Yingge: Taiwan’s Ceramics Capital 鶯歌 ── 臺灣的陶瓷之都

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2020/01/28 第435期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Yingge: Taiwan’s Ceramics Capital 鶯歌 ── 臺灣的陶瓷之都
With so much to see and do, visitors to Yingge won’t be disappointed.


  In the southern part of New Taipei City, just outside Taoyuan, lies the district of Yingge. This small area is the pottery and ceramics capital of Taiwan. With a long history of producing pottery and ceramic arts, Yingge is a great place for visitors to take a day trip from Taipei.
  To better understand the region’s history, a trip to the Yingge Ceramics Museum is a good place to start. In this beautiful two-story building, visitors can learn about the famous Wu An, the first potter to settle in the area nearly 200 years ago. Hundreds of pieces of ceramics are on display there. There is also a DIY area where visitors can make their own pottery.
  After visiting the museum, Yingge “Old Street” is certainly worth checking out. The street has over 100 stores selling a variety of ceramics and also hosts street performances on weekends. Visitors that still have energy can hike to Yingge Rock, the large stone that Yingge gets its name from. From there, one can enjoy the view from above while watching the sun set on this interesting, historical town.


1. disappointed a. 失望的,沮喪的
Jeff felt very disappointed about not being able to spend Christmas with his family.
2. pottery n. 陶器(集合名詞,不可數);製陶
This store sells pottery and other handmade goods.
3. produce vt. 生產;製造
Our target for this month is to produce at least 4,000 cars.
4. region n. 地區,區域
It rains a lot in the northeast region of Taiwan.
5. settle vi. 安頓;定居
The couple settled in Rome after they got married.
6. performance n. 表演;表現
The holiday festival event includes a live music performance followed by a parade.
7. hike vi. 健行,徒步旅行
We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while we were hiking in the national park.
8. historical a. 歷史上的,有關歷史的
We learned a lot by visiting all the historical sites in the city.

ceramics n. 陶瓷器(恆用複數)
potter n. 製陶工人

In the southern part of New Taipei City, just outside Taoyuan, lies the district of Yingge.
本句是將地方副詞片語 in the southern part of New Taipei City, just outside Taoyuan 移至句首的倒裝句,原句可還原為:
The district of Yingge lies in the southern part of New Taipei City, just outside Taoyuan.
1. 地方副詞(there、here)或介詞形成的地方副詞片語(in the room、at the station、by the window 等)置於句首時,可形成倒裝句,形成方法如下:
主詞 + 不及物動詞 + 地方副詞(片語)
→ 地方副詞(片語)+ 不及物動詞 + 主詞
Some little sparrows flew by the window.
→ By the window flew some little sparrows.
Scott and Peter stayed up all night and as morning arrived, Scott said, “Here comes the sun.”
2. 若主詞為代名詞(如 it、she、they 等)時,則主詞與動詞不倒裝。
Mark will be here any minute. Oh, here comes he. (╳)
→ Mark will be here any minute. Oh, here he comes. (○)


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