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2020/10/02 第533期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 到底是一個字還是兩個字
【英語學習Plus】 寄電子郵件
【本月發燒書】 一次學會KK音標:融合字母拼讀雙效學習【二版】
【好康情報局】 ★雙語故事輕鬆讀★分級讀本,看見精彩世界───買3本送2020年紀念筆記本



• all ways (形+名) 各方面
In all ways, life is a splendid adventure.

• always (副) 總是
My best friend is always kind to me.


•  anyone (代) 任何人
Is anyone here dissatisfied?

• any one (形+名) 任何一個
Pick any one number and bet on it.


• anyway (副) 不管怎樣
Anyway, we wouldn't have had fun if we had gone.

• any way (形+名) 任何方式
I will help in any way possible.


• everyday  (形) 每天的;日常的
We all have certain everyday tasks to perform.

• every day (形+名) 每天
We perform these tasks every day.


• everyone (代) 每個人
Everyone we loved was present.

• every one (形+代) 每一個
Every one of the watches is fine.


• nobody (代) 沒有人
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

• no body (形+名) 沒有屍體
Despite the solid clues, no body was ever found.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「到底是一個字還是兩個字」

寄電子郵件 Using Email

Jacob wants Katharine to help him send some materials to other people in the company.

Jacob: Katharine, I need to send the proposed book design to headquarters. Can you make ten color copies of the front and back cover designs and overnight them to Stan at headquarters?

Katharine: Sure. I assume it's urgent?

Jacob: Yes, the designer fell behind and just gave it to me today. Now, if I want the thing to be approved, I need to get it to HQ so they can review it and send it back to me with enough time to have it printed before the due date.

Katharine: I'll be happy to overnight the copies, but why don't I also scan it and email them the scans?

Jacob: Why didn't I think of that? Great idea. I'll send you all the email addresses you'll need. Thanks a lot.

Jacob 要Katharine 替他寄資料給公司的其他人。

Jacob:Katharine,我要把書籍設計的提案寄到總公司。可不可以請妳把封面與封 底各影印十份,再寄隔日件給總公司的Stan?

Katharine: 好,我想這很緊急吧?

Jacob:對。設計師進度落後了,到今天才給我設計。如果提案要通過,就要先寄到 總公司讓他們看過再寄回給我,才有時間在截止日前送印。

Katharine: 我很樂意隔日寄送提案,但我們何不也掃描提案,直接寄掃描檔給他們就好?

Jacob: 好點子,我怎麼沒想到?我會把所有需要的郵件地址寄給你,多謝你啦。



海蒂:阿爾卑斯山的小女孩 Heidi【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

看完故事就學會國小1000英單 (20K+ 1MP3+ WORKBOOK)

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