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2020/10/30 第537期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 複數s加在前面或後面?
【英語學習Plus】 在飲料店點飲料
【本月發燒書】 英文文法全書【二版】
【好康情報局】 ★西洋文學季★英語文學書展,經典系列,一次收藏↗

兩個婆婆的英文到底是 mother-in-laws 或 mothers-in-law ?複數s是加在前面或後面?


• fathers-in-law(公公、岳父)
• ladies-in-waiting(侍女、宮女)
• commanders-in-chief(統帥、總司令)
• sisters-in-law(嫂子、小姑、大姑)
• courts-martial(軍事法庭)
• mothers-in-law(婆婆)
• Does Princess Ming often read novels to her ladies-in-waiting?(敏公主常唸小說給她的侍女聽嗎?)
• President Lenore Gore and eight other commanders-in-chief want to avoid a war.(蕾諾兒•戈爾總統以及其他八個國家的總司令都想避免戰爭。)

────── 節錄寂天講堂「複數s加在前面或後面?」

在飲料店點飲料 Ordering a beverage at a drinks store

Tourist: So what different kinds of drinks do you have here?
Clerk: There's a menu up there that you can look at, but basically, there are teas, coffees, juices, and sodas.
Tourist: Wow, that's great! The coffee looks good, especially the hazelnut latte, but I think I should probably save that for another time. If I drink it now, I'll never sleep tonight.
Clerk: Why not have some tea? That shouldn't keep you awake.
Tourist: OK, I think I will. This one looks interesting, the passion fruit green tea.
Clerk: Good choice, that's my favorite drink, actually.
Tourist: Can I get some ice in that?
Clerk: Of course you can. Do you want a lot of ice or just a little?
Tourist: Just a little, I think.
Clerk: And how much sugar would you like?
Tourist: I don't understand.
Clerk: Well, you can have the full amount, half sugar, a little sugar, or no sugar.
Tourist: Um, half sugar, please.

遊客: 你們有哪些不同的飲料?
櫃臺: 上面有飲料單可以看,基本上有茶、咖啡、果汁和汽水。
遊客: 哇,太好了!咖啡看起來不錯,尤其是榛果拿鐵,不過我可能下次再喝,現在喝晚上會睡不著。
櫃臺: 那喝茶好嗎?喝茶應該不會睡不著。
遊客: 好,這種看起來好喝,百香果綠茶。
櫃臺: 選這個不錯喔,其實我也最愛喝這個。
遊客: 可以加些冰塊嗎?
櫃臺: 當然可以,您要加很多還是一點點?
遊客: 一點點就好。
櫃臺: 甜度呢?
遊客: 我不懂。
櫃臺: 您可以加全糖、半糖、少糖或無糖。
遊客: 嗯,請給我半糖。

英文文法全書【二版】 (20K彩色軟精裝)




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