「請大聲一點」千萬別用 Can you speak loudly?

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2020/11/02 第316期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

「請大聲一點」千萬別用 " Can you speak loudly? " 線上開會這3句英文最常錯

I’d like to call names.

話一出口,突然一片安靜,沒有人回應。原來“call names”不是點名,而是「罵人」。中文裡也有類似的情況,要罵某人,就直呼其名,這就是“call names”。


1. 點名≠call name

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Right now, there’s no vegan alternative that accurately mimics fish and chips – but some are hoping to change that. Seafood is difficult to veganise well. Some companies are betting on new technologies and customers to overcome the challenges.

Faux seafood isn’t entirely new, but products are limited and many of those that have been available so far have been underwhelming and undermarketed. These range from bland tofish and chips served in pubs to rubbery faux shrimp sold in Chinese grocers’ freezer sections, part of the long tradition of imitation meats in Chinese Buddhist cuisine.

One issue is the technical challenge of replicating flaky, fragile seafood. That means shelf-stable mock tuna has been easier to produce than fillets, and the great majority of plant-based seafood retail sales are of frozen products. The few companies in this space also tend to focus on perfecting a single faux seafood product rather than working on multiple products simultaneously.

Another thorny issue is nutrition. “People typically turn to conventional seafood for health benefits. And so being able to come really close to those benefits is extremely important on the plant-based seafood side,” says Jen Lamy, the sustainable seafood manager for the Good Food Institute (GFI).
另個麻煩的點就是「營養」,推廣肉類替代品的好食物協會(Good Food Institute)永續海鮮經理 Jen Lamy說:「大家會吃傳統海鮮攝取營養,所以素海鮮在營養上的優點就很重要。」

Overall, it’s taken consumers a while to begin clamouring for plant-based seafood. Nutrition aside, it’s also because animal welfare concerns about lobsters and farmed fish may not motivate vegetarians and vegans the way pigs and cows do. This is partly cultural and historical: fish aren’t considered meat under Catholicism, for instance, and so their consumption is acceptable on Fridays during Lent.

Some observers believe that the transition from conventional seafood to plant-based versions will happen more rapidly than the shift from dairy milk to dairy-free, because of the high demand for seafood and the dwindling wild supply (and as many large fish species can’t be easily farmed). And even if ethical eaters are less concerned about the welfare of marine animals, awareness of the human rights abuses in global fishing chains, and the potential depletion of certain marine species may be compelling.




參考資料:國家教育研究院雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網,Cambridge Dictionary, Urban Dictionary, Merriam-Webster


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年8月號

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