes designed to study the outer solar system and send photos back to Earth. The two copies of the recording are still out there in the cosmos, with Voyager 1 as the farthest man-made __4__ from Earth, situated almost 21 billion kilometers away from our planet. NASA’s website says the record is "intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials." The cover of the record also features symbolic __5__ on how to play the record and information on how to find Earth.
  The sounds and pictures were __6__ by a team of astrophysicists led by Carl Sagan of Cornell University. NASA never released it to the public, but the Voyager Golden Record is now available __7__ a Kickstarter campaign by Ozma Records, a California-based record label, which raised almost US$1.4 million to release the album here on Earth. Earthlings eager to pick up this re-released bit of cosmic history can do so by visiting the Ozma Records website ( and ordering the three-record box set for US$98. Even if aliens never get to hear it, at least you can space out to the sounds of Earth that were chosen to be sent into the farthest reaches of the solar system.
1. (A) measured  (B) accomplished  (C) launched  (D) infected
2. (A) mechanical  (B) financial  (C) superficial  (D) vertical
3. (A) who  (B) what  (C) that  (D) which
4. (A) fabric  (B) object  (C) custom  (D) arrow
5. (A) directions  (B) arguments  (C) occupations  (D) testimonies
6. (A) retained  (B) impressed  (C) selected  (D) amazed
7. (A) thanks to  (B) aside from  (C) instead of  (D) as to


1. More than 40 years ago, in 1977, a record made of copper and coated with gold was launched into space.
四十多年前,一張銅製鍍金唱片於 1977 年被發射到外太空。

a. (A) measure vt. 衡量;測量
Regular tests are used to measure the students’ progress.
(B) accomplish vt. 達成,完成
Tom accomplished a great amount of work when he was in the office alone.
(C) launch vt. 發射(火箭、飛彈等);發起(運動)
The troops launched missiles at the enemy’s camp, causing heavy casualties.
*casualty n. 傷亡人數(常用複數)
(D) infect vt. 感染
: be infected with...  受到……的感染
Sam was infected with the flu after just a week back at school.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。

2. It featured sounds from nature as well as mechanical noises, including a tractor and a bus, 90 minutes of music, and 115 electronic images.

a. (A) mechanical a. 機械的
Our flight was canceled due to mechanical problems.
(B) financial a. 財務的;金融的
You shouldn’t depend on your parents for financial support after you graduate from college.
(C) superficial a. 膚淺的
Amanda is so superficial that she only associates with rich people.
(D) vertical a. 垂直的
It’s really hard for me to draw a straight vertical line without a ruler.
b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。

3. Known as the Voyager Golden Record, it was placed on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, both of which are space probes designed to...

a. 本題空格應置關係代名詞 which 代替前述的 Voyager 1 and Voyager 2(航海家一號與航海家二號),形成 "主要子句, 數量詞 + of + 關係代名詞(which / whom)引導的形容詞子句" 的用法。寫作時常會誤用成受格 them,造成兩個完整子句無連接詞連接的錯誤句構。
I have many rare records, some of which are from my grandfather.
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

4. The two copies of the recording are still out there in the cosmos, with Voyager 1 as the farthest man-made object from Earth...

a. (A) fabric n. 布料
We will display our new range of fabrics at the exhibition.
(B) object n. 物體
Do you see the flying object in the sky?
(C) custom n. 風俗,習俗
The traditions for this holiday are rooted in customs from Asia.
(D) arrow n. 箭
Doug finally hit the bull’s-eye with his arrow.
*hit the bull’s-eye  射中靶心
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。

5. The cover of the record also features symbolic directions on how to play the record and information on how to find Earth.

a. (A) direction n. 指示;方向
Sandy approached a stranger to ask him for directions.
(B) argument n. 論點;爭吵
Al’s persuasive argument made me doubt my decision.
*persuasive a. 有說服力的
(C) occupation n. 職業
Marty’s ideal occupation is to edit magazines in a top publishing house.
(D) testimony n. 證詞;證明
We hope that the witness’s testimony will help shed light on the murder.
*shed light on...  使……清楚
b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。

6. The sounds and pictures were selected by a team of astrophysicists led by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.

a. (A) retain vt. 保留;保有
Tony retained his championship title by defeating his opponent.
(B) impress vt. 使留下印象
: impress sb with sth  以某事使某人印象深刻
The new mayor impressed the citizens with his efficiency.
(C) select vt. 挑選,選擇
Our teacher selected students at random to give their speeches.
*at random  任意地,隨機地
(D) amaze vt. 使驚奇
: be amazed at / by...  對……感到驚訝
= be surprised at / by...  
We were all amazed at Richard’s ability to handle the problem.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。

