How a Medusa Sculpture From a Decade Ago Became #MeToo Art 神話翻轉 梅杜莎變MeToo女神

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2020/10/30 第320期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 How a Medusa Sculpture From a Decade Ago Became #MeToo Art 神話翻轉 梅杜莎變MeToo女神
On Facebook, Misinformation Is More Popular Now Than in 2016 美國人按讚假新聞 4年變3倍
How a Medusa Sculpture From a Decade Ago Became #MeToo Art 神話翻轉 梅杜莎變MeToo女神
文/Julia Jacobs

神話翻轉 梅杜莎變MeToo女神

When artist Luciano Garbati made his sculpture of Medusa holding Perseus' severed head — an inversion of the centuries-old myth — feminism was not what he had in mind.


He wasn't thinking of the #MeToo movement either: Garbati had created the work in 2008, nearly a decade before the movement went mainstream.


Garbati, an Argentine artist with Italian roots, was inspired by a 16th-century bronze: Benvenuto Cellini's "Perseus With the Head of Medusa." In that work, a nude Perseus holds up Medusa's head by her snaky mane. Garbati conceived of a sculpture that could reverse that story, imagining it from Medusa's perspective and revealing the woman behind the monster.


On October 13th, Garbati's sculpture — "Medusa With the Head of Perseus" — was reimagined as a symbol of triumph for victims of sexual assault, when it was unveiled in lower Manhattan, just across the street from the criminal courthouse on Centre Street.


A news release advertised the statue as an "icon of justice," noting that the towering, nearly 7-foot-tall Medusa stood across from the building where men accused of sexual assault during the #MeToo movement were prosecuted, including Harvey Weinstein, who had been convicted of two felony sex crimes there in February.


Standing in the center of Collect Pond Park, Medusa — her gaze low and intense — holds a sword in her left hand and Perseus' head in her right. The head was designed after the artist himself — a convenient model.


In his application to the city's Art in the Parks program, which reviews proposals for public art installations like this one, Garbati noted that Medusa had been raped by Poseidon in the Temple of Athena, according to the myth. As punishment, Athena turned her wrath on Medusa, transforming her hair into snakes. The application stated that the story had "communicated to women for millennia that if they are raped, it is their fault."


At the unveiling in the park, where the statue will stand until the end of April, Garbati talked about the thousands of women who had written to him about the sculpture. Many saw the image as cathartic, he said.


On Facebook, Misinformation Is More Popular Now Than in 2016 美國人按讚假新聞 4年變3倍
文/Davey Alba

美國人按讚假新聞 4年變3倍

During the 2016 presidential election, Russian operatives used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms to spread disinformation to divide the American electorate. Since then, the social media companies have spent billions of dollars and hired tens of thousands of people to help clean up their act.


But have the platforms really become more sophisticated at handling misinformation?Not necessarily.


People are engaging more on Facebook today with news outlets that routinely publish misinformation than they did before the 2016 election, according to new research from the German Marshall Fund Digital, the digital arm of the public policy think tank. The organization , which has a data partnership with the startup NewsGuard and social media analytics firm NewsWhip, published its findingspublished its findings earlier this month.


In total, Facebook likes, comments and shares of articles from news outlets that regularly publish falsehoods and misleading content roughly tripled from the third quarter of 2016 to the third quarter of 2020, the group found.


About two-thirds of those likes and comments were of articles published by 10 outlets, which the researchers categorized as "false content producers" or "manipulators." Those news outlets included Palmer Report and The Federalist, according to the research.


The group used ratings from NewsGuard, which ranks news sites based on how they uphold nine journalistic principles, to sort them into "false content producers," which repeatedly publish provably false content; and "manipulators," which regularly present unsubstantiated claims or that distort information to make an argument.


"We have these sites that masquerade as news outlets online. They're allowed to," said Karen Kornbluh, director of GMF Digital. "It's infecting our discourse, and it's affecting the long-term health of the democracy."


Kornbluh said Facebook users engaged more with articles from all news outlets this year because the coronavirus pandemic forced people to quarantine indoors. But the growth rate of likes, shares and comments of content from manipulators and false content producers exceeded the interactions that people had with what the researchers called "legitimate journalistic outlets," such as Reuters, Associated Press and Bloomberg.



資訊愈發達,難以查證或以假亂真的「假新聞」也隨之增加。最常見也最白話的用字是fake news,本文則用了兩個不同的字來探討社群媒體假新聞亂象。

本文標題所出現的misinformation,字首mis意為「no」,泛稱非故意或不確定意圖的假新聞;這類新聞經查證為假消息後,會以hoax稱之。第一段的disinformation,字首dis意為「wrong」,特指刻意捏造與傳播的不實訊息,帶有deliberately to deceive的意圖。



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