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2020/01/10 第495期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 常用方向、動向介係詞
【英語學習Plus】 用餐後結帳
【本月發燒書】 小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【Grade 3經典文學讀本】二版
【好康情報局】 衝吧小旅行!寒假旅遊英日語書展|單書79折,滿千再加贈《唱吧英文歌謠》全彩筆記本!


1. 向上、向下
→ up(向……上)
→ down(向……下)

Before sunset, we went down the mountain.

2. 去、來
→ to(往,去)
→ from(從……來)

How long does it take to walk from your home to school?

3. 登上、放上;取下、離開
→ on(上公車、火車、飛機等;放……上面)
→ off(離開……)

Today she took the postcards off the bulletin board.

4. 進入、出來
→ into(到……裡)
→ out of(自……離開)

Sue is going into the hospital. She hurt her arm while jumping off a high wall.

5. 從上越過、從下經過
→ over(越過……)
→ under(在……下面)

The jet airplane was flying over Miami.

6. 穿過、繞過
→ through(穿過、通過)
→ around/round(繞過;在……四處;在……附近)

We didn't drive around Tampa; we drove through it.

7. 經過
→ past(經過)

Lily ran past me and didn't even say "Hi" to me.

────── 節錄寂天講堂 「購物: 可以給我一些建議嗎?」


Delia Tsai: Would you give me my bill, please?
Restaurant Waiter: Of course, madam. I have it right here.
Delia Tsai: Let me see. Excuse me, but what is this for?
Restaurant Waiter: That's the roast beef with baked potato.
Delia Tsai: We didn't order that. All we had was one roast chicken dinner, and a T-bone steak with fries, and some onion rings.
Restaurant Waiter: Oh, there must be some mistake. Sorry about that. I will deduct the roast beef from the total and be right back with you.
A few minutes later.
Restaurant Waiter: Madam, here is your bill.
Is the service charge included in the bill?
Restaurant Waiter: Yes, it includes a 10% service charge.
Delia Tsai: I see. Do you accept credit cards or traveler's checks?
Restaurant Waiter: We accept credit cards and personal checks, but not traveler's checks, I am afraid.
Delia Tsai: OK. Here's my VISA card.
Restaurant Waiter: Do you need a receipt?
Delia Tsai: Yes, please.
Restaurant Waiter: No problem. I will be right back.
Delia Tsai: By the way, we can't fi nish our French fries, roast chicken and onion rings. Can I take the leftovers1 home with me?
Restaurant Waiter: Sure. I'll box those up for you in just a moment.

Delia Tsai: 可以請給我帳單嗎?
Restaurant Waiter:好的,女士,帳單給您。
Delia Tsai: 我看看。不好意思,但這是什麼費用?
Restaurant Waiter:那項是烤牛肉佐洋芋。
Delia Tsai: 我們沒有點這道菜。我們點的是一份烤雞大餐、一份丁骨牛排附薯條,還有一些洋蔥圈。
Restaurant Waiter:噢,一定是哪裡出了差錯。抱歉發生此事。我會將烤牛肉這項從總金額扣除,並立刻回來。
Restaurant Waiter::女士,您的帳單。
Delia Tsai: 請問有包含服務費嗎?
Restaurant Waiter:是,含一成的服務費。
Delia Tsai: 是這樣啊。可以刷卡或是用旅行支票嗎?
Restaurant Waiter:我們接受刷卡和個人支票,但不接受旅行支票。
Delia Tsai: 好吧。這是我的威士卡。
Restaurant Waiter:請問要開收據嗎?
Delia Tsai: 是的,麻煩你。
Restaurant Waiter:好的,我馬上回來。
Delia Tsai: 還有,我們吃不完薯條、烤雞和洋蔥圈。可以幫我們打包嗎?
Restaurant Waiter:沒問題,我會立刻為你們打包。

──────選自《觀光英語Let's Go!【三版】(25K軟精裝+MP3)》
小氣財神 A Christmas Carol【Grade 3經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)


聖誕故事:聖誕禮物/樅樹 The Christmas Stories: The Gift of the Magi, The Fir Tree【Grade 1經典文學讀本】二版(25K+1MP3)


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