7. NASA never released it to the public, but the Voyager Golden Record is now available thanks to a Kickstarter campaign by Ozma Records...
NASA 從未向大眾公開這張唱片,但多虧奧茲馬唱片公司(……)所發起的 Kickstarter 活動,航海家金唱片如今已可供欣賞。

a. (A) thanks to...  多虧/由於??
Thanks to Katie’s help, we were able to finish the work on time.
(B) aside from...  除了……以外
: apart from...
Aside from novels and short stories, I’m also fond of reading comics.
(C) instead of...  而非……
Instead of taking elevators, Paul likes to use the stairs.
(D) as to...  有關……
: as of...  自……起
The firefighters are not sure as to what caused the fire.
As of September 1, employees will get a 5% discount on all our goods.
b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。

1. a time capsule  時光膠囊
capsule n. 膠囊

2. literally adv. 照字面地;簡直
When it comes to translation, you shouldn’t translate articles literally.
The auditorium was literally packed with people.
*be packed with...  擠滿??

3. copper n. 銅

4. feature vt. 主打;以……為特色 & n. 特色,特徵
Marvel’s superhero movie Black Panther featured a nearly all-black cast.
*panther n. 豹
One of the features of this car is that it’s powered by the sun.

5. electronic a. 電子的
Make sure to unplug big electronic equipment if you are leaving home for a long time.
*unplug vt. 將……插頭拔掉

6. solar a. 太陽的
: lunar a. 月亮的

7. situate vt. 位於,使坐落(常用被動語態)
: be situated in / at / on...  位於……
= be located in / at / on...
Hawaii is situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

8. communicate vt. 傳達,傳遞 & vi. 溝通
: communicate with...  與……溝通
Joe always communicates his ideas clearly.
Colin finds it hard to communicate with his parents.

9. symbolic a. 符號的;象徵(性)的
: be symbolic of...  象徵……
Red is symbolic of passion; white is symbolic of peace.

10. release vt. & n. 公布;發行
That company’s profits have grown dramatically since they released their first products.
After the release of his latest CD, Ed’s popularity shot up.
艾德的人氣在最新 CD 發行後直線上升。
*shoot up  迅速竄升

11. campaign n.(為達某種目標的)活動
William participated in a campaign whose aim was to legalize certain drugs.
*legalize vt. 使合法

12. a record label  唱片公司
label n. 公司;公司名稱;公司商標

cosmic a. 宇宙的
: cosmos n. 宇宙
coat vt. 使包裹,使覆蓋
tractor n. 牽引機
voyager n. 航海家
: voyage n. 航行
a space probe  太空探測器
 probe n. 探測器
extraterrestrial n. 外星生物
astrophysicist n. 天文物理學家
earthling n. 地球人(多用於科幻小說中)

1. pick up...  (不經意地)學到……
Laura picked up a little Spanish during her trip to Mexico.

2. be out of this world  好得不得了
The sunset last night was out of this world.

3. be intended to V  旨在/目的在於……
intend vt. 意圖,打算
This medicine is intended to make me sleepy, but I’m still wide awake.

4. be eager to V  渴望(做)……
Bella was eager to find out what she was getting for her birthday.

5. space out  (腦袋)放空
比較 space out...  將……隔開
Jack completely spaced out during the lecture.
Try to space out your classes and study in between.

放給外星人聽的音樂 NASA 航海家金唱片


  你可以將它稱作一種瓶中信 ── 真的是只應天上有的那種。四十多年前,一張銅製鍍金唱片於 1977 年被發射到外太空。它主打自然界的聲音與機械噪音,包括一臺牽引機和一輛巴士、九十分鐘長的音樂以及一百一十五張電子圖像。它名叫航海家金唱片,被放在航海家一號與航海家二號上面,這兩艘都是設計來研究外太陽系並將照片傳回地球的太空探測器。這兩份錄音拷貝檔案仍然在宇宙中,航海家一號成為離地球最遠的人造物體,距離我們的星球將近兩百一十億公里。NASA 網站表明這張唱片「旨在向外星人傳達我們世界的故事」。這張唱片的封面也有介紹如何播放唱片的符號指示以及如何找到地球的資訊。
  這些聲音與圖片是由康乃爾大學的卡爾.薩根領導的天體物理學家團隊所挑選。NASA 從未向大眾公開這張唱片,但多虧奧茲馬唱片公司(一間總部位於加州的唱片公司,其募集將近一百四十萬美元在地球上發行這張專輯)所發起的 Kickstarter 活動,航海家金唱片如今已可供欣賞。渴望認識這段重新公開的宇宙歷史的地球人可以造訪奧茲馬唱片公司網站(並訂購售價九十八美元的三張唱片組合。就算外星人從沒機會聽到它們,至少你可以一邊聆聽被挑選送往太陽系最遠端的地球聲音,一邊放空自己。
答案: 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A


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