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2022/06/09 第672期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 Ernesto"Che"Guevara 埃內斯托·『切』·格瓦拉
【本月發燒書】 超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】(20K +寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★2023年日檢書展★

【口語會話 Follow me 】

Traveling by Train in England

A:Good morning. Could you tell me the times of trains to London, please?
B:Yes. There are trains at 7:59, 9:18, and 10:32.


────── 選自《彩圖實境生活英語 Just Say It(20K+MP3)》

Ernesto"Che"Guevara 埃內斯托·『切』·格瓦拉

Ernesto Guevara was born in Argentina in 1928. During his boyhood, he was a big reader, a lover of poetry, a skilled chess player, and an excellent athlete. In 1948, he entered the University of Buenos Aires to study medicine. After completing his studies, he traveled through South America, helping the sick in some of that continent's poorest nations. The trip exposed him to poverty and suffering on a daily basis, and he eventually vowed to do something about it.

His first stop as a revolutionary was Guatemala. He went there in 1953 because he wanted to assist in Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz's ambitious program of land reform. This is where Ernesto got his nickname "Che," which means "hey," because he used the casual term often in his speech. Che's time in Guatemala was cut short when President Arbenz was overthrown by the American government in 1954. Che briefly took up the fight, but was soon forced to flee to Mexico.

In 1956, Che joined a rebel group under the command of Fidel Castro. The group aimed to take down the government of Cuba and replace it with a communist government. At this point, Che gave up his profession as a physician and became a guerilla leader. In 1959, they managed to defeat the Cuban government and seize power.

After the communist victory in Cuba, Che was not content. He felt that there was still work to be done, and that he was a soldier, not a statesman. In 1965, Che Guevara left Cuba to promote communist revolution elsewhere. Two years later, he was captured in Bolivia and executed by the Bolivian army.

Over 40 years after his death, Che remains a complex figure. He wrote several books, poems, and gave many memorable speeches over the course of his lifetime. Some people regard him as a romantic hero with the guts to sacrifice everything to help poor people. Others say that he was a traitor who helped destructive communist dictatorships come to power. Whichever you believe to be true, we are reminded of Che's life constantly on T-shirts, hats, posters, tattoos, and even bumper stickers.


他成為革命人士的第一步跨向了瓜地馬拉。為了協助瓜地馬拉總統哈科沃.阿本斯完成其土地改革的雄心,埃內斯托於1953 年前往該國。由於埃內斯托常在演說時使用「切」(Che)這個感嘆詞,使他得到了「切」這個綽號,意思是「嗨」。切在瓜地馬拉待沒多久,阿本斯總統就在1954年被美國政府推翻。切旋即展開抗爭,不久仍被迫逃往墨西哥。





超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】(20K +寂天雲隨身聽APP)


關鍵英單 3:108課綱進階字彙【Levels 5–6】(加贈寂天雲Mebook單字學習APP)


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