A Hope More Powerful than the Sea 《地中海的眼淚》

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2020/01/21 第434期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Hope More Powerful than the Sea 《地中海的眼淚》
This moving tale takes a closer look into the lives of refugees.


  A Hope More Powerful than the Sea is a true story about a refugee’s struggle to start a new life. At the start of the book, Doaa Al Zamel is just a normal teenager living in Syria. Then, the Syrian civil war starts. She joins a peaceful protest against her government and gets shot by a soldier. To stay safe, Doaa and her family move to Egypt. Doaa is forced to quit school and work in a factory to help support her family. Soon after, she meets another refugee and they get married.
  Life in Egypt is dangerous, though, so Doaa and her husband try to move to Europe. On the way there, their boat is attacked by pirates and starts to sink. The passengers all jump into the sea and start drowning one by one. Doaa rescues a baby and grabs anything she can find to float. She’s forced to watch as her husband dies in front of her eyes. Although she’s cold and tired, Doaa continues trying to keep herself and the baby alive. After four days, a Japanese boat finally arrives and rescues Doaa and the baby.


1. struggle n. 掙扎;奮鬥
This movie is about a man’s struggle to become a successful businessman.
2. civil war n. 內戰
civil a. 公民的,國民的
That incident led to a civil war that lasted 20 years.
Black Americans struggled long and hard for their civil rights.
3. peaceful a. 和平的;平靜的
We hope there will be a peaceful settlement to the Middle East conflict.
4. be forced to V  被迫做……
Jerry doesn’t like to be forced to do anything against his will.
5. drown vi. 淹死,溺斃
It was brave of you to save the little boy from drowning.
6. rescue vt. 拯救,解救
When Luke was stuck in the elevator, he told himself to stay calm and wait to be rescued.
7. grab vt. 攫取,抓住
The little boy grabbed his mother by the arm and wouldn’t let go.
8. keep...alive  維持……的生命
Ryan’s good luck kept him alive through the war.

refugee n. 難民
protest n. 抗議(活動)
pirate n. 海盜

Soon after, she meets another refugee and they get married.
本句中的 soon after 為副詞片語,表「不久後」,可置於句首,其後加逗點,再接主要子句,亦可置於句尾使用。類似用法還有 shortly after。
The sky became cloudy. Soon after, it started to rain.
Lynn won the lottery and quit her job shortly after.
soon after 和 shortly after 後面也可以接句子,形成副詞子句,表「在……之後沒多久、在……不久後」。
The singer became popular soon after his first album was released.

one by one
1. one by one 為副詞片語,表「一個接一個地、逐個地」。
The students walked into the classroom one by one.
2. 介詞 by 可用於表「(連續或反覆)逐個、逐一」,前後可接相同的名詞以形成副詞片語。除了 one by one,以下舉幾個其他常見的搭配用法:
day by day 一天天地;日漸地
year by year 逐年地
little by little 一點一點地;逐漸地
step by step 一步一步地;逐步地
word by word 一個字一個字地;逐字地
Let´s handle the problem step by step.



